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General rule: when you contract muscles then breath in. When you relax, breath out.

Neck practices:

The forehead pushes the hands for 5 seconds, breath-in when pushes, breath-out when stop pushing. Repeat 10 times

The back head pushes the hands for 5 seconds, breath-in when pushes, breath-out when stop pushing. . Repeat 10 times.

The right part of the head pushes the right hand for 5 seconds, breath-in when pushes, breath-out when stop pushing. Then the same with the left hand.
Repeat 10 times each side.

Turn the head right for 5 seconds as much as you can, breath-in when pushes, breath-out when stop pushing. Then the same with the left side.
Repeat 10 times each side. You can sit on the ball but its not essential, you can also stay or sit on the chair.

Sit on the chair, move your shoulders up as much as you can for 5 sec. Then grab the char and try to move your shoulders up as much as you can fro 5
sec. Breath-in when pull, breath-out when stop pulling. Repeat 10 times each.

Grab your right part of your head by left hand and pull the head to extend your neck for the 5 sec. Breath-in when pull, breath-out when stop pulling. The
other hand tries to touch the ground. Repeat 10 times, and change the side.

Spread your arms, the one hand is up side down, the other down side up. Try to draw out the arms as much as you can, the head should be
directed to the hand which is up side down. Breath-in when pull, breath-out when stop pulling. Count to 5, then relax. Repeat 10 times, then do it the
same with the second side.

Lie down with the small pillow under your head. Try to push the pillow by the head as strong as you can. Please keep your spin stuck to the floor,
especially in the loins part.

Lie down on the floor, your arms are straight and extended to the ceiling. Try to touch the ceiling by the right hand (draw it as high as you can, contracting
the muscle of your back, try to contract the back muscle not the arm ). Breath-in when pull, breath-out when stop pulling. Count to 5, repeat 10 times,
then change the arm.
Sit relaxed. The draw your shoulder blades back and in the same time draw you chin back (your neck should be straight, dont bend or lower the head,
the shoulder blades should be drawn back and the chin should be close to the neck)

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