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12.62 i Crew: Control: Landing gear: Fuel systen: Radio equipment: Armanent : ‘Sighting mechanisn: Photographic equipment: RECONNATSSANCE AIRPLANE ‘428. ‘Two 109 O04-B, Jumo jet engines and two 109 004-C dumo jet engines One man (cockpit with full view) Tri-axial control Simple split flap Tricycle landing gear Jwo armor plated tanks. with a total capacity of 3700 2 (977-4 gal.). ‘Two extra-fuel jettison tanks may be attached to the bosb mechanism underneath the engine. Radio equipment 16 2 with homing device, blind landing radio apparatus 2 F, radio equipment 25a, Two MG 151 fixed machine guns pointing to the rear, each barrel firing 250 rounds. Front and rear view periscope Optional: 2 aerial cameras type ee 2 aerial cameras type 50/30 {2 serial caera type 75/20 ant 1 aerial camera type 20/30 {2 serial camera type 50/30 ant 1 aerial canera type 20/30 18 srry 98 WoT? worsooxoad TowratePy | 9 squey wostaof Areqnemetddne 2 {0€/oz wsewes Butddou Torzee GH T 2 06/0 vxeweo Suyddem TeTaew) MF T (o/oz wsoueo Suydder Tersee a T 9 06/52 wsemeo Puyddem Twys9¥) GT (06/0S sesereo Suyddem Tepz98) “GY Z (06/52 sexewso Putddum Tepsee) Guz edooots noqA qe92 poU 410 tug yureqoom Buy aT epreaqoeg Supoes pet ATpERTE wooq oavy T2210 sed apimor oSe qaTM T! osetd soury | 5 trevor | € ‘ecky sun ouyqoou oa} = T woyyoo;ord zomry * wort equey Tons er4xe wit WTt “Fer ‘Poe WOTASTTeRSUT “Faod FEOd ‘vsomeo Bupdéam Tepa0v +z oe RECQINAISSANCE AIRPLANE

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