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thought to be the largest religious meeting in the world

Big Pitcher Festival.

the Maha Kumbh Mela, or

Kimi Ga Suki Da To Sakebitai- opening song of slamdunk

The one painting Vincent van Gogh sold during his lifetime was Red Vineyard at A
rles (The Vigne Rouge), which is now in the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in Mosco
w. sold for 400 francs. It was bought by the Belgian artist and art collector An
na Boch. The very first art critic to review Van Gogh's paintings was Albert Aur
Guernica is one of Picasso's most famous paintings; some regard it as his best p
ainting. It's a mural that's 11 feet 6 inches high and 25 feet 8 inches wide (3,
5 x 7,76 meters) in size, and Picasso painted it on commission for the Spanish P
avilion at the 1937 World Fair in Paris.
On 9 November 1999, a nude painting by Picasso was sold at auction by Christie's
for US$45.1 million dollars. At the time this was the fourth highest price ever
paid for a Picasso (the record then being the US$51.6 million paid in 1989 when
for Picasso's Pierette's Wedding).
The equals sign was invented in 1557 by Welsh mathematician Robert Recorde. The
word 'equal' is from the Latin word aequalis as meaning uniform, identical, or e
42 is the answer to the 'Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything
' according to 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' created by Douglas Adams.
The following three consecutive numbers are the lowest that are divisible by cub
es other than 1:
1375; 1376; 1377
(divisible by the cubes of 5, 2 and 3 respectively).
The first time a digit repeats six times in succession in pi is at the 762nd pos
ition where you can find six nines in a row. This is known as the Feynman Point.
The term googol (a 1 followed by 100 zeroes) was first used by a 9- year old boy
,Milton Sirotta, in 1938.

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