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1. Write a c-program to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius.

2. Write a c-program to find the roots of a quadratic equation.
3. Write a c-program to implement the arithmetic operations using switch.
4. Write a c-program to find the sum of the digits of a given number.
5. Write a c-program to find reverse a given number.
6. Write a c-program to find n terms of a Fibonacci sequence.
7. Write a c-program to check whether a given number is Fibonacci or not.
8. Write a c-program to print the Pascal triangle.
9. Write a c-program to print prime number up to n.
10.Write a c-program to print pyramid of numbers.
11.Write a c-program to find biggest and smallest of a given array.
12.Write a c-program to find the transpose of a given matrix.
13.Write a c-program to find the addition of two matrixes.
14.Write a c-program to find the matrix multiplication.
15.Write a c-program to check whether a given number palindrome or not.
16.Write a c-program to find the alphabetical order of the string.
17.Write a c-program to find the factorial of a number using recursion.
18.Write a c-program to find g.c.d of two numbers.
19.Write a c-program to swap two numbers. a) By call by value b) By call by
20.Write a c-program to find the maximum & minimum using functions.
21.Write a c-program to find the sum of the geometric progression using
22.Write a c-program to find length of the string using pointers.
23.Write a c-program to print the details of a employee.
24.Write a c-program to change details by passing strings as an arguments
a) Call by value
b) Call by reference.
25. Write a c-program to copy contents of one file to another file.

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