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Jasmin Zamora

ETEC 424.02W
Professor Strassberg
18 February 2015
Week 5 Discussion
Copyright is defined as legal right that gives the creator of a work rights to its
use and distribution. A creator of a work they are the rightful owners to their work
and they get to choose how it can and cannot be used. I believe that copyright
makes an impact on education by giving us specific limits as to how we can use
material. By giving us these limits as future educators, we are encouraged to create
our own work. However, we are not restricted to our own work because we are
allowed to use outside sources with the appropriate citing.
In order to fairly use a creators work, the appropriate citations must be
made. For example, if we choose to use a book we must cite where we are getting
our information from. The citation must include the author, publisher, date of
publication, and of course the title of the work. The same procedure must be
followed if we choose to use another persons lesson plan. We must cite their work
while we are using it in order to give them the appropriate credit.
Aside from our own use, we must also teach our students to cite their own
work. Copyright applies to everyone and if a student tries to claim someone else
work for their own they too can find themselves in trouble. By teaching our students
what copyright is we can teach them to appropriately cite their sources and
correctly use materials that are not their own.
Texas Technology Standards
Standard II. All teachers identify task requirements, apply search strategies, and use
current technology to efficiently acquire, analyze, and evaluate a variety of
electronic information.
2.1s use strategies to locate and acquire desired information from collaborative
software and on networks, including the Internet and intranets
2.2s apply appropriate electronic search strategies in the acquisition of information,
including keyword and Boolean search strategies
2.5s use on-line help and other documentation
2.6s determine and employ methods to evaluate electronic information for accuracy
and validity

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