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‘A LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH COMPOSITION ERRORS MADE BY POLISH STUDENTS Systematic studies of language errors made by students of a foreign tongue have heen of Interest for foreign Inawage teachers and textbook writers. Mistakes whlee consrtontly oppear in certain. structores of target language learnt by. people spesig the senie eative tongue Craw the teachers attention to the forlgn structures dilfeut to sequlre by learners ‘The sources of mistakes are plentiful and certain groupe of eorors iseussed in this peper can be interpreted oth liguistislly ne peycho= logically but our Toterest i limited 10 che lingvietie aspect, We. ate foie 9 discuss arly those mistakes which ate caused hy Tinguisie Phenomena and those which ea be Lingulstically Jterpete In thi popes we vill concentrate on the mistaes of Poles studying Bris ‘The materiat for our studies har been chose from the entrance examination papers of the candidates for the English Deparavent of Pomah University. This choice of material was by no twats ascidental ‘The popers were writen hy high school graduates who had studied English for st least four years, and thlr non-perfect English luce rates thelr work in school Thus the results of cur shes may be found to be useful slso for the high schol Bnglsh teachers to this county. In the papers wo find both “primitive” mistake, eharcteistie fo carly stoges of Isrning, and "sophistcnted” once, typical of the adcaneed students In spite of the fact that sondidatee came front d= erent schools and they ured different methods and materiale In the cours: of studies, the mlstakes they mele may he grouped into some homogeneous clasee The seme mistsker are made by candidates with Aitferont backgrounds. ‘There Se great consistency in the way Uiey “corrupt” Brlish. One hae & feeling that the language of the popers regularly Jolfows certain rules The stedy of language mlstekes should reveal these rales and the mechanin of making mustaes in e given Iunen anguage by a given speaker. We can work ost a grammar "mistekes,« grammar of Bndtish put into eaatect with Polish ‘The problem of language contact fas been discussed by mony Hgts snd a a result we now have works on the Palish and the English ‘sad by Poles lving io immiarant commenities inthe United States The works of this type ofe a. good source of Information about the proctstes occurring in Polish-English language contact, It soem obvie fous then thal the grammar of English predueed by Polish Icorners ‘would be not anly 2 desripiion, but first of all a useful gulde for English teachers aud tontbook wsiters in this eoustey. he study af mistakes seems also to bo a prerequisite for writing « programmed oure in English for Pole in whieh error rust be predicted ‘This popes, however, wil be lied only to some general remarks fon mistakes made by Poles in Bris. The work can only be consider~ fe as an Introduction tothe problem since tho material we use is limit= fd to 200 entrance examination papers. Therefore we have not given in this paper indication of the relative Arequeney of ditterent errors ‘Since the material corssted mainly of compotion, students tried to use the moet fnmlier constructions and avelded Ieee fails ones "The topes of compositions made thm um certain constructions or words tore often than others, Also the matotale und mathods of learning used Uy the candidates ware unknown to the author. Even if we gave the numbers shoving that a given English construction is mere often cor~ Tupied than another ont, we would not be able to sxy for sure what teas the revson for thi. The eessons for thir situstion eould be mutper= eA construction could be mare dificult for Pols than othe ones, 1 a construction coold bo ar eificult or many others but the tops of fhe comporition aany have forced the students to use it more offen thon the otier ones and thus reveal the weakly mastered materia ‘ & conkicuetion may nol heve been properly tught or drilled the eanaidot's school, 42a construction could have boon aught oF dill for a shorter period ten the eonstruetons coually tilt, ee ‘The numbers showing the quantity of errors sud thus the degree of Aitcculty are informative only in care of specially prepared tests The fame ig true with the study of persstenee of eerors which ean be dene ‘nly through specially prepared tests Wher snalyzing lexeal snd graromstccl errors In the written com positions one also feces the problem of spel mstales. Spelling mis- Taree wore not considered in the following peper. But it Is somtimes lost Impossible to sey which error is lexicel or gramtvatical and 4 png REA sens a which i « spelling error. In the paper all the misspelled words which Teuouoe of the wroug spelling could be a source of ambigulty were coo Sided either a lerial or grarsmatial errors “Tne iiotakes discussed in the paper were aocepted as errors by two native speaters with Univeraty education (one American ard one Baglishran) “The main souce of language errors 1s linguistic Intesference, This ‘eccurs when one langage i put In contact with another one. That is fo aay, interfere, in the care of & foreign Yanguage learner, occurs ‘wher all his previous inguinte habs are put in contact with the now ‘nes be has to acquire. From peectcal experience we Know that it ts fot only the learners native tongue habits which interfere with those Or the foreun Language he studien. fhe by any chance knows two or Tore lenguages al his hngustc habits wil Interfere with the new onc ren st we 0 not consider lexners who, Besides the native tongue, iveady Know ether languages, ee rust remember that the struckure tf the target logtage sequired by the learners wil interfere with those ‘Golch are not yet mectered by him. tn the very fist stages of leerning Thre will be language contact Between the ative tongue and the tarvet language. ative tongue [foreign tongwe ‘The only interference will bo the native Tingusge on the target juage, A Ioaeuing progresses the place of contact (C) will move to the ight (Ga) comet ‘Then, sot only native tongue habits bat also mustered habits of the target language will interfere with the new target longuage siructures ‘Thus we can divide Hngustic interference foto () Eternal Incer- (forence (caused by the structures f=) and @) Internal Imerference (Guosed hy the structures | ~) In Enternel Tuterference the mother tongue iS responsible for the students erors, When the naive language structures dzecly influence thus of the target lagguage. and, when the students are using shir itive tongue habits 18 the target language (ocsitive transi), wo hve 10 do with Active External Interference, a8 eg. uslog Polish ped order in un English gestence, Pustive Esternal Tvierferece on he other hand isthe rest of the leet of a corresponding category of a cting. TWO oust torn coeesond to thro Fagich oes ( stees student ears trom hie nied expeienes thot ei, Polish ruko ‘reson are fn Beg and he consenty wees rt In pee of Polish ‘Stata He apples Polish dlatational rales of suka to English ort inte folowing stance . Pith at ips) Horde ied in the fight Dot siemia mens earth, land, oF sol In Engleh. Polish wick mane tah cerry td oye aod Polish Rawat iranloee 48 channeled fat The results are "Tere were no bees on the strange cath en) 5 They ait not want to gy Uhr earth land) to wie people he Tove oth wars wl be gle without fal entea * The twentioth age (eatary) The Shakeepesrion century fag + we Houish Canal (Channed, * The Suer Channel (Cara) ‘The usage of some pairs of English nouns or vert whieh ive sve synonym ie Polish maybe ambiguous, Even. grammsrians hve problems: with giving good explinatins for the wage of do ond ale (re and mung. Tho errors ate: + He ied 40 do (make) Jove +L always mk (Qo) my bet, * Ife wants 10 he con (may) do i far you ‘A qulte frequent pheomonon mang the ecrors is mixing up 20 with auch, with dis, who with whieh, something wilh oxything, hive ‘wh fs, them with their, no with wot ete. Hach clement plays cite ferent gcammatical role is Rnglish, but both sleaiente of och. pale Dawe only one form oF incertae contexts may have ome forza tn Polish, it was nat sch (0) bed + He 1220 (auch) a nice perso, + AIL (his) he showed In his oye, + he fll who (which) wos Interesting 4 The poople whe (who) wore the fit clon, 1 He ask if something fonything) had chan tn this matter, + Give me anything (something) tte. 1 The dream of him (hs) same (rue 4 Tho people aid not remaember it (hin + The fist unhappiness In thom (thelr 1+ They wore kiling their {e. + Rot oo), wo ane 00 (ts) ‘To the tame category of auistekes belongs tho word byword, Iansatin of Posh tdlomaiie exprcasons, The teamnee si in noe tive tongue dors not feel which expression le itomatle sl etaraee fevitie only of the mother tongue, ond whith fe nat. From his ex petienee enous tht Polish pecses ie transate a nice [journey iia! wis jade into snelhat 4 book dobre misice Balls goud place Theretore the Polish senlence Padé? lala ieee 1 translated The journey Ned — | piace (The Journey (ook place) (A Ungetstie anatyeie of Bmgtien carpasttion errors: 7 Further exarsples are ‘Their igh foot (tandard) of ving. + He wos born in 1012 yeor + We went to town Karpicz. (We went to Karpoce) + Lath aay brother ans. and my brother go} * Diseasar wore folawing them an every stop, (Dicconse were follow tng ther everywhere) {He toved her in fll mean of this word, (He relly loved hex.) 1 He mad no right: (He was wrong) + She fas nine years. (She le nine yesre old) 'A simile group of mistakes are thes: with the mim of preposl= ‘Hons, The stident often use: hon tated ot ‘pase ont oo a Sanat on ur o Sante on he wen ast Th tht. from Sen wi he iter arch ey * eet wi i Riel i, wai Pant ine ih Si te Onl, Steet fom Stason ope esuntcy to anther. fae neat Pee ema hie inde ot @ se to ta for Steet tar te " SONG te Gob. 4 rom fod ot Rive SURE er fm te eth o* tae foe pest = a an. 10, about nen af for Sie Svea en 12 ar” eta of fom Sl nou ilrnt ae cus 2M teens ered of for See ad ee A. wrong synonsm choice makes the sludeate crate mew words which do not exist in Exel Polish preed leheiy means Before a cla etude means noo Acsarding to the student's Pols prsed pede is in English before noom Apart from lexical mistakes caused by wrong sycongmt choice we slso find group of errora Including the wrong sage of Encsh tons ‘The mistakes oreur when a givon Polis tense constvction is «xp Jn English In mace thun one way and a learacr mes @ wrone ehoiee {of English tense frra.Polish hat only throw tones (Peat, Presi, nl Future. A Polish phrase expremed In the Past Je porsedlem— Wanslates into English x three wars 1 sient (8) have ome (B) Thad gone. (©) “Among the rolling mister we find oll the posible combinations of sing one form Instead of the other. With three elements we got nine combinations and three of them must be the correct usage of the Ue above-mentioned English tenses, The number of powsible erronsous n= Struetions renulking from the wrong choice or eietitutton (S), are got from the following formula: sy Se SAPP SY See IRN RTTO » Whore W stands for the number of the target language constructions Which tanelste into the native tongue in ane way. ‘Tho exarmples ave as fallows (A) instead of (B) “Phe text which I juat hese is very interesting. (B) instead of (A) "Some weetes ago 1 awe acon an English fia, (C) instead of (A} *Stakespeere had written #7 pleys (B) instead of (C)*E have Iesrned English before 1 came to Cansda, () instead of (8) “I had not seco the pictures you are showin (A) jasterd of (C) *When my mother died, we reallasd how much she id for Since mistakes oceur with the consteuetons there i,t te. Depend ing a8 context, Polish Jeet translated as there ie (A) aie eo (A) insiead of (B) “There ls good thst you came. (8) instead of (A) IL is a pres cifercnee lntween snow and ice, (A) Instead at {©) *Ope of the main characters there is Rowtva, (5) instead of (C) “Hamlet it ix ou of the moet famous plays (€) Instead of (8) “Is dark In the rsteurent. (©) instood of (A) “Is 9 window in the room, Simile combinations wil eccur with there are and are which are translated tnto Polish as Jest. Among the errors we find ait only there ‘re in place of ere and ice vere, Ut alo the mixing wp of there ere fd eve with there i ts, and te. Aw a result we get twenty coorbinae ons. of errors. In the care of there wae, K seus, mas tho situation lo similar to there i iis, i. AMI the macnioned above forma will be an ‘aitional problem for Poles when uted with vot. Since tho Bogs forms be-bnet, have-+not mes be Translated into Posh tn one way (Gs nie "The forms with not willbe not oly mines up Uke thove with: ft i but additionally with do wot, daee a2, have Hot, OF hae not © + Shicespeare cid (was) not afraid. + T have (Has) not there yesterdsy 1B. Totermational Words ‘Lenrmers in Hels course of stues very soon find out Ubat Enlish contains many words which have alinst the some guaphie ser phonic form in Folsh, They are international words which have come Jno nish, Polish cnd other lenguazes from Greek, Latin a atte tongues: Students tealice oe fel whieh word Is origivally Plish and a se Which ts just @ borrowing. They very often use Polish words of for- ‘Gun origin in place of Raplish ones. To mike the words Took more Taglsh thelr Polish spelling ix chonged. Examples ‘Atomic rectors are very Important and very imponising things. {Polish imponusacu means impressive) + The comfortable tau house, (Polish teksusowy raeans bexarious) + bsny Indians aed in reeerate. (Polish resernat means reseroation) has @febuler hm @alish fabutarny means featere (film) +The ezomine started at 9 acock (Polish egsomie neeane examination) (Other arora oceur with the Words whose written form in Bralish so Pali sain’ uote, bat hose ann ar enely ‘ferent. The stidents are not aware of the fact that the words are thyo entively sifteront and unrelsted exSeal units fo Eaglish and Po! ‘xh. In the eandidates’ papers we find ost that, English rope i used like Foish rope (o)- Bush rence Uke Polish realizcnmé (ake) LEagla patent Uke Polish ptent (cen) Binjleh cofory lke Polish Rolorla (summer comp English ragacne like Polish magesun (T.V. program). Bearples: On that fek! he found rope, His rope Industry grew very fast The stoge marager realized the fm very wel His officer's ter! was faken away. * 1 went tothe eileen’ colony, + They can wates some magnclres connected with thls subject 6. Derlvationst Bors ‘The Polish dervational hubite of the sudente have some fafhence on their Bngllsy asaze. In the papers we have found many errors foneerning the miruce of word pairs whieh correspond to Poli, 6 ° pojechat come prey jechaé + Hip banished Hales to Bagland but Hatmlet ent back. (came back) it sles invent swyintete * The Je-engine was found (invented) In the 20th century. know soled: earn ojwiedzie sg *Thhave learned him for two weeks. (Chave known him far to weeks) row ‘eat study polonaroae 4 He started to know (study) English. 1 sons tous thatthe souree of these errors is she Polish peeftxal erivation. As can be seen, the pairs mentioned above, thou dil- ferent in Bnglish, eonisin tho same stem in Polish. A large group of errors of this type are thase desing with the tnisiee of good and well Which In Polish fave the coraion stem dobre He wis very well (good) in every sittion, + The play i good (wel) known all over the world, D, Other Grammatical Errore Polish students scem to have difficulties with English cinguler and plural forms. The diticulties are eauted by the students’ native tonqte Dabite Poles tend to apply Polish rules for the singular and plural English words, Thay use the ingulor in English with nouns which have Singular in Polish and plural in English ara vice vores. English pictures (cinema) has a singslar fort in Polish ‘The result is * Some films 1 have seen tn the picture (pfcturss) Further examples of errs ofthis type are {Almost all people have TLV. st (TV. ss. * They have done it only twice in their life (thelr ves. ‘Tho opposite phenomenon of using a plural for singular occurs with nouns like fh, hair, peopl, frat te My mother asked mie where the fies wore (where the fh asl * Hor hale are tong and fair (Her hair Us long srl fat) Since the Polish largusge has grammatial gender, the mistakes suse by the misuse of a pronoun are quite common, +" ted the Sen, especially his (tel wonderful scenery. 1 Tin bel is very heavy. I is very hard to make him i) ring, The orchestra was playing ‘and the King wis listening to her (i Film. and bell are masculine in Polish, orchesia is fettnine. Polish a an infleetional language dees endigs rather than prepasi ‘ons, Eeaish of, which translates the Polish Genitive, and Engloh te, Which tronslates the Polish Dative, correspond te Polish Genitive and Dative endings. Of and to are therefore aften ignored by Poles, To see the fown from the deck the ship... (Ir the deve of the ship) The parents one of them hind « lot of ioney. (Ihe parents of one of ther) * He wil annoures It all the pwople of the country. (to all the people of the county) He gave the books he fends. (to his frends) Polish Genitive and Dative are often translated Into Engl with af oe fo, but not all Eeulish coneructions ceresponding ‘0 Polish Genitive ne Dative uae of oF #0 =" drink leet of vod. (Let's dink less vata) * Our fond Tacks of vegetables, (Our food leeks vogetaen) * They helped to everyhody. (They helped cverybods) ‘The Polish subject te often omted and is egnall through o spe= lal verd ending. For thie resson Polish students ignore subjects English sentences. "We hove a Tot of nice shops where can buy food. (where wo can buy 08). Polish enjoy ond We are reflexive vere used very often fa the Pasive, Interference fe seen in the following exomples SsHlamlet" Is the play which have enjoyed me most (ooh T have enjoyed the most) {The film liked me. (Cod the fe) * The prublom was not important and intresting and akliked me very ‘much. (fised it very much) ‘Enalich nogation is diflett problem for Poles from the point of ‘lew of word-ardar; in addition Polish hae doxble necetion {They hui been not prepared. (They had not been prepared) * Nothing has not changed. (Nothing has changed) Polish docs not have sequeace of tense cules, therfore Pols use the tenses 19 « wat characterise of ther mative language, © "L was very lad that this gel will be happy. (would be happy.) + He wanted tobe sure who ie guilty (rho was guilty) * They told me thet they have some money. (hey had some money) Under the influence of Polish word order cules the stants ignore SV. order in English ‘In ove ‘times has been snvented an atomle "bomb. Wnasiyeh!erarseh! wynsleslono | atomnowa Bombe (Anatomie bom has been invented in oar times) a - On | the beach were’ many | prople | though blew the col, wind. Nas plniy —bylo| duéo ‘lads’ hot | wiat :aimay wistr, (There were many people on the bateh thoush the cold wind Uw.) ‘Tho came Ls ‘rue wath subortinate elses ‘My | mother! asked me where was , the book: Moja matka ‘spytsle mato gislo | byle kelatia. (Oy mathor eke me where the bois was) “Too and dery (much) are often ted according to Polish distribu ‘onal ruler “Shakespeare wrote! too eomectes, Scekipir | pleat takée komedi, (Shakespeare wrote comedies t00) ‘ike | very much the novel big ‘bardzo tq pris (ike the novel very much) ‘i this |fim i wo a G, W “tym mie jest tahde) de & (ln this tm & dG. t00) “1 very lke to travel Ja bardzo | table podestowad (ike to travel very much) Polish Word-order rules ane 9 used with objeet2 and mositiers. “His fatder “ordered to work him at the eery ogo! ojelee karat pracowae | mu! iebryce (Wie father ordered ins to wark at tho factory) ‘He had | very many | felende “wha im Tiked Mist bardzo wil | penyueiO) tdray)— go bili, (te bad very many frends who Wied him.) He wounded | wih It Hom anit iy | Het, (2 wounded Harmle: with it) sie always "Je | ready On | naw | jest | goto. (He is always ready.) ST !1ike [in| th | til the main «hero. Ja Iubig! w [tym | filmic | giéwnego | bohatera, (ke the main hero fm this my foten Tgo || the sensi. Cagsta, etdte ned! morte (often go to the sexes) 1 Category non-esitent fn nation language ‘The difference in the phonological systems of tho two tangusges causes cerisin errors in the written English of Polish students, ‘Since Polish har, eg, only one [i] sound Poles have aifteulty dis tinguishing rick from reach, live from leave, thir from these ete + By sirplone we can rich (reach) many places + He had to live eave) Rome * This (these) boxes Delonge to them. ales do not distinguish between Joot and food since Polish does ‘not ave (a bn tual postion. * England must import foot (fod). "The similarity in graphie form of ‘wo alferent words, or in thee pronunclation, ay be the source of an erro. + They invited (averted) & wheel 4 Thore is enly one huze story (store) fn our tows, + They now (know) that book Sometimes @ morpheme may be dropped or added exchenge Shange ‘We bad changed (xchange) oor acon, cer ‘ths anosor (otter) plas ate intresting Since otistes do not exlst in Polish the students aise them in rnany poral wags. The following is a Het of the tos common ways ot iausoge instead of 0 For a some tte f insted of “She is bie et 1 fostoad of any “They have not a book A Wepalattc analysis of Regitsh composition errors ts 4 instead of the 4 Me of others ated ‘His hale tes shor, 1 Np ssa bad people the + ads “He wanted the bay to be the cla the + prop. mame ‘The David and hls Wrother fo instead of the The end of seventeenth century. English function words In tense eonsteuetions and in other con texts are offen omitted. Thess are the words whieh often cannot be directly translated into Polish and thele proper usoge ereates # probe Jem for Poles. ~ He born in gland. (He wor born jn England) 1 He alraid him. (He was afraid of him) + The industcy growing very fat, (The industry fe growing) * 1 been there toiee (L have been there twice) + 0 ge is believe, (To ate fs to belleve) 1 Howe # Toles He (ow dons tt Lok Ike) * They not buy fond. (They do ot buy food) ‘Among the errors we also find onecessary sunlUsrles used in Simpie Tense constrartions + When he war died. (When ho aed) * One-day st was happened. (One day it bappened) . Catevory differently constructed in native Tangvage A large group of ecrors which are probabiy erated by aotie poyebo loglest factors ave those with the usoge of verbal forme Ble {1} Snfini- tive, (2) present paccipe, (3) simple pact tenee form, or (8) past pat ciple. although all these constructions exist in Polish they are expresed Jn diferent ways and arsong the errors we find all combinations of the tage of ane form Instead of another. The formula for wrong sume ‘lon worl tn this cans too. Since there are 4 clementa we get 12 cot Linations of wrong substitutions. The examples are 12) instead of (0) *1C i nice to sit by the Arepluce ond wetshing 7. V. {@) instead of (1) *1C is very pleasant tn saw im bere 4) instead of (2) *Notsing could mde him happy ) Instead of @) They wil be fhe aps (9) inca of @) + He wae looked wt the eae, (@) Instead of 2) 61. Conred was travelled by ship. (2) instzad of (8) *Yoe bought this ear snd then sel ik to his fiend, {@) instead of (3) * All the people vali (uted) this club (@) instead of (9) * Dickens ‘wertten (wrote) mny ‘novela (0) instond of 4) * Bverything is make by him (2) Instead of (#) The country was discovering by Columbus. (3) dustead of (#) Everyone who wants may be: took there 0 tho above collection can be added mistakes With Ihe erronco%t cage of third person singular forms. These forms are used in place of fa infinitive or a past periple, He would bas (have) am accident. + The material wae needs foeoded) by the builders “The usage of English Cordials and Ordinal is often « problem {or learners Ti twenty (twentieth century + He wrote fourteenth (ourtcen) books, Quite often plural forme ef noun are used tnstoad of sng and vice vers pvery country has one native heroes (here). * Ie thone Hine (Cimes) bathing wae aot common ‘The setae fe true with the form of be and have, Many shops vat (wore) thee, ‘The Inventions ie tare) used by the peopte + She werw (was) at schoo. + We has (have) a TY, a fa) Noun 1h the papers we find nouns whieh are falsely derived feom other \ord-custea according la the rules existing in English, ‘N= Adj + He underlined « price of honesty end of true. (of honesty and of ath) + Hee deseibed their suds and happiness, (ihr mdm and heppinets) N= Adj nese ‘Toe peornsss of the people. (the poverty of the poop) N=V J want to wrto about my fy to England. Bight to Gnstand) Ho wos on outlewer, te was a oui) N-V+nese * The fother tod hire bout this afl ilies (amfull msde) “The gluca form of a noun Is often used wish nouns ike people, fadtce, oe fh {Many peoples (people) must work there + The hing gave him much advices (advice) (DRGs eta RS nee sea a + They often eat fishes (Ce. () Adjective Adjectives Ike nouns are often falsely derived according. to oglsh rules with the following suffixes: Ihumorisie moments. (humorous moments) touristic camp. tourist camp) sd + We were tired and buneried. red end hungey) "Hs tors ee ety secs (ly sucessful) Hic chslghood was not gaily. (was not gay) My rk was way aly abd ety ery spleen ene) +. the plot is burda absurd) [Ar far om tho deareo of comparison is concerned, three types of exrort have been fous + Fhoy became more tic. (became richer) 4 Thio subject the difficultest Zor we. be most difficult) The meals are more poorer. ihe meals ere poorer) Most determiners i Rags Inve the gate form io singular and plural and students are not used to dlstingishing between those and Te Dut tes. (hose times) * Most of that people those poopie) The other reason for ming up thi with that could be the fact that ‘thug may eve only one equivalent when trnslated into Polish (9 Pronoun Sino nouns ded adjectives are sndelinable, personal. pronouns ae thought fo me dndeslinable, ST sed he. (hi) to) Verb [isons and adjectives which are not used as verbs in Batis cece sr ech ia the material under inverigation, Ste tals the room. Gt ils the room) A lot of people hunaried (lot of peeps were hunary) Teregular vere are afin treated Ike regular ones + He anderstanded -.. the understood) They teahed tes. hey taoget Me) He Teaved the room, (he left the room) An infinitive following the modal auxiliaries caw, rast, woul, sigh, ete in used with to, so —_——e + We ean to se. (we can ste) + They could to feel. (they could feel) + They must to fight. (they mst fight) The country would to order. (he eetntry would odes) * Temight to scom impossible. (t might see anpossol) and tho oppasit. STwant go. (T want t0 90) She hed wash herself every moening, (Ghe liked to wash herset) ‘A very common mistake le the omiasion of -# ening in the third person singular of the simple present terse ‘Tho doctor never thin... (Ihe doctor never thinks) * Everybody row... (everybody knows) ‘The analogy also goes in the oppesite direction, but 4s far les fre- ‘quent than the one above 1 Uiikes this fm. (U Bke this im) + They wante to travel. (they want to travel) ‘Some English verbs Go not have certain forms, eg, Present Con tinous of need, but the students Ignore (hes restritons, + Tam needing another kind. (1 need another ind) ( Adverb Errors with & wrong form of aa edver® Ie in the fale derivation with “Iv, oF -Iy i added to adverts whieh do not have itm certain constructions, em eas {They had to work hardly, (they had to work hard) + Hornlet wan billed triekly. (amet war Killed oy trick) Janet was firstly taught to drive. Ganet war fist of ell taught to ae) + 116 casiy to achieve (i is cay to achieved ‘The degreer of compriaim are leo missed, +... ony five miles forer. (five milea farther) + He coms here tomes (he comes here must often) ‘The negative morpherse-um is used with tel ~The nurse did it vory unwell. (he nurse ad very badly) ‘The foet thet some English parts of speech have the same form, 28. poorthe poor is responsible for another group of errors. Owing to the similarity of the form poorithe poor an adjective is used in place’ of noun, a ln, 1 He was dreaming of happy for everybody. Cappiness for every) +p Russa and America.» (la Russia and Areca) ‘Arnoun is used in. place of an adjective. asin, + He war wounded in the ght with Ube poison sword, (with the poit- foned sword) re - * They were courage people. (hey were couregeous people) ‘The sources for using en adverd in place of an aujctive ato English words which fozetion both as adjectives and edverie 1 loud woicelto speck Toud. Nice and hesuifully journey... (nie and beauiful journey) * 0, Wilde was an wnususlly man. (0. W. was on nus ms) ‘Also an adjective i used in plice of an adverb, He was hopetose wounded. (he was hopelesely wounded) 1 ended very had for lm. (it ended very fedly for hie) The same form for verb an adjective to uke upre wake up det ‘makes the students use adjectives tn place of vers ad vers i pace ff adjectives. We are able to deep our knowledge knowiedge) + Te wae the di ety. s was the dead elty) ‘The same form for verb and noun to langhla laugh makes the student uso nouns In place of werbe and vice versa, 1 Civiizetion will development... (evliation will develop) ‘hey tried to improve the food produce. (They tied to improve the {00d procuetion) (oe are able to deepen our

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