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The Life and Times of EDGAR ALLAN POE

Born January 19th of 1809 in Boston, Massachusetts

Son of actress Eliza Poe and actor David Poe Jr.
Eliza died of tuberculosis (some reports say pneumonia) and his father also
died/disappeared. His disappearance is surrounded in mystery.
Adopted by John and Fanny Allan in 1811.
The Allans moved to England where Edgar attended school.
1820: moved back to America (Richmond, VA).
1826: attended the University of Virginia
Poe gambled and drank: he was desperate for money to pay his gambling
debts, but John Allan refused!!!
Edgar moved to Baltimore; wrote poetry (Tamerlane and other Poems) and
worked for a small newspaper
1827, joined the US Army as Edgar A. Perry
Promoted in 1829 to Sergeant-Major of the Regiment of Artillery.
1829: Mrs. Allan dies; Poe did not learn about death in time by the time he
arrived, she was dead.
Poe leaves Army; enters West Point; dismissed 3 mos. later
Edgar worked very hard, continued to write, but his debt grew larger.
He drank often.
1836: He married his cousin, Virginia Clemm. She was 14 years old.
1836-1840: Published several stories/journals
1841: published The Murders in the Rue Morgue, the first true detective
story. Poes name was not originally on the story, and he didnt make $
1845: The Raven earns him $15.
1847: Virginia, his young wife, dies of tuberculosis (consumption)
Poe gets involved with a few other women, but does not stay sober or
successful long enough to please them.
1849: Poe leaves Richmond, arrives in Baltimore.
October 7, 1849, Edgar Allan Poe dies in a street in Baltimore.
The reason for his death is unknown to this day.
1910 - Poe is inducted into the Hall of Fame in New York.
Although Poes life ended in despair and disappointment, his writing has
made him immortal to many.
Annabel Lee
Sepulcher - a small room or monument cut in rock or built of stone, in which
a dead person is laid or buried.

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