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When the govt approves in increase in medical supply

b.selling price goes down
2.slope of the demand line
e.question is invalid
3.slope of demand line 2y-2x=0
4.where will the demand shift if 2y-2x=0 if there is decrease in income
5.shape of the ty+x2-14x-8=x2
6.apparent increase price of cornstarch it will use a 100kg bulk on the
drug acetaminophen what is slope ty+x2-14x-8=x2
7.assuming the retail price of one blister containing no expenses of
ascorbic acid blah puta
8.the ff is an example of chronic illness
e.heart dicease
9.demand for health ease hypertension
10.demand for long term in users
c.increase probability getting ill
11.compound to upgrade expenses of 30 hospitals
c.decrease availabity services to the poor
13. old ppl(demand healthcare increase)
c.higher probability of getting ill
14.what will happen if st.lukes etc expand on poor communities
c.lower availability for poor communities
15.year 2000 hypertension helath care puta haba
16.assuming SRR 10 capsules 15 php ascorbate what will happen
C.we dont know the quantity demanded

17.non fav profit provide operates

a.the supple line will blah
18.not for profit provider operates
a.the supply line will shift to the left parallel to original line t-f provider dramatic increase of prod east line shift to the left

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