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Biography Antonio Nario

He was born in Santaf de Bogot, Colombia the nine of April of 1765. He was a
man of wealthy family. He studied philosophy and advocacy. Obtained different
positions in the capital of Spanish viceroyalty of Nueva Granada. He gathered
persons whit like by the enlightenment thought and liberal from of America
and Europe.
In the year 1793 translator and print the rights of man and the citizen origin in
the French revolutions. Shortly after unveiled many pamphlets whit yours own
revolution ideas; he was sentenced to prison in the North Africa, but he
managed get away and take cover in Paris.
There he took contact with in the revolution and probably his taste was
initiated by the political and administrative centralism. He moved to Gran
Bretaa. There got support for a project of American colonies revolution. Within
the framework of the Spanish-British war of 1796 and 1797; he failed in the
intent of revolution of Venezuela and he was imprisoned in to 1997 and 1803;
1809 and 1810.
In 1810 separatist rebellion broke out, taking the opportunity to Spain was
occupied by the army of Napoleon Bonaparte; Antonio Nario could not
participate, but joined the rebels as soon as he was released. In the political
confrontations, that generated the civil war. Nario represented the centralist
option in front of the federalists, majority in the congress of the Nueva
He got have the presidency of Cundinamarca State, The currently Colombia,
autonomous from 1811; In 1812 was defeated, but the next year he regained
control of Cundinamarca and proclaimed its independency. He left the
presidency to be placed in front of the army that tried do front of Spanish
advance from south; the Spaniards defeated in 1814 and they sent again to
The pronouncement liberal of general Riego remanded him the liberty in 1820.
He returned to America. He was named vice president lives of the Colombia
republic by Simon Bolvar
was named vice president of the republic of Colombia by Simon bolivar. But
resigned after his policy proposals were rejected by the Congress of Cucuta
He died the 13 of December of 1923 in Villa de leyva.

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