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Compare and contrast the 1935, the 1973, and the 1987


The 1935 constitution had only 6 provisions related to the economy listed under
Article XIII, Conservation and utilization of Natural Resources. The 1973 constitution
had18 provisions that controlled the economy: 15 under Article XIV, The National
Economy and the Patrimony of the Nation; 3 under Article XV, General Provisions.
The 1987 constitution has 25 provisions that control the economy: 22 under Article
XII, National Economy and Patrimony; 1 under Article XIV, Education, Science and
Technology, Arts, Culture and Sports Education; 2 under Article XVI, General
Both the 1935 and the 1987 constitution established a bicameral legislature
while the 1973 constitution established a unicameral legislature.
Both the 1935 and the 1987 constitution were ratified in a plebiscite while the
1973 constitution was not and it was said that there was no ruling that it has been
validly ratified.
The 1935 constitution was amended three times that establishing a bicameral
legislature; that allowing the reeligibility of the President and the Vice-President for
a second four-year term of office; that creating a separate Commission on Elections;
and that giving American citizens the equal right with the Filipinos in the
exploitation of our Natural Resources and the operation of public utilities(Parity
Amendment). The 1973 constitution was amended on four occasions that making
the then incumbent President, the regular President and regular Prime Minister; that
granting concurrent law-making powers to the President which the latter exercised
even after the lifting of martial law in 1981; that establishing a modified
parliamentary form of government,etc. On the other hand,There were many attempt
in ammending the 1987 constitution but none of them succeeded.
The 1935 constitution was republican in form and contained certain provisions
intended to define the relations between the philippines and the United States. The
1973 constitution was parliamentary. The 1987 constitution is republican and

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