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Steps of how I will create my Sumo

BY Ahmad EL zarka

Step 1: look to some of the examples of built robots

in the catalog for ideas
Step2: build the basic parts (motors and attach
Step3: start building a unique design that I like and
think will look good
Step4: Most important is that I must find a way to
attach the brick on my robot.
Step5: add in the color sensor, has to be low to the
ground and best in the front of the robot.
Step 6: add in the ultrasonic sensor, I have to put it
on the back incase someone attacks from the back!
Step7: Build ramp that can move up and down for
protection and for attacking.
Step8: start programing on my computer
Step9: connect motors and sensors to the brick using
the wires
Step 10: connect robot to computer
Step11: Install program to the brick

Step12: Your Ready to sumo!!!

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