Collaborative Crative Writing Draft 1

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On the Wings of Change

Kayelynn Guthman and Chey Burkhalter

Ezios father had come home covered in blood again. To any ten year-old that would be
terrifying, but to Ezio it was a nightly occurrence. Thats why his mother had left them. Shed
tried to take Ezio with her, but Ezio believed his father. Hed seen the monsters first-hand, after
all. Vampires, werewolves, witches Hed never believed in them. Until that day. The day hed
first seen a vampire.
These vampires werent like the ones youve read about in novels. They dont sparkle,
they dont have to be incredibly attractive, and they arent even remotely human. Of course,
during the day they look human, to hide from the people who hunt them, but when theyre
hunting or its night, theyre the most hideous creatures you could imagine. The vampire that
Ezio had unfortunately met had come in the form of his school nurse, someone any grade
schooler trusted. . .
That day in class, Ezio had been incredibly bored. They were talking about long division,
but his dad had taught him that two years ago when they had been stationed in Japan. So, to get
out of class, he did the thing any smart ten year-old would do, he faked a stomach ache.
The teacher allowed him to go to the nurse. After all, Ezio was a good liar. Apparently not
good enough for the nurse, though.When Ezio got to her office, she called his father, but thats
when things went horribly wrong. The woman, a young lady with long, red hair and a kind smile
suddenly turned into the thing of nightmares. When she set the phone down on the receiver, she
turned to Ezio and her kind smile was a horrendous grin with sharp, dull gray teeth poking out of
her mouth. Her back hunched, her red fingernails became elongated claws, and her skin took on
a sickly yellow-gray hue.
You know, lying isnt very becoming, the woman murmured. Her voice became dark
and raspy. Petrified, Ezio squeezed himself further into the corner. He was trapped with a thing
that no longer resembled anything close to human. His mind raced and calculated any of the
steps he could take to prolong his survival. What were monsters afraid of? Definitely not a ten
year-old boy stuck between a school nurses desk and a corner.
Thats when he saw it. On the other side of the room was a window, and if he could get to
it, maybe he could wriggle out and run to safety. But how to get past the looming figure in front
of him
Ezio glanced at the top of the desk. It was just covered in papers. Nothing useful. . .
Unless. . .There was a name placard that read Ms. Sonny. It looked heavy, and even though he
was sure it wouldnt knock a monster out, maybe he could distract one with it. Bracing himself,
he made a leap for the desk and hopped atop of it. His shoes slipped on the papers but he
managed to steady himself. As fast as he could, he made a grab for the placard, and jumped at the

monster with the thing in his hand. He managed to catch the monster off guard long enough to
get a good hit to the top of its ugly head. The monster snarled, and tried to grab for the boy, but
he made it to the window and ripped the curtain open. When the sunlight caught the beast, it
hissed and pressed itself down behind the desk. Just in time for Ezios father to stroll through the
door and see it.
The monster peeked around the desk and grinned maliciously, all of her steely gray teeth
glittering like tiny, menacing daggers.. It seems Ive upgraded from a snack to full on lunch
Ezios father looked sick, but thankfully he always carried a concealed weapon.
Grimacing, he pulled his gun out of the holster under his shirt and lifted it to the vampires head.
Sorry, we cant stay for lunch. With that, he pulled the trigger and Ezio watched in horror as
the monster went slack on the ground, dead. Ezios father turned to him, returning his gun to its
respective spot in its holster. What the hell was that? he muttered mostly to himself. Then he
quickly shook his head. Never mind that, kiddo. Weve gotta get outta here. Shakily, Ezio
nodded and followed his father, forcing himself to look away from Ms. Sonnys body. When
shed died, her skin had returned to normal, the claws had melted back into fingernails, and her
wretched mouth had returned to a thing of beauty. No one would know that five minutes ago she
had been a creature of the undead.
Ezios father didnt bother checking Ezio out of school. Instead, his father rushed him to
the car, and told him to never speak about this again. Ezio was to be homeschooled from then on.
He was okay with that because he never wanted to see that building ever again.
A small, white dove sat in the tree directly above a ten year-old Hecate. Being a witch,
she wasnt supposed to love the beauty in life. She was supposed to love the dark things, but she
didnt. She couldnt. She couldnt stop herself from seeing how perfect the little dove looked
sitting there, staring at her. Its black eyes watched her as it tilted its head from side to side. The
feathers on its little body looked silken, and Hecate wanted to touch them, but she sat still on the
little boulder she occupied, gazing at the little bird with a sense of awe and silent wonder.
Suddenly, a group of boys ran past her. The lead one, a little boy with red hair and a
multitude of freckles, was carrying a sling shot. Snickering, he loaded it with a pebble and shot it
at the little dove. His companions hollered as the bird fell to ground, just like the pebble it was
shot with. It was over so fast that Hecate barely registered what happened until the boys were
gone. And even then, she just sat staring at the tiny white body on the ground. A sob tore out of
her throat, and she picked the little bird up, cradling its fragile body against her chest. Sniffling,
she laid it on the ground in front of her. . . There was one spell her older sister had taught her, but

it was forbidden. It was white magic. Magic that she wasnt supposed to know. She remembered
when Clover, her sister, had used it to bring their pet tarantula back to life. . Her mother had
screamed like shed been shot.
Well, its not like the dove was her pet. . Maybe she could bring it back and no one would
ever know. Unfortunately, she didnt see the school headmistress standing twenty feet behind her,
and when she muttered the spell and watched the little bird fly away, smiling hopefully, she was
yanked to her feet by her upper arm.
What do you think youre doing? The headmistress, a severe looking woman with long,
gray hair, snarled.
I didnt -
Think anyone was watching? The woman snapped again. That form of magic is
forbidden here. Youre a dark witch, not a white witch, girl. Hecate dropped her gaze to her feet
and nodded in submission.
Of course, headmistress.
The woman stuck her nose in the air, peering down her beak-like nose at the young girl.
Good. Still, you need to learn a lesson. Hecate whimpered as the headmistress dragged her
back into the building. In the womans office, Hecate was forced to stand in front of her desk.
The headmistress paced back and forth on the other side. Now. . . what to do about our little
white witch, the woman murmured. A dark glint sparked in her dull gray eyes. I know!
Grinning, the headmistress started an incantation. When she was done, a little white dove, similar
to the one she had just resurrected, was perched on the desk. The woman gestured towards it with
a polite smile. Kill it.
Kill. It. Now. The woman repeated, leaning over her desk.
Hecate gulped, her small, pale hands shaking in front of her. She started to say an
incantation, but the headmistress stopped her again. With your hands. Hecate met her eyes in
shock. She couldnt Do it, or you wont like me in a moment. The snarl in her voice rocked
Hecate to the core. She didnt want to know what the headmistress would do if Hecate didnt
listen to her. With a tiny gasp of air, she grabbed the little bird and wrenched its neck. Numbly,
she sat staring at it. Her hands had done this. She was a witch, and destruction was the only thing
she would ever be good for.

7 Years Later
Heres your schedule, the school rule book, and a pass to your first class. Welcome to
Mott Hall Bronx High School. The secretary said cheerfully.
Ezio scrutinized his schedule, and raised an eyebrow. It was too early for anyone to be
this happy. Yeah, thanks, he grumbled, adjusting his bookbag over his shoulder. As he shoved
the stupid handbook into a pocket in his bag, the office door opened and a small, red-headed girl
came in. Her eyes were bright green, and the odd thing was that she wasnt covered in a single
freckle. Her skin was perfectly pale. Ezio narrowed his eyes. Witch.
Ezio moved aside as she came to the front desk. The whole time she kept her gaze trained
on her sneakers. Uh, I-Im Hecate Johnson, t-the new girl. Her voice was as soft as a doves
feather, and barely above a whisper. Maybe she wasnt a witch. Most were loud, annoying, and
well, witchy, but spelled with a b.
Of course. One moment. The secretary disappeared around the corner and Ezio could
hear the sound of a filing cabinet opening. When she didnt come back right away, Ezio glanced
at the girl again. Her cheeks were now a brilliant shade of red. Why?
W-why are you staring at me? she said softly. Ezio still couldnt get over the fact that
he had to strain to hear her voice.
Oh, no reason. Im just trying to read your lips, little mouse.
Her green eyes hardened, and she glared at the top of the secretarys desk. Well, you
seem to hear me just fine.
Ezio raised a single eyebrow. Feistier than I thought, he whispered to himself.
And I can hear you just fine too, the girl snapped back as the secretary rounded the
corner again. The secretary went back to her computer and typed in a few things before turning
back to the little redhead. Then she handed her a set of papers identical to Ezios.
Here you go! she chirped.
Thank you, Hecate murmured, barely above a whisper again. It bothered Ezio to the
point that his eye began to twitch. Annoyed, Ezio spun around on his heel and began to walk to
his first hour chemistry class. He wanted to get as far away from the strange girl as possible.
Unfortunately, even in this huge school, he couldnt avoid her for as long as he wanted. When he

got to class and took the last lab table at the end of the large room, she walked in, and not a
single stool, aside from the one next to his, was empty.
You must be Ms. Johnson. Looks like theres a spot next to Mr. Michaelis, he heard the
teacher say. No, he groaned internally. Not her. Even as he thought it, she started shuffling
towards his lab table. Grudgingly, he scratched his stool across the tiled floor to give her room.
Maybe he could ignore her for the rest of the year. He had a witch to find anyways. This was
another job to Ezio, and not actual schooling. Okay, settle down. We are finishing up our labs
today. Ms. Johnson and Mr. Michaelis, since youre new youll have to start from scratch but Im
sure youll figure it out, right? Ezio leaned back. He could do a lab in his sleep. You two will
have to work together after school for the next three weeks. Ezio spluttered and his stool
smacked against the ground. His father didnt tell him he would have to do something like this!
Of course," Hecate replied. Well get it done.
Great, the teacher said, clapping her hands together. Now, Im Mrs. Callahan. Lets go
around and introduce ourselves. Wonderful. As if Ezio didnt want to off himself already.
Youre late. Hecate said the moment Ezio walked in the door to the chemistry lab after
Sorry, mother. I didnt know curfew was so early, He snapped, dropping his bag on a
random table. Lets just get this over with. Hecate set her book down and looked him up and
Fine. She pouted, crossing her arms. Lets get this over with, Mr. Michaelis.
Ezio glared, throwing his lanky body into the chair opposite of her. Its Ezio.
She raised her delicate, arching eyebrows. Bless you?
Its Italian, he grumbled in response. Now are we doing this stupid thing or what?
Hecate nodded and pulled out her chemistry folder. Mr. Callahan gave me a choice
between three labs that we could do. We can do a synthesis reaction, a double-displacement
reaction, or a single-displacement reaction.

Ezio crossed his arms and said, Yes, because I totally know what all of those are.
Hecate began explaining what each reaction was, and Ezio held up a calloused hand. Sorry, you
mistook me for someone who cares.
Glowering, Hecate stood up and pointed at the beakers on the table. Well, do you want
me to do this whole thing by myself?!
Smirking, Ezio crossed his arms and propped his feet up on the table. Im fine with that.
Im not exactly what you call studious.
Frowning, Hecate shakily started to arrange things on the table top. Ezio watched with a
mischievous expression. He was bored, and he wanted to fix that.
Lifting one hand, he poked a beaker that was sitting on the edge of the lab table. Oops,
he chuckled as he pushed it and it started to fall. Hecate gasped and flung a hand out to catch it.
She couldnt possibly reach it but it stopped in midair and slowly floated back onto the table.
Ezio was out of his chair in a second, his eyes moving from Hecate to the beaker and back
several times. How did you do that?
I-I dont-
Witch. I knew it. Ezio jumped around the desk, and reached into his boot, pulling out a
long, thin dagger. I admit, for a moment there you had me believe that you were an innocent
little human girl. Hecate whimpered and tried to shrink away from him but her back met the
cold cinder block wall. No matter how sweet and innocent Ezio had thought she was, he now
knew better, and he would have to kill her. Grabbing the front of her shirt, he lifted her off of her
feet, and locked eyes with her. Ezio was then stunned into silence. Hecate was crying, and not
the fake tears hed seen witches use before. These tears were the silent tears of defeat. The kind
that werent accompanied with sobs and sniffles. This was grief in its purest form. Dammit,
Ezio swore under his breath as he set her down. I cant kill you when you look like that! Ezio
was about to go against everything his father had drilled into his head for the last seven years.
Gingerly, he led Hecate, who was still trembling with fear, back to her chair. Crossing his arms
over his chest, still clutching the dagger, he tilted his head at her. Why arent you with a
Why would I tell you? You just tried to kill me. Hecate whispered.
Apparently Im going soft. If only my father could see me now," Ezio jeered at himself.
Hecate wiped a hand across her eyes and peered up at him curiously. Your father? Is that
how you got into hunting?

Ezio snorted. Im not letting you get a few extra puffs of air so I can tell you my sob
story. Now, why arent you with your coven?
Im not exactly what you call an ideal witch. I didnt exactly belong there.
Ezio threw his head back and gave a bitter laugh. What? Your cat wasnt black enough?
Glaring, Hecate turned her gaze to the ground. Im serious, Ezio. I ran away.
Ezio looked her up a down a few times. Youre not joking? She shook her head. Well,
now Ive heard everything. He sat heavily in his chair, flipping the dagger around between his
hands. What was he to do now? He couldnt exactly kill her for being good. Looks like you ran
to the wrong place. Im supposed to kill you, carrot top.
Yeah, I got that when you pulled a knife on me, jerk face.
Dagger, Ezio corrected, holding it up in the light. Then he sighed and set it on the table
beside him. I dont want to kill you.
Hecate chuckled. Romeo Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Her words were bitter
and sarcastic.
Ezio raised an eyebrow. What does that even mean?
Hecate groaned. Shakespeare? Ezio shook his head, confused. Rolling her eyes, she put
her chin in the palm of her hand and gave him a sideways glance. Well Einstein, what are we
going to do now?
Why are you asking me? Ezio inquired.
Youre the one that got us into this mess!
Yes, you tried to kill me!
Its my job!
Well, find a different job! Ezio threw his hands up.Why was she so infuriating?
Snarling, he stood up and ran a hand through his hair. He had to think.

Finally he said, Leave.

What? Hecate squeaked.
Ezio pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index finger, closing his eyes.
Leave. Get out of here and as far away as possible. Ill pretend I never even knew your name.
Hecate scoffed. I cant just leave.
It didnt seem to bother you when you ran away from your coven, Ezio muttered. He
intended his words to be hostile, but they werent. Sighing, he started to say something but the
door flung open to reveal Mrs. Callahan.
She sneered. Ah, the newbies, her voice was an animalistic purr. Ezio glanced at the
woman. Her hair was gray, pulled back into a tight knot, and her gaze was as sharp as a dagger.
Hecate gulped audibly. Instantly, Ezio was back into a fighting stance. Mrs. Callahans eyes held
the same eerie luminance that Hecates did, except hers were much darker. This woman was also
a witch. You know, girl, I was wondering when you would show up. The Coven sent me here
months ago. Mrs. Callahan examined her nails. Ive had to bide my time and pretend to be
kind to these wretched human children. She looked down her crow-like nose. Disgusting.
Yup, definitely a witch, Ezio muttered as he flipped his dagger around in his hand. Mrs.
Callahan either didnt hear him or chose to ignore him completely. With a malicious smirk, she
turned to Hecate, who was still sitting and was now shivering.
Well, I could leave you with this little hunter boy for him to finish you off, but I should
kill you both. She straightened out her pencil-skirt. I wouldnt want a hunter bringing his
buddies to the Coven.
Ezio snorted. Like Id want to go to your house. He smirked and casually stepped in
front of Hecate, blocking the witchs view of the girl. I bet your parties are lame anyways.
Mrs. Callahan rolled her eyes. Oh, they are. About as lame as your comebacks.
Hmm, a witch who can make a joke. Thats new, Ezio replied, waiting for her to make
a move. Im genuinely hurt, he pouted.
Im sure youll get over it eventually. Then she smiled, lifting her hands. But wait.
Youll never get the chance to.

Wanna bet? Quick as lightning, he bounded over the table, brandishing his dagger.
When he was about to land on her, she disappeared and he crashed into her desk.
She reappeared directly behind Hecate and smirked. Yes, I do. Ezio coughed into his
hand, and raised his eyebrows when he saw a spot of red appear on his skin. Groaning, he
gingerly pulled himself to his feet.
Well, that didnt go as planned. He staggered forward, and had to clutch a lab table to
stand. How was he going to fight like this? He was fairly certain several of his ribs were
smashed. He and Hecate were both going to die.
Well, girl, looks like your hero isnt as heroic as he likes to fancy himself.
Hecate looked Ezio up and down. A look of determination crept over her features as she
stood and turned to face the glowering figure behind her. You forget that Im a witch.
Mrs. Callahan bellowed with laughter, clutching her stomach. A witch without a spine.
Smiling innocently, she pointed to Ezio whose vision was now starting to go black and his
breathing was shallow and fast. If you kill him, Ill let you come back to the Coven.
Hecate shook her head in disbelief. Theres a reason I left in the first place.
Mrs. Callahan sighed, and cupped the side of Hecates face. You were so promising.
Smiling, she started mumbling an incantation. Thinking quickly, Hecate smacked her hand away
and used all of her magic to thrust Mrs. Callahan backward. With a sickening thunk, she hit one
of the tables, her head slamming against the top. The womans body slid off, and she lightly sank
to the floor, limp.
Ezio chuckled breathlessly, limping over to where Hecate stood. Whoa. Who knew you
had it in you? He stopped smiling when he saw her sickened expression. You did what you had
to, Hecate.
She let out a shaky breath. I know. I just wish I didnt have to in the first place.
Ezio placed a hand on her shoulder, trying not to lean on her. He was much larger than
she was. We all have to do dark things sometimes. Taking a sharp breath, he lurched forward.
Can we get out of here now? He asked through clenched teeth.
Hecate took in his appearance and snapped out of whatever daze she had just been in. Of
course, but first let me take care of that. Breathing deeply, she tenderly placed a hand on Ezios
chest and softly spoke an incantation. Almost instantaneously, Ezio felt better.


Sighing in contentment, he breathed, Thanks. He stood up straight. You know, I could

use you when Im out hunting.
Watching him carefully, Hecate was trying to tell if he was serious. For once, he didnt
have that infuriating smirk on his face. A-are you sure? W-what about your father?
Ezio shrugged. Eh, hell get over it.
Hecate narrowed her eyes. Youre just gonna leave? she asked.
You make it sound like a bad thing, he chuckled. You left, and now you dont have
anyone to answer to. You dont have to take part in anyones warped agenda. They were silent
for a few moments. Thats when he got an idea. I know where we can go, and no one will find
Several Months Later
(Just outside of Phoenix, Arizona)
Ezio walked into the living room to find Hecate seated on the couch and staring at the
television. Smirking in the semi-darkness, he sat down beside her. You know, he whispered. If
my mother finds us awake at this hour she is gonna flip.
Im sure you can talk her down. Youre good at sweet talking almost anyone. You could
probably convince the Devil himself not to kill someone.
Ezio chuckled. And with style. Leaning his head back on the couch, he glanced at her
sideways. Why are you awake, anyways?
Couldnt sleep. Hecate answered.
Really? I thought you were wide awake because you were exhausted, he replied
sarcastically. Then he sighed. Did you have another nightmare?
Hecate shrugged and leaned her head on his shoulder. Yeah, but Ill probably have them
for the rest of my life. Its okay though, she yawned. The real ones over with now.
Am I your new dream?
Hecate looked at him quizzically. Did you just quote a Disney movie?


Ezio shrugged, adding a small smirk to the motion. Maybe.

Snorting, Hecate looked back to the television. Youre going soft in your old age.
Casually, Ezio wrapped an arm around Hecates slender shoulders. Meeting the sweetest
witch in the universe can have that effect on somebody.
Who knew you were such a romantic?
Ezio laughed. I know, right? Sighing, he went quiet. It was odd being happy, and it was
odd that his mother had been so willing to take them both in, but then again he saw how
desperately lonely she had been. Now she had two teenagers to take care of, and Ezio had two
people he wanted to protect. Plus, Ezio suspected he got some of his romantic ways from his
mother, and that was something he could use to his advantage. With a grin, he looked back at
Hecate, but was surprised to find that she had fallen asleep against him. A small smile graced her
You know you dont deserve her, a teasing voice said from the doorway. Ezios head
whipped up to find his mother standing there.
Yeah, I know, he chortled softly. But she needs somebody. I might as well be that
You always were very noble, she whispered, grabbing a blanket from the back of the
recliner and draping it over the two of them. Im sorry I left you with your father. .
Ezio tilted his head to the side. Water under the bridge, mom. Ive told you that. Im just
glad you took us in.
His mother smiled, her dark hair falling in her face as she leaned over to place a kiss on
her sons forehead. It was the same dark hair as his. Me too, kiddo. Get some sleep.
As sleep pulled him under, Ezio murmured, Good night, mom. Smiling softly, she left
the two sleeping teenagers. Here they were safe; here they were loved. What more could they ask
for? Home wasnt where they had come from. Home was what they had created for themselves.
THE END!!! YAY! :D Want me to make a title page? OMG WE DONT HAVE A NAME YET.
ME too. . hmm. . Dude. On the Wings of Change because the dove and the fact that they went
from such a terrible place to a really good one. YAY
Oh dear. im terrible at names. I LOVE IT!
do you want to make the title page and print it out


I dont have a printer, but I can make the title page. I started to anyways lol
Okay, i can print it out. are we supposed to have page numbers or anything?
I think so. Ill put them in at the bottom real quick
okay beautiful.
ok done. Dude, Im so proud of us. This story is seriously so cute!
I love it. okay, ill delet this and print it out. Or should i leave our comments, lol
lol they would probably entertain her
oh yeah theyre entertaining me
Hi Miss. Albrecht!!!!! THIS IS CHEY
Im totally leaving that.
should i?
Do it. #yolo
done. okay, ill print
ok hehe :D


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