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Hungary, Serbia & other things

This is the latest news from Dileep & May Ratnaike. How about grabbing a beverage, and let's take a few minutes to catch up.

Please do not post or reference this update on the web, FaceBook etc.
Visit for schedules, photos, other news etc.

Dear Partners and Friends,

Our summer seems to be going fast, too fast. We pray that you are well and finding
purpose and joy in all you do. Here's an update on the last month or so .

Hungary and Serbia Ministry

What an amazing time in Eastern Europe. Every year God puts together a wonderful
group of people from OM Arts (Bill Drake Band), OM Hungary and Chino Valley
Community Church in California. While the model of ministry is similar each year, at the
same time it is different. CVCC bring dancers that combine with the band and they also
bring a few people to share the Gospel with people off stage. There is not space here to
unpack everything. Please see our blog (click here) for some specific stories and photos
at For different perspective have a look at CVCC's daily updates at
Here are some highlights:
Several thousand people challenged with the Gospel and reconciliation.
Many accepted Christ or a deeper relationship with God
12 concerts in 14 days. 2 concerts in Serbia
Mix of church and non church audiences, including 2 correctional institutions and 1
special needs home.
Strengthening and encouraging local partner churches

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Hungary, Serbia & other things

New friends made

God glorified and His love and purpose demonstrated.

Incarnate 2016
After the tour Dileep hopped over to London from Budapest for a few days to investigate
venues for Incarnate 2016. He was also able to catch up with a former LogosII & OM USA
colleague and one of May's long time friends from South Africa. However about 24 hours
before leaving he threw his back out and could barely stand, let alone travel. Praise God
Attila (OM Hungary leader) got him to a great chiropractor that literally straighten him out.
The back is still a little niggly though.
The venue meetings went really well, but we still have a lot to process before finalising the
Incarnate 2016 venue. Pray for our leadership team on this one! See some photos of
London on our blog: After five nights in London it was back to
Budapest, have a really short sleep then fly home to Atlanta.

Dileep's ears
Thank you so much from praying for my ears while on tour. Armed with special earplugs
and supplements specifically formulated for tinnitus things went pretty well. In any
moderately noisy environment, such as in a vehicle, on a plan or train, in a loud city or
around the office or at church ear plugs are worn. This practice really has helped reduce
the hyperacusis. I have noticed that if I do not wear the plugs, I pay for it. The
supplements continue through to late October, when another check up will be done to
asses the recovery. Coming home the tinnitus seems more constant, but I'm unsure if it
really is or I am just more aware of it. I'm trusting God for recovery as there are several
music project I need to work on, but cannot at this time!

Home Front
May continues to work through the grieving process after the passing of her mother in
May. It is up and down and many of you know. As all her family is in South Africa it is
challenging for her to work through this with them from a distance.
As we have not been home much, there is a plethora of back logged projects needing to
be done at home: painting / fixing, spring cleaning, tree removal. Most of out property is
wooded which is great. However there are too many trees which are overcrowded. This
must be thinned out. Many trees we can remove ourselves and with the assistance of
friends, but professionals will be needed as well for this. Due to our somewhat intense

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Hungary, Serbia & other things

schedule and ministry, energy is often lacking.

Pray that we glorify God in all we do and that our home will be a place of rest and comfort
for all.

OM Arts
Ministry continues on an exciting curve. we are in discussions with OM Ships about
developing a high quality theatre presentation that will be used on board around the
world. It is early days of talks, but we excited that OM Ships seems to be interested in
getting serious about the implementation of quality art ministry on board.
Incarnate planning and work continues towards 2016. There is a lot to do, as our team is
small and we are probably already behind on a few things.
Several weeks ago a short term visual arts outreach and ministry took place in South
Africa as part of the Grahamstown arts festival. This is the first official OM Arts ministry in
South Africa. All involved were deeply impacted as God showed his faithfulness to their
obedience and faith in Him. Many lives were touched for the better. Over the next several
months up to November three more visual arts short term outreaches will take place in
Czech Republic, Kosovo and Guatemala. Give thanks to God for the groundbreaking
ministry in South Africa and pray for the effectiveness of upcoming international ministry..
Coming into the third quarter of the year our leadership team will reassemble after a busy
summer schedule. I've learned that ministry is messy, because people are involved. I
don't like messy, but I'm learning more and more to go in faith as God takes us into more
of what He wants to do. Please pray that as a leadership team we will have the wisdom
and discernment to know what to pursue with our teams very limited resources.
Thank you for your support and prayers. We always say this, because it is true:
you are valued and critical partners with us in this ministry. We can't do what God
calls us to do, with out you doing the same through financial support, prayer and
friendship. May you be richly blessed as you continue the life adventure with our
great and wonderful God.

Check out what else is going in OM at

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Hungary, Serbia & other things

Thank you for your continuing partnership, support, prayers and friendship.

Support OM Arts through Dileep & May Ratnaike

USA PO Box 444, Tyrone GA 30290-0444 (include memo "Ratnaike 2182344") Give online
AUSTRALIA PO Box 32, Box Hill VIC 3128 (include memo "Ratnaike 75004710")
SOUTH AFRICA Private Bag X02, Lynnwood Ridge Pretoria 0040 (include memo "Ratnaike
Contact us if your country is not listed.
Dileep & May Ratnaike
May -
Dileep -
+1-678-379 8897
c/o PO Box 444
Tyrone GA 30290-0444

Copyright 2014 Dileep & May Ratnaike, All rights reserved.

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