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From Outsider to Ancestor: The Transformative Social Vision of Ruth

Seminar Description:
Set within a changing world filled with strife and division, the book of Ruth presents a radical, alternative vision of human
identity and belonging. A story of destitute immigrants seeking a better life becomes, through the skill of the biblical author,
a transcendent vision of human community and hospitality. This seminar will undertake a detailed study of Ruth that will
reveal this little books power to shape Christian thinking and practice in the midst of our own changing, divided world.

Guest Speaker:
L. Daniel Hawk (Ph.D., Emory University) is Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Ashland Theological Seminary in
Ashland, Ohio and an ordained minister in the United Methodist Church. He views the Bible as a divine gift that speaks
the truth about God and enables Christians to see what God is doing in the world. Much of his ministry is devoted to
exploring how the Bible constructs and contests identities (ethnic, gender, social class) and is reflected in his two most
recent books - Joshua in 3-D: A Commentary on Biblical Conquest and Manifest Destiny (Cascade) and Evangelical Postcolonial Conversations (InterVarsity) as well as a forthcoming commentary on Ruth (InterVarsity). Dr. Hawk has served
as a pastor in Parma, Ohio and on the boards of The Institute for Biblical Research and The Center and Library for the
Bible and Social Justice. He lives in Ashland, Ohio with his wife Linda, who together are the parents of two adult sons.

Workshop Date: February 28, 2015

Location: Indiana Wesleyan University
4100 Rockside Road
Independence, OH 44131
Time: Friday 7:00pm-10:00pm
Saturday 9:00am-3:00pm
Speakers: Dr. Daniel Hawk and Rev. Moses Avila
Seminar Cost: FREE

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