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Salary of mechanical engineers

I found this graph that shows the starting, average and high-end salary

As shown in the graph the mechanical engineer earns an starting salary of

33,484 AED and the average salary is about 163,000 AED and experience
strongly influences income for this job so they got approximately 200,000 AED
if they have an experience about 10-20 years.
One of the highest paying areas today for an engineer is the mechanical
engineering field and theres a lot of benefit of become a mechanical engineer,
it helps to improve the power of visualizing newer concepts and keeping your
brain sharp. Also that you are relevant in almost ALL companies and within
each branch of mechanical engineering there are specific jobs.
In the other hand theres a lot of dangers and difficulties of being a mechanical
engineers because they often work with heavy equipment, power tools, motors
and technical instruments to create, test and perfect mechanical devices
because of that their work environment is susceptible to fires, explosions,
structural failures and equipment malfunctions, also They might injure their
backs trying to secure equipment or stabilize materials, crush their hands or
fingers trying to work in tight spaces or injure their faces, heads, eyes or toes
when proper protective equipment isn't worn.
There are numerous advancement opportunities possible in mechanical
First-Level Promotion
Senior Engineer
Manager .
advancement will involve additional training in first-level promotion
mechanical engineer will be assigned simple projects to start while he go

carrer outline
through a formal training process. hell be assigned a mentor who will provide
you with guidance during your training.
Continuing education is required for workers to stay current with the latest
developments, skills, and new technologies required for their fields and and
engineers are required to have a base of education and then receive updated
education as they continue to work in their fields.


mashael salem

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