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Kristin Rowland

HSP 302
Photo Voice

Wounding the Womb

The Eye-solation of a Childs Soul

Substance Use During Pregnancy

It has been said that the eyes are the gateway to our soul. The eyes are a major
medium for a child in telling us what they truly want, yet not even an innocent
childs naked eye can sense the purpose of their existence.
The penetrating stare of a child can hold their hidden emotions, thoughts, pains,
and attitudes. Light, joy, vitality and happiness can be seen by the flame in a childs
eyes. Too, the darkness of a pregnant mothers addiction can taint a babys passion
for life. Without early intervention, it can lead the child onto a troublesome path of
Washington State Department of Health: Maternal and Child Health states In
Washington State, between 8,000 and 10,000 infants born each year are exposed
prenatally to illegal drugs or alcohol. Of these infants, between 800 and 1,000 are
drug or alcohol affected. (Substance Abuse During Pregnancy: Guidelines for
Screening Revised Edition 2009)
Maternal substance use during pregnancy is universally a critical issue. The ethical
stand in protecting the fetus over the mother should become primary concern in
providing long-term care for the unborn child. Mandatory maternal drug screening

Kristin Rowland
HSP 302
Photo Voice
paired with the rights of substance dependent pregnant women to make the
decisions on intervention strategies without criminalization charges will result in
reduced rates of long-term fetal harm.

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