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OB- obstetrics
G- gravida
P- parity
SL- saline lock
Vag- vaginal delivery
C-section- cesarean section
GBS- Group beta strep
MMR- Mumps, measles and rubella
Tdap- Tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis
PCA- patient controlled analgesia
GA- gestational age
GD- gestational diabetes
Hct- hematocrit
FHR-fetal heart rate
UC-uterine contractions
IUGR-intrauterine growth retardation
EFM-electronic fetal monitoring
UA-uterine activity
DVT-deep vein thrombosis
BS-blood sugar
APGARS- (Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration)
NBS- newborn screen
Hep B-Hepatitis B
CBC- complete blood count
BLD-blood type

Pulse ox-pulse oximetry
TCB-total bilirubin count

EDC-expected date of confinement

BUBBLE HE- Breast, uterus, bladder, bowel, lochia, episiotomy, Homans and
emotional status
PIH-pregnancy induce hypertension
TPAL- # of term births, # of preterm births, # of abortions, # of living children
LGA- large for gestational age
AGA-appropriate for gestational age
CHD-congenital heart defect
PPD-post partum depression
PPH-post partum hemorrhage
NTD- neural tube defects
ROM Rupture of membranes
PROM premature rupture of membranes
SGA- small for gestational age
VBAC- vaginal birth after c-section

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