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To: Sindy

From: Elizabeth
Subject: Rio Roma in Oaxaca, Oaxaca
Hi Sindy
Who are you? I really hope youre great, and I hope you had an excellent
weekends. You wont believe what I did last Saturday! I went to see Rio Roma in
concert In Oaxaca! I won a trip to Oaxaca and two tickets for the concert. The
travel was good also it was so long I had never done such a long trip.
The concert was incredible. There was a small crowd of people. I think that this
happened because the consort was excusive. I felt a great emotion because Rio
Roma chose 10 people I was including. The lighting effects was really impressible
and made everything in the stadium look colorful. There was a really amazing
atmosphere with everyone dancing happily and having a great time.
The highlight of the show was when Rio Roma song Mi persona Favorita, all
people sang the choirs of the song. By the end of the song the whole crowd.
I feel really lucky. I never imagined that I would ever visit Oaxaca and, as you
know, Rio Roma is my favorite band! Have you been to any of Rio Roma concerts?
Write soon and tell me all your news.

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