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Plugfest vs- Interop

Plugfest vs- Interop

The Interoperability event (IW) allows mature products
to undergo a highly structured and rigorous set of tests
to verify its ability to interoperate and its eligibility for
the "SATA-IO Certified" Logo. These tests are
performed by multiple test stations allowing customers
to walk away with the comprehensive test reports from
multiple instrument vendors and if they pass, they are
eligible for Integrators list ranking. It's also the single
best opportunity to sit with the test providers and ask
questions or receive special training on topics where
these specialists can offer product and test insights
not available elsewhere.

Plugfest vs- Interop

The Plugfest event (PF) offers the largest range of
systems to perform interoperability testing against
and makes up for the less detailed analysis
compared to the IW venue, by offering shorter but
greater number of test slots to allow the greatest
breadth of plug and play opportunities with all host
and device vendors present. T&M tool providers are
available to provide ad-hoc testing services to
plugfest attendees as well. This offers the best forum
for less mature designs or with products with known
problems where attendees can consult with experts in
the field to gain insights to solutions.

Plugfest vs- Interop

Experimental products >> Plugfest
Systems which a piloting new silicon, or FPGA based IP
Reference designs
Products which dont support BIST-L (not SATA spec)
General debug and discovery.
First Look compatibility Testing

Soon to be released products >> Interop

Building Block components
New Systems, Devices, Hosts
Seeking official certification.

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