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1) Crash Course: The Industrial Revolution- By John Green.

1. List four things that we have now as a result of the Industrial Revolution:
2. Before the Industrial Revolution, what percentage of people were farmers?
3. What percentage of people are farmers today in the USA?
4. Who created the most successful steam engine to clear water out of mines?
2) Follow the lecture and fill-in the gaps.
Before the Industrial Revolution:

There was no change in the way people lived or worked for _______________.

People worked in ___________, in their own homes and small workshops.

Goods were made by hand.

After the Industrial Revolution:

The invention of machines and _________ power enabled the quick and cheap
production of goods.

Factories opened and __________ mines increased production.

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Industries developed in the US, Australia and ____________.

Millions of people moved from rural to urban areas.

Cities became _____________ and polluted. Water supplies and sewerage
systems were poor and 0utbreaks of ____________ were common.

Impacts of the Industrial Revolution:

Unsustainable _____________ use and pollution had devastating impacts on the


From ___________ industries to ____________.

3) Fill-in the table below by referencing the PowerPoint Slide


Why and when?




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