You are on page 1of 7 open season extended ou Open Season ee |=) BRA Poti Lynn Erickson was expecting a fabulous senior year. Her first three years of high schoo! hadnt been a walk in the park so she felt like she deserved at least one year of being happy and put together No such lack For one, her ex-boyfriend has succeeded at everything While Lynn can barely get. a Cin math, Carter has managed to gat Ms arwork 12 Galeries Sround the country, pass all OF hia classes wih fying colors and ang aut with Snyone he wants just because Its how he 1s (And then on top of that, her parents decide te have an open marriage. The kind of apen marriage that gives them both freedom to have sex with whoever they want without any problems. SS But everything topples over when Lynn finds Carter's twin brother int bed. With her mom. [my camp nano entry for 2014, written to the sweet sound of Room on Fire by the Strokes} land this shit is copyrighted ok try and take it and | will personally track you down. ne questions asked] Esa) ee = My frst keae was with a with a auy who hac @ airfriend, -Ta:Kang thre etree Fo eas cementite qn ncp to in Scomed masty okay. | moan. thonestly had no idea he had a gilfiand. k's hot coy atyee nut I niet inci ees Psat uy tae. k wasn't anything like In the movies. It was on a strangers couch and {nad a During the Kiss itwas a slobbering mess. Inonestly mean it Two drunk people OSS Granted, wasn" really expecting to feet anvihing, but it would've been nice I Provably would've made me lens scared 10 Kise my fulure boyiriend Kissing "Who was that?" She asked and | shrug. | lean back on the couch and let my peck band awkwardly to rest my head. The whole seane mace te tired Was stating down avery gil that oven walkiod by thar came down tor orange Kies, Dut thie conversation seamed skamly more (SS SETI ee Cbmously not sines you just said what is i aoine to do to the gifs” fold my, ‘Typically, | stay out of my parents shit | mean, 1s not hard since mein Eonwersations are usually taxes and bills) but tia ie interesting Anvthing Not now, Lynn.” Mor teiis me shorty (Eh yet r=) = = Mom and Dad look at each other and reply at the same time “Thanktuly, Dad's reply registered betore Mom's ad or | woul ve missed it He: Barely saicl it above a whisper and H sounded hie the second he said H he Fogratted it since his tace looked pained. Mom purses her tp =o Nan ‘We're having an open marriage” Dad neds, but everthing about hiz body foes > open ses: Being a mom, sony twenty yoor old sister rarely talks to her Rose goes to We: comes back to home. She and | just have an agreement that we't most UP, tommy Grow years aga, hasnt been the same. | don't want to Say anything about i But wa aumost lke Mom is embarrassed by Dad being in a wheelenair Wale why I don't do It often, but It seems very her. Mom Is basically conwinced she have everthing inher ife be “perect and approved by her biteny country cD "We weren't goina to bring it up yet.” Mom says to me, ner voice nota. “Butt WES Ss a somathing really forsign about 't. Sort of like polygamy — you know It happens, My parents Icok betwaen cach other and I just sit thers. “So no one '= aoina to {tale about this? You guys are Basically stopping your marriage and youre Not Weve already discussed it Mom save, detensively, foc anit sutra) in thes Sarre hese wre comforts BIN with people they're not married to. 70162 open season 1/paae/> (Ek Ss Ieee) ietanc Neieonc You can't just separate for a ittie?" lank, my voles rzing, ‘Onmygod." | grimace anc groan at the came time, cropping my head onto my knees “Thatis se gross Ohrvaod”™ sempadcom/so770102 open wattpa (doaic win nat stu oF somathing? Bo you really have to complately Stop And Go wolust wee “They won't be able to help us” cho Mom nays and shakes ner head “its not in an emotional way oF anything cWhet could you possibly mean? | ask, but | instantly regret it when | realize shat theyre tahaing aBoue shanty, looking sway form me, Wl could see my face, Him sure woul Be Nateulous | dont evan know what to say anymore. Imaan, sarlousty?" WE tS SEI) Sr San Tnevor cn Ws just not my sive. Opously, | ered wmen Iwas a ttle Kc) an 1 Shed whan my Boviliend and | broke up. bu that's it Most people cry ust a a | dont know why. 1's net like the news Is saci necessarily, I's just different And Unexpected It kind of makes you rotwne overyihing that happened wrihin the: hows Izjuct ao fustrating Tmey really had to pak the most compileatad way Out SF thelr ‘situation’ It's nat like having Sox with other people will owe anything — Iejust be cheating with the ovier person know, basically porpetuaily stuck at eighteen years old. fve never sean a wrinkle on her face and she doosnt roally work” she's a socrolary for some advertising adoncy And Dad's a really caring guy. He haz a tendency t0 be a litle stepped on just open season i/paae/3 Srravtpoay Grangterc, mistes sic Gnial natatauieg mecibarcnwimayenen my mom to stay with har Anyone with comman sense would've IoR by now. Just call Mi) Just So | don’t have to deal with her I's not that she 1s that bad, i's just Lenime and put out my phone, ready te call Mi The phone rings a few tenes “Hi 8s Latcohmit | can't answer the phone right now. sines lm probably busy: 0S century. He's not one of those “sassy gay Guys. 20 almost everyone. Io Surprised to haar that hes had more boyistends than Mand | eombimed (ot that wo date aten) Oceasionally hel fall us abou shoes oF something, Bet | hang up sha! fall back onte my bed, completely unsure of how to tke: anything

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