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Ultimaker 2 Source files

By: (Ultimaker)
License: Creative Commons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
Published on: Mar 28, 2014
Located at:
Ultimaker 2 open source design files and documentation, including the Bill of Materials, the 3D files
and documentation for each part.

<div><b>Open source
March 28th, Ultimaker released the <b>Ultimaker 2 source files</b> to the world, as promised when
the 3D printer was introduced 6 months earlier. <br>From day one, we have been recognized for our
open source culture and we feel that open source brings the field of 3D printing to a <b>higher
level</b>. It is our firm belief that sharing knowledge does not mean losing knowledge. On the
contrary, we learn from each other, inspire each other and use each others knowledge to create
even better products and develop impressive innovations world-wide.<br><b><br></b><p>We
are excited to see what kind of <b>ideas, innovations, improvements </b>and<b> products</b>
this will lead to. We will continue to share our knowledge and experience and look forward to
achieving many remarkable 3D printing goals together. Or in the words of Martijn Elserman, cofounder of Ultimaker: Since its introduction, the Ultimaker 2 received a very positive response and its
demand has been beyond expectation. This strengthens our confidence in our <b>philosophy</b>
to innovate and improve together with the worldwide <b>community</b> of 3D printer
enthousiasts.</p><div>For more information about the Ultimaker 2, see:</div></div>

If you can, please use the online documentation found at because those may have been be
updated. Also, there you can interact and provide praise and/or feedback.

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