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HORRIFIC HIND HORROR! BY Lola Lianne Madden Early Thursday afternoon, Mrs Hind, the office administrator, was terrified by ferocious aliens from an unknown location! Mrs Lianne Hind , age 42, burst into the deputy’s classroom screaming and crying, her face bright red. She said that there was a terrible mess on the playground that needed to be seen. Reporters questioned her about it; “I was just doing my regular office duties when I heard a kind of ‘squabble’ sound and a rocket blasting on the front playground. I nearly had a heart attack! So I ran into the classroom to inform the teacher just to be safe.” Mrs Hind had been given her teddy and cheered up by the teachers and teaching assistants by watching an enjoyable film, while the mystery of the forbidden animals ‘visit’ is still being looked into by Wiltshire detectives. Saat BY ALIDA GINSE In the early hours of yesterday morning, strange sitings of weird objects were found on the bottom playground of Wilton and Barford Primary School. Reports suggest that 27 year old Mr Chris Neave, also member of staff, gave information about the incident which took place in the staff car park. In addition to this, Chris was asked what proof he had seen or heard. He explained, ALIEN ATTACK “| happened to look out of the window afer | heard a big THUD in the staff car park; therefore, out of the corner of my eye, | saw a shrunken cow! | couldn't believe my eyes! As soon as | realised it wasn’t mine | stopped panicking. But the problem was that it had really damaged Mrs Jo Blakeman’s car. At that moment | deshed outside, grabbed the cow and asked sapphire to investigate what was going on.” Sapphire class continued their investigation while police are still searching for the unknown location of the creature. ALIENS ATTACK BY MARIA BARRETO. Early yesterday morning, in a school in Wiltshire, unexpected visitors attacked the old fashioned place. Mrs Leyanne Hind, aged 34, office manager, had just finished her phone call in her office when she heard an extremely loud WHOOSH sound and saw a light. Leyanne told the detectives that she blinked but it was no use. Afraid of what she had observed, she still made an effort to get on with her job. Once the ‘detectives’ unearthed the situation they told Mrs Hind that she didn’t have to worry. When The Daily Times asked the lady about this ‘outside of the world’ invasion she, without hesitation whispered “T, [had to tell someone more important than me. It was such a shock seeing these horrible, light green creatures with three toes landing in this ordinary school! Even though I just saw them for a second I was as amazed as the man on the painting of The Scream” Leyanne was finally calmed, yesterday evening, whilst the location of the creatures is unknown. Here are the detectives investigating. The Weekly Magical Mischief ALIEN INVASION IN INNOCENT SCHOOL! £2 7/2/15 By Joshua wood “Aliens are inva‘ there is proof! ALTEN ATACK BY KIERA LEE Mrs Challoner, aged 21, saw some strange three toed footprints on the school playground when she came into work this morning. It all started when s lind ran into pphire’s classroom and shouted that she needed firs Blakeman on the playground immediately. Mrs Bhalloner said that she felt frightened and socked that she saw something hWwhat.. she had not seen before . Tt was 11: 30 at Wilton and Barford Primary School fapphire class where doing there work suddenly Mr Chris leave came in the classroom in a shock sayin “a cow on your car but I do not now if is has A dent . Ee ————EEEEEes ‘Assy Me enn ALIEN INVASION SCARES SCHOOL BY LOUIS FLOYD ‘Mis Hing, a 2, burs into ‘the classroom with strange news saying. there was a problem. Late yesterday afternoon, a scoot in Wiltshire, was disturbed by am alien invasion. Then everybody ‘went to fine up. Mrs Hind was going clues. The class crazy in her office saw nothing to and so were the start with but then | | children, Then fl sapphire class saw |_| were told to walk something back to sapphire astonishing. class. Mrs Blakeman Couldn't believe | | Said “Sapphice class eyes! keep calm.” Police are carrying coutthe investigation onthe bovtom playground next week | by Ws tenon

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