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Carlos Cucaln Fadul

Ecuadorian Socieconomics
Political instability in Ecuador from 1979 until now
Ecuador has many virtues as a country, and the majority of us
(Ecuadorians) can recognize them. Even though it may sound clich,
is amazing the cultural and geographic diversity we can find among
us, considering the small territory we have. For better or worse,
these lands and history have made us who are right know.
Unfortunately, is impossible to deny that we have inherited certain
defectos that were not proud of, at least some of us. Apparently,
weve been corrupt since the beginning of our dependencia, even
before, our history of corruption created political inestabilidad until
now, and many countries know Ecuador as the pinnacle of crooked
businesses and corruption, as a third world country in which people
arent aware of the injustice they are living, taking away all our


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