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KARYA fF One of my high school memories We can have many crushes like celebrities who always appear on the televisi screen but we only love a few. What are the differences? A crush is a short and n long-lasting love whereas love is a feeling of care for someone for a long peri Although | did not really know what love was when | was young, but | guess now Ic understand it better. There he is, the boy who had got me crazy for years. It all happened during t month of June, year 2011. It was my first year of high school. The soft wind was blowi and | was standing, waiting for my father to fetch me with his car. It was like any oth plain, boring day. All of a sudden, a boy walked just right in front of me. During ti moment, the whole place felt like frozen except for me and the boy. My heart Pounding and my eyes were darting on him. | watched him walking towards a car a went into it. | could feel butterflies flying in my stomach. After the car had gone, all t! magical feeling disappeared like air and | was confused. Confused as to why | had th: kind of feeling. | was a rude and rebellious girl. You might be surprised to know how was m: character was when | was in my first year of high school. | had very few friends since primary school friends had already transferred to other high schools. Besides, | loved © argue with my classmates whom I disliked. When | reminisced those bad memories, | ashamed of myself and regretful. If | could, | would want two choices: One, turn back i time and change the past. Two, ‘burn’ the memories so that they had never existed Now, | believe | am much more a caring and nice person. During the second year of high school, | was moved into the same class as him. | still had not changed my character yet. | spoke to people in my classroom as if they owe me. money. But, there was this one day that changed my life. Everyone in our class had to. complete a task. All my girl classmates went out before | finished mine because they were rushing to the canteen. | did not have to worry because | brought sandwich to school. | would not have to queue up to buy food at the canteen. | was stuck in th middle of my task. | called out for the teacher but he was busy helping other studen’ and he didn't hear me. As | thought | wanted to give up, the boy walked towards me an offered me help. | explained to him what was happening and he tried his best to hell As he was helping, | took a glance at him. By the time, | felt my heart race again, | fel like falling to the ground as if | had lost my grip on Mt. Everest. When he called name, all that magical feeling disappeared, again! Just like what had happened in first year! | regained my focus and listened to his explanation as we were looking at ea other. | felt my cheeks were turning red and | did not even know why! That night, when | lied on my bed and faced the ceiling, the scene when he offered me the help replayed automatically like a spoiled CD player. | remembere his sweet smile that could melt my heart. | was crazy at that time and when I regaine my focus on what | was doing, | kept on asking myself what had happened to me. Since 190 ARYA @ifE at day, weird things happened day-by-day. One of the weirdest was the 6a.m. alarm .ck which used to be my enemy now became a friend of mine. Besides that, | smiled ke an idiot every time he walked past me in the hallway. When | realized it, | was so eshamed and I didn't know why | smiled at him because usually | don't smile. Love songs ‘at my father plays on the radio like 'Even the nights are better’ by Air Supply became y favourite. | couldn't hold my curiosity anymore and asked my best friend for help. | old her all the magical feelings that came to me and she said maybe | was in love. At -, | couldn't accept the fact but as time passed by | got used to it. | expressed all my eelings to her and she suggested to me to confess my feeling, to him before it was too ste. | refused and told her that girls shouldn't do the confession. Later on, she said to e that at least if | confessed, I'll get to know how he feels about me. Even if he doesn't el the same, | could move on and let him go. | replied to her that | bet he will never zel the same for me. Why? | have nothing compared to him. He is talented, smart and zood looking. He is the teacher's pet, too. Unlike me, I'm just an ordinary girl who gets d grades in class. Plus, who wants a nerd like me? To be true, | have tried to deny that ling but it has never gone away. But what | know is because of this feeling, | have a lot of friends now compared to the Jast time. | have changed my character, from a very snobbish person into a better one. Even when | go out for gatherings with my ex-classmates they say that | have really changed a lot and they like it! | was very surprised and | didn't know what to say either. J could only thank the God and feel grateful. So, isn't love wonderful? Although | do feel jealous when | see him talking and cracking jokes with some girls, | try to control myself. Jo be honest, jealousy sucks. It could make you feel unwell for the whole day. Anyway, asa student, | think we should not date now because some relationships could give you a heartbreak which some people might find it difficult to accept. Plus, now we are still studying and we should focus more on studies. To all the young girls out there, | just want to say that falling in love is normal because everyone will face it sooner or later but do not give in yourself easily. In addition, do not feel upset if the person you have a crush on doesn't return your feeling. It is not the end of the world! That is one of my high school memories that will always be on my mind. Cindy Lee Niaw Cie. 4S1

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