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1. When did Thanksgiving become a U.S. holiday?

-Abraham Lincoln made it a holiday 1863

2. What president suggested it become a national holiday?
-Abraham Lincoln
3. Is the Canadian Thanksgiving different?
-Yes, celebrated on the 2nd Monday in October, and it is not a national
4. When did Thanksgiving become a holiday in Canada?
5. What official suggested it become a holiday?
-Canadian Parliament
6. What does it celebrate?
-Gods bounty
7. What day is it held on?
-2nd Monday in October

Google Scavenger Hunt

1. 81547
2. 767.1232
3. 7872.81
4. 316800
5. 27875300
6. 60.49
7. 5.8%
8. American Sniper, at the Celebration Cinema in Lansing
9. An electric car
10. 53.73
11. 2,469,911
12. 7 feet, 1 inch
13. 23 degrees Fahrenheit


12:46 A.M.
6:46 P.M.
Enter the Clans, Sign of the Moon, and The Last Hope
5:00 P.M.

14 hours ago in Milpitas, CA. 2.5 magnitude and 8 km depth.

46.6 mi
20. 1 (800) 222-1222

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