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Appreciation Poem (Laurel and Jonah Dec 2012)

By Jacob Rosenblum
Rusted locks and russet bangs
Amidst the clang and clatter of bones, kettled tea boiling, whistling merrily.
Your eyes, strained towards freedom, declare a subversive proclivity:
I will EXIST
tho throbbing, seasick, marooned, enchanted,
you cannot resist me any more
than a bumble bee resists a clear summer day
echinaceae bracing against the wind.
I cannot be captured by photograph
or held in place by a dovetailed pen
even the finest teak were used for one;
but delight my sense, and pledge a craft
aligned the seas permit me then
to summit the frailest dream ever spun.
Now love each one,
as you do yourselves,
pray now, youll receive this gain,
I cannot wait on this dugout bench
Come out, come laughing,
skipping in the rain!

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