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TK 5042 Teknologi Pengolahan Minyak Lemak

Dosen: Dr. Tirto Prakoso

Ujian Akhir Semester, 12 Mei 2011
Ket: Tutup buku, waktu 120 menit
1. To produce high concentration of one or two types of fatty acid, the distillation is
needed and continued with fractionation process. Explain!
a. What is the function of fatty acid distillation
Pemisahan asam lemak berdasarkan titik didih, bila hanya perlu proses
deodorisasi bisa menggunakan distiliasi sederhana
b. What is the function of fatty acid fractionation
Pemisahan asam lemak berdasarkan tekanan uap (tekanan uap menandakan
penambahan 2 atom C)
c. How to do separation of fatty acids that have similar number of carbon chain
but different in carbon chain saturation (number of double bonds)
dengan panning dan pressing: kristalisasi asam lemak jenuh di dalam larutan
non jenuh, lalu cake di
dengan kristalisasi solvent
2. In the utility system of distillation and fractionation process system, there is a
term of Dowtherm, explain what it is and its function!
3. Explain why triglycerides as pure or crude vegetable oil are not recommended to
be fuel of high speed diesel engine?
4. Explain what is the function of hydrogenated castor oil, and how to produce it!
5. Explain what is the function of sebasic acid and secondary octyl alcohol, and how
to produce them!
6. Recommend the fatty alcohol that suitable for the uses of:
a. Cosmetics formulation, shampoo and/or bath soap
b. Foam depressant in aqueous drilling mud
c. Thickening agent in cosmetics formulation and pharmaceutical
d. Super-fatting agents
7. Explain in brief, four technical methods to produce fatty alcohols!
8. Explain with simple process flow diagram how to produce fatty acids that you
familiar with.
9. Explain what is metallic soap and how to produce/manufacture it.
10.Explain what and how to produce ozone. If oil has unsaturated carbon chain such
as oleic acid is ozonated in such way, what will be possible to produce?

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