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Evaluators Name:
Lifters Name:
1. Place the feet at or slightly wider than shoulder width.
2. Keep the head facing forward at eye level.
3. Pull the shoulders back and do not allow them to roll or round forward.
4. Keep the chest elevated, not hunched over. Maintain a "big chest."
5. Contract the abdominals and lower back and remain firm throughout the entire movement.
6. Maintain a slightly arched lower back--the normal lordotic (spine curvature) position.
7. Maintain the knees in a position directly over the feet without allowing them to bow in or out.
8. Move the hips backward and downward during the descent, as if sitting down.
9. Descend until the mid-thigh reaches parallel--or slightly below parallel--to the flavor.
10. Demonstrate control at this juncture with a slight pause. Avoid jerking and bouncing.
11. Drive upward, raising the hips and torso in unison. Avoid raising the hips before the torso.
12. Rise upward until the hips are beneath your torso.
13. Demonstrate control at this point, and then proceed with the next rep.

14. Maintain a normal breathing pattern during the entire set.

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