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------Download the CTags binary from the Exuberant CTags site.

Extract ctags.exe from the downloaded zip to C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 2
or any folder within your PATH so that Sublime Text can run it.
Alternatively, extract to any folder and add the path to this folder to the
command setting.
----This uses tag files created by the ctags -R -f .tags command by default (althoug
h this can be overriden in settings).
The plugin will try to find a .tags file in the same directory as the current vi
ew, walking up directories until it finds one. If it can't find one it will offe
r to build one (in the directory of the current view)
If a symbol can't be found in a tags file, it will search in additional location
s that are specified in the CTags.sublime-settings file (see below).
If you are a Rubyist, you can build a Ruby Gem's tags with the following script:
require 'bundler'
paths =
system("ctags -R -f .gemtags #{paths.join(' ')}")
-------By default, Sublime will include ctags files in your project, which causes them
to show up in the file tree and search results. To disable this behaviour you sh
ould add a file_exclude_patterns entry to your Preferences.sublime-settings or y
our project file. For example:
"file_exclude_patterns": [".tags", ".tags_sorted_by_file", ".gemtags"]
In addition to this setting, there's a CTags.sublime-settings file, which can be
edited like any other .sublime-settings file
filters will allow you to set scope specific filters against a field of the
tag. In the excerpt above, imports tags like from a import b are filtered:
extra_tag_paths is a list of extra places to look for keyed by
(selector, platform). Note the platform is tested against sublime.platform()
so any values that function returns are valid.
extra_tag_files is a list of extra files relative to the original file
command is the path to the version of ctags to use, for example:
"command" : "/usr/local/bin/ctags"

"command" : "C:\Users\<username>\Downloads\CTags\ctag.exe"
The rest of the options are fairly self explanatory.

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