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aia ‘The John Dube page Ges) 2, AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS oy ‘SOUTH AFRICA'S NATIONAL LIBERATION MOVEMENT Welcome to the personal page of ‘cra a ee John Langalibalele Dube Tre ANCE ty ojpctve te rebar a ‘vot nora non exsta ermerte sey. Srrou James Dte one site atordanepucow ete Areicas | Documents relating to amare een Ag Sul tein Jw Dube glrdranes mas on a et sana aes mee ng ikon be comer rercan Darel Linde “fone ety fo oth Mice oly ec ‘here re mary conrad vews and jugemensonduber it, | * Speecnes Lets take ao semple. 15.0, Wloka «poet ans auto, wrote in 1946 thet Dube was "2 The Tare Alanee ifnathe gates black men othe missionaryspodh in South yr enter AS, Nooo had wien neve same win:Dube | * Leatobs Te ANGIE an lace wht Sn “ane whe comes oncein many centres -No ore alee in his + beter ‘tres Gonz Pty (SACP athe aon generalon has accomplished a much wih such meagre | 7 Pebion onan of Sout Arzan Tae sins . ‘ ea “ + Spooctes {COSATU. Each Allan pura en fconomicmeans. He wos scholar, gentlemen, lade, me teacher, pollican,paviotand philanthropist _reendetorgnaton i ow ‘There woe othr judgements. The Governor of Nala in 1906 Dube rogarmes. The Alance founded ona was "a pronounced Ethiopian who oughito be watchod” and John X ‘canmen commenti ieee of Merman, Cape “tera, ‘pe hone onset Revaion an ‘peneod a unto trgestpssble cronessotonf Sh Aton ans ‘nese ones, Ext Mane Cer Taro = OO Bertone te anc General ANC Documents Former Leaders General information Subscribe Structures and Contacts ANC Websites wn

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