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On top of that, "communication" -- as an act -- has lost its identity.

Ask any search

engine for the word and it will send you to the Internet, the telephone company, the
cable operator or a host of technology sites. Even Merriam-Webster reflects the
confusion, defining communication as both an act and a means. But communication
is not technology and communication technology cannot produce the act of
communication by itself. It is an enabler with a power that can be awesome when
placed in the right hands. But where are the right hands?

Social media are forms of information and commu-nication technology (ICT).Created

using highly

accessible and scalable publishing techniques,socialmedia are designed for

dissemination through socialinteraction.Social media are also collaborative,decentralized,networked,and community driven.They sup-port the democratization of
knowledge and information,transforming people from content consumers into content producers and analysts.Popular networking sitessuch as
MySpace,Facebook,Twitter,andGoogle are versions of social media that are
most com-monly used for connecting with friends,relatives,andemployees.During
the immediate aftermath,much of what people around the world were learning
about theearthquake originated from social media.These siteshave taken on a new
role:assisting disaster-affectedpopulations to build resilience and reduce vulnerabilities in real time.Changing and evolving networked communicationsystems now offer
the public with ever-increasing infor-mation access.These systems also provide
faster shar-ing of a widening range of resources.In the past,thepublic was only an
information consumer,not a provider.In recent years,social media have grown in
popu-larityand expanded globally.Google,MySpace,Facebook,Skype,and
Twitter are now at the cut-ting edge of this new and interconnected world.
searches and news stories forJanuary 1-30,2010.Peaks in Web site searchesoccurred
on the

communication is what has differentiated the human species across the

evolutionary arc, it has been the differentiator that has placed us at the apex of

Post-Industrial or Knowledge Age (21st century) people also need know what
kinds of knowledge. However they need more than this. They need to be able to do
things with this knowledge, to use it to create new knowledge. The know-what kind
of knowledge is still important, but not as an end in itself. Rather, it is a resource,
something to learn (or think) with. In the Knowledge Age, change, not stability, is a

Knowledge Age worker-citizens need to be able to locate, assess, and represent new
information quickly. They need to be able to communicate this to others, and to be
able to work productively in collaborations with others. They need to be adaptable,
creative and innovative, and to be able to understand things at a systems or big
picture level. Most importantly, they need to be to think and learn for themselves,
sometimes with the help of external authorities and/or systems of rules, but, more
often, without this help.

Advertising is a potent vehicle which includes imagination,

creativity, concepts, ideas and innovation to promote new
products and remind about changes in the old one. Advertising
means selling but for this one need a creativity of mind with the
work of beauty and art.

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