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Evaluation of Teacher Candidate by School Administrator: Site 1


Collector: New Link (Web Link)
Started: Thursday, February 12, 2015 10:19:45 AM
Last Modified: Thursday, February 12, 2015 11:31:25 AM
Time Spent: 01:11:39
IP Address:

PAGE 1: Personal Information

Q1: Date


Q2: Semester/Year

Second Semester-2014-2015

Q3: Teacher Candidate's Name

Jennifer King

Q4: School Administrator's Name

Diana Brown

Q5: School Division

Virginia Beach Public Schools

Q6: School

Pembroke Elementary

Q7: School Description


PAGE 2: Rating/Evaluation

Q8: Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate on each item listed.
Personal characteristics and professional attitudes


Knowledge of subject matter






Management and control


Team Interaction




PAGE 3: Comments



Evaluation of Teacher Candidate by School Administrator: Site 1


Q9: Areas of strength:

Ms. King started her lesson by asking direct questions about the ocean floor. Her approach allowed students
to think quietly. The teacher waited patiently and then asked the students to share their visualization with a
partner. The teacher then called on a few students to share.
Ms. King explained to students that marine biologists study the ocean and then showed the students a brief
video. The video explained maps of the sea floor and tools used when exploring the bottom of the sea (sonar,
echo beams, videos, cameras, etc.)
The teacher checked for understanding of the video by asking the students to stand up, if the scientists used
sonar or if they used a camera. The teacher thanked her students for participating.
The teacher shared 4 anticipation guide statements. The students read the sentences and they checked each
sentence if they agreed with the statement. If they did not agree with the statement, the students left it blank.
Most students followed directions; a few students required a bit of assistance.
Ms. King read a small passage about the ocean floor. She called on a few students to read a few sentences.
After reading the passage, the students verified their checks on the anticipation guide. The teacher then
reviewed each question and verified correct answers. Students assisted by giving thumbs up or thumbs down
and stated whether or not the text supported their answers.
Using a Promethean Board, Ms. King showed the students features of the ocean floor. She showed them a
few more pictures and asked students to identify particular features. The students were given a handout to
label each feature.
The teacher showed a 3-D video of different places around the world featuring parts of the ocean. The
students were impressed by the video.
The teacher allowed the students to create clay models of the ocean floor and as a closure activity, the
teacher planned a chalk talk to allow students to get clarification or to give others clarification.
Ms. King placed an emphasis on understanding scientific concepts through the use of technology and through
authentic tasks that were focused on attention to varied learning styles and needs (lots of movement, visuals,
reflections, sharing).
Her lesson was planned with great care to align to specific standards of learning and within the suggested
scope of sequence.
In addition Ms. King guided students in active and extended scientific inquiry and discussion by requiring them
to create their own clay models of the ocean floor and allowing them to do a chalk talk to share with each
other their own understanding of the concepts learned.
Q10: Areas for refinement:
Ms. King, continue to develop your understanding of the content matter so that you can help students create
useful cognitive maps, relate ideas to one another, and address misconceptions. There were a few times,
during the observation, when students struggled to make connections (crust of the earth comment; difference
between mountains in the ocean vs. the mountains above the sea, slopes, and abysms)
In addition, dont be afraid to use and create a cheat sheet (I did it all the time; now I call them agendas) to
keep you on track and on top of your lesson.
Lastly, your students were very cooperative and willing to learn. Dont forget to give them constant verbal and
non-verbal praise as they participate and collaborate. This is easy to forget when you have a great class.
However, as you build your own community of learners, you will have to remember that complimenting your
class regularly will get you miles of cooperation.


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