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Cato the elder, born 234 bc, became consul in 195 bc and commanded

brillianty in spain
Livvy saw him as a man with integrity. Plutarch saw him as fiercely
competitive, sold slaves for money and took a young wife for sex
Simplicity, litigiousness, self discipline
A veryjust man, as a censor he won praise but also lots of enemies
Values, loves his family,
When cato was young, he worked alongside the slaves,eloquences
Hedonism all around him, scipio clash (they served together, cato was
questor), but cato remained integrity
Some might call cato miserly but Plutarch disagrees
Aemilius Paullus

Crushed Macedonian forces in 168 BC, plutarch paints his own ethical
views onto the story of Aemilius Paullus. Aemillius Paullus was always
level headed, both in great fortune and defeat.
Victory against macdeonians nb

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