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Philosophy of Education

My philosophy of education is that education is a way to open doors.

Education can open doors that we never knew were present. I have been
fortunate to be a part of the Professional Special Education Leadership Cohort. This program has helped me refine and develop new skills I never knew
I possessed. I have learned to become a good team member. I have also
learned how to seek out others who have answers when I do not. I have
grown mentally and spiritually by being part of this program.

Clearly the

doors of opportunity and knowledge have been opened for me through this
I have also learned from my students that education can open up doors of
opportunity. I had a student last year who was 20 years old and a senior. He
was also an expectant father to be and really struggled to stay in school and
graduate. I had to work with this student to ensure he received his credits
and graduated.

We spent many hours together during and after school

working on his various classes. He often threatened to quit and find a job
that could support himself and his family. I pointed out that having his high
school diploma would ensure that he had a record of finishing what he
started. After several starts and stops he was able to finish high school and
is currently enrolled at HCC in the welding program.

I was able to make

education and getting a high school important to this student and he did
succeed. Here is another example of education opening doors.

My philosophy of education is that education can open doors to

opportunity in ways we can never imagine.

I have gained skills and

knowledge that will serve me well by completing the PSEL co-hort.


students have opened doors of opportunity by completing their high school

diplomas. Most of my students have gone on to college or a trade school to
further their education.

They too see that education can open doors of

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