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How to Write a Great Research Paper Summary

Wira Mahardika, Majid, Juju, Pratiwi, Aditya Ikhsan

Writing a research paper is a way of communicating your ideas to the reader. In
order to write a great research paper, we must not wait. We have to do the research
as early as possible. Many people usually find idea, do research and then write the
paper. But doing it this way is not an effective one. After finding idea, we should
write our paper first. This way, we are forced to do our research based on the
writing we have wrote. But that does not mean writing any topic not related to the
idea. We can write anything we want but we must stay in the loop of the topic. By
writing first, we will open up new questions to be researched. People will say
research is only about finding the answer or facts. But research is actually
communication. We can open up new communication link through the questions we
want to find out.
Identifying your idea is also important. Of course there is no point of writing a
research paper without identifying the idea first. In writing the research paper, we
have to make people interested in our idea. Make them convinced to read more. Its
obvious that paper is a very powerful media of communicating ideas. If possible, we
can write our research paper like a story with introductions, problem and ending.
Use examples, evidence, analysis, theorems and others to describe your idea. We
have to make sure reader understand what we are writing about in the introduction.
But remember not to be ambitious about our research paper because it can destroy
the credibility of the paper.
Talking about structure, make sure we write the introduction in 1 or 2 pages
maximum. Usually, we put related work just below the introduction. This way, it will
confuse the reader because we directly jump to real facts without explaining our
analysis first. Instead, put related work just before conclusion. Thus, we can
compare our analysis with the related work. Do not forget to give credit to the
people who inspire our research paper as appreciation will make our research paper
be more respected.
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