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Presented by Group 5

Jigar Desai (13)

Parthik Gosar (17)
Parth Joshi (24)
Jeba Arulraj (37)

Purav Nanavati (38)

Ankita Rathi (42)
Komal Shah (52)
Saloni Zanzari (62)

Some basic definitions..

is the scientific study of the relationships
that living organisms have with each other and
with their abiotic environment.
are composed of dynamically
interacting parts including organisms,
the communities they make up, and the non-living
components of their environment.
processes, such as primary
production, pedogenesis, nutrient cycling, and
various niche construction activities, regulate the
flux of energy and matter through an environment.
These processes are sustained by
the biodiversity within them.

Levels of organization of matter









are such physical and chemical factors of an

ecosystem as light, temperature, atmosphere
gases(nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide are the most
important), water, wind, soil. These specific abiotic
factors represent the geological, geographical,
hydrological and climatological features of a
particular ecosystem.

What are the components of

an ecosystem?
Water, which is at the
same time an essential
element to life and a

Temperature, which
should not exceed
certain extremes, even
if tolerance to heat is
significant for some

Air, which provides oxygen,

nitrogen, and carbon
dioxide to living species
and allows the
dissemination of pollen and

Light, which provides

energy to the ecosystem
through photosynthesis

Soil, at the same time

source of nutriment and
physical support. The
salinity, nitrogen and
phosphorus content,
ability to retain water,
and density are all

Natural disasters can

also be considered
abiotic. According to the
intermediate disturbance
hypothesis, a moderate
amount of disturbance
does good to increase the

What are the components of

an ecosystem?
2. Biotic Components
The living organisms are the biotic
components of an ecosystem. In
ecosystems, living things are classified
after the way they get their food.
Biotic Components include the following --

What are the components of

an ecosystem?
Photoautotrophs are photosynthesizers such as algae and
green plants that produce most of the organic nutrients for the
Autotrophs produce their own organic nutrients for themselves
and other members of the community; therefore, they are called
the producers. There are basically two kinds of autotrophs,
"chemoautotrophs and photoautogrophs.
Chemoautotrophs are bacteria that obtain energy by oxidizing
inorganic compounds such as ammonia, nitrites, and sulfides ,
and they use this energy to synthesize carbohydrates.
Heterotrophs, as consumers that are unable to produce, are
constantly looking for source of organic nutrients from

What are the components of

an ecosystem?
Detritivores - organisms that rely on detritus, the
decomposing particles of organic matter, for food.
Earthworms and some beetles, termites, and maggots
are all terrestrial detritivores.

Nonphotosynthetic bacteria and fungi, including

mushrooms, are decomposers that carry out
decomposition, the breakdown of dead organic matter,
including animal waste. Decomposers perform a very
valuable service by releasing inorganic substances
that are taken up by plants once more

What is Food Chain?

Flow of energy in an ecosystem is one way
process. The sequence of organism
through which the energy flows, is known
as food chain.

Tropic levels in a food chain

(i) Primary consumers
(ii) Secondary consumers
(iii) Tertiary consumers
(iv) Quaternary consumers


Types of Food Chain

(i) Grazing Food Chain
The consumers utilizing plants as their
food , constitute
grazing food chain.
This food chain begins from green
plants and the
primary consumer is herbivore.

Most of the ecosystem in nature

follows this type of
food chain.
Ex: grass => grasshopper => frogs =>

Types of Food Chain

(ii) Detritus food chain
This type of food chain starts from dead organic matter of decaying
animals and plant bodies to the micro-organisms and then to detritus
feeding organism and to otherpredators.
The food chain depends mainly on the influx of organic matter produced
in another system.
The organism of the food chain includes algae, bacteria,fungi, protozoa,
insects, nematodes etc.

Significance of Food Chain

The knowledge of food chain helps in understanding
the feeding relationship as well as the interaction
between organism and ecosystem.
It also help in understanding the mechanism of energy
flow and circulation of matter in ecosystem.

It also helps to understand the movement of toxic

substance and the problem associated with biological
magnification in the ecosystem.

What is food web?

Food web can be defined as, "a network of food chains
which are interconnected at various tropic levels, so as to
form a number of feeding connections amongst different
organisms of a biotic community".It is also known as
consumer-resource system.

Important facts
A node represents an individual species, or a group of
species or different stages of a single species.
A link connects two nodes. Arrows represent links, and
always go from prey to predator.
The lowest tropic level are called basal species.
The highest tropic level are called top predators.
Movement of nutrients is cyclic but of energy is
unidirectional and non-cyclic.

Types of food web representation

TOPOLOGICAL These food webs simply indicate a

feeding relationship.


Bio-energetic webs, or flow webs,

include information on the strength
of the feeding interaction.


In interaction the arrows show how

one group influences another.

Different food webs

Soil food web
Aquatic food web
Food web in forest
Food web of grassland
Food web in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem

Aquatic food web

Food web in

Grassland Food

Food web in terrestrial

and aquatic ecosystem

Significance of Food Web

Food webs distinguish levels of producers and consumers by
identifying and defining the importance of animal relationships
and food sources, beginning with primary producers such as
plants, insects and herbivores.
Food webs are important tools in understanding that plants are
the foundation of all ecosystems and food chains, sustaining life
by providing nourishment and oxygen needed for survival and
The food web provide stability to the ecosystem.

What causes ecosystem to

change?? (Natural causes)
Cyclones &Hurricane

Volcano eruptions

Floods and famines

Natural forest fires

What causes ecosystem to

change?? (man-made causes)
Oil spills

Artificial fires

Examples of ecosystem
The extirpation of wolves in Yellowstone National Park led to over-browsing of
aspen and willows by elk, and restoration of wolves has allowed the vegetation to
The reduction of lions and leopards in parts of Africa has led to population
outbreaks and changes in behavior of olive baboons, increasing their contact
with people and causing higher rates of intestinal parasites in both people and

A rinderpest epidemic decimated the populations of wildebeest and other

ungulates in the Serengeti, resulting in more woody vegetation and increased
extent and frequency of wildfires prior to rinderpest eradication in the 1960s.
Dramatic changes in coastal ecosystems have followed the collapse and
recovery of sea otter populations; sea otters maintain coastal kelp forests by
controlling populations of kelp-grazing sea urchins.

The decimation of sharks in an estuarine ecosystem caused an outbreak of cownosed rays and the collapse of shellfish populations.

Natural Disasters and Environmental


Natural Disasters and

Environmental Change

Ecosystems are constantly changing. The

plants and animals living in an ecosystem
change the ecosystem just by going about
their daily lives. Over time, even bigger
changes can happen.

Ecological Succession
The gradual process of change in an
ecosystem is called ecological succession.
There are two types of ecological

Natural Disasters and

Environmental Change

Primary succession is
succession that happens
where an ecosystem was
not present before. Another
example is an ecosystem
that develops in a very
rocky area or on a sand

Secondary succession is
another type of
ecological succession.
Secondary succession
occurs where an
ecosystem has
previously existed. For
example, secondary
succession occurs when
a lake ecosystem
gradually fills in and
grows into a forest.

Secondary succession
also happens in
ecosystems that have
been disrupted by
humans or by natural
disasters. Land
development can cause
secondary succession.
So can natural disasters
such as earthquakes,
volcanoes, and fires.

Natural Disasters and

One example of a
natural disaster and how
it changed the
environment is the
eruption of Mt. St.
Helen's in Washington.

Fires and Ecological

There are some types of ecosystems that stay healthy because
of fires. In some parts of the country, wild fires are allowed to
burn because they allow room for certain types of plants and
trees to grow.
In fact, there are some types of trees that will not release their
seeds unless they are exposed to very high temperatures.
In fact, there are some types of trees that will not release their
seeds unless they are exposed to very high temperatures.
A fire allows some trees to be cleared in order for others to grow.
This in turn provides food for organisms that need it.

Ecosystem stability

Resistance and resilience: the

relationship between stability and
Ecosystem stability is an important corollary of sustainability. Over
time, the structure and function of a healthy ecosystem should
remain relatively stable, even in the face of disturbance. If a stress
or disturbance does alter the ecosystem is should be able to bounce
back quickly

Resistance - the ability of the ecosystem to continue to

function without change when stressed by disturbance
Resilience - the ability of the ecosystem to recover after

Factors affecting
Disturbance frequency and intensity (how often and
what kind of tillage)
Species diversity (intercropping or rotations),
interactions (competition for water and nutrients from
weed species), and life history strategies (do the
species grow fast and produce many seeds or slow
with few seeds)
Tropic complexity (how many functions are
represented), redundancy (how
many populations perform each function), food web
structure (how do all of these groups interact)
Rate of nutrient or energy flux (how fast are nutrients
and energy moving in and out of the system or
input:output efficiency)

The ecosystem change can either recover from a disturbance or not. Its easier
to recover from a natural disturbances than man made disturbances

A concept related to ecosystem stability is the Intermediate Disturbance

Hypothesis, which states that the highest levels of diversity are supported at
intermediate levels of disturbance (frequency or intensity)

Ecosystems experiencing intermediate levels of disturbance, will have the

highest diversity, the greatest redundancy, and, therefore, the greatest stability

In other words, stability can apply to the number of species in an area or the
number of functions performed.

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