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Muscle Groups of the Lower Body

The muscles of the leg allow people to walk, run, jump, and stand. Leg
muscles are some of the strongest muscles in the human body. Leg
muscles are skeletal muscles. These types of muscles are controlled
consciously. Muscles are made up of thousands or even tens of
thousands of small fibers. Skeletal muscle cells form from the
combination of many smaller progenitor cells (a biological cell with a
certain purpose). Muscles are made of proteins. Their building blocks
are amino acids.
- Strongest and leanest muscles of the body
- They play an important role in stabilizing the patella and the
knee in general
- They are responsible for straightening the leg
- Composed of four muscles at the front of the thigh
o Vastus lateralis
o Vastus medialis
o Vastus intermedius
o Rectus Femoris

- The hamstrings begin under the gluteus maximus behind the
hipbone and attach to the tibia at the knee
- They are responsible for bending the leg

They play a large role in jumping and forward propulsion actions

Composed of three muscles at the back of the thigh
o Biceps femoris
o Semimembranosus
o Semitendinosus

- One of the larger muscles of the leg
- It connects to the heel
- It is in charge of flexing the foot, ankle, and knee
- Extends from the back of the knee to the heel
- It plays a large role in walking and standing
- Thin and small muscle
- Absent in 10% of humans. If this happens, the gastrocnemius
muscle can perform its duties.

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