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A GREGORIAN INSTITUTE PUBLICATION CHANTS OF THE CHURCH — Selected Gregorian Chants — Edited and Compiled by the MONKS OF SOLESMES Interlinear Translations by RT. REV. MSGR. CHARLES E. SPENCE GREGORIAN INSTITUTE OF AMERICA 2132 Jefferson Ave. — Toledo 2, Ohio IMPRIMATUR. Tornaci, die 27 Marti 1953. *] Jutrus Lecouver, Vic. Gen, All Rights Reserved on the rhythmic signs and the rhythm they represent as well as on the melodies which are not part of the Vatican Edition but are taken from the publications of Solesmes. Descufe & Co. Tournai (Belg.) Copyright 1953 by Desc & Co., Tournai (Belgium). Printed in Belgium, Notes on the Translation It is an axiom with authorities on Plain Chant that the words are more important than the melodies; in other words, that the liturgical text takes precedence over the music to which it is sung, and in fact, determines the manner of rendering the music, since the same melody is sometimes found attached to various texts of quite different character. Unfortunately there are few organists or singers nowadays whose knowledge of Latin is sufficient to enable them to follow easily the meaning of the liturgical texts, So it seemed desirable to the editor of this manual of Plain Chant that a literal and word-for-word rendering of the Latin should be printed immediately below the Latin text in such a way that the sense could be followed as the words are sung. Accordingly the translator has made it his aim to offer such a word-for-word translation as would make the meaning of the text clear and could be read intelligibly even by itself. The difficulties are of course considerable, The main difference between Latin and most modern languages lies in the word order; for in Latin the endings of the words are changed to indicate their connection with the rest of the sentence whereas in modern languages it is the order of the words which indicates their connection with each other. In consequence the words in the Latin sentence can be arranged to suit the taste and convenience of the writer and so the order often varies greatly from that in English, In our word-for- word translations we have sought to render each Latin word where it stands and yet to make sense in English, thus enabling, we hope, the singer with little or no Latin to follow the meaning in the Latin order. This naturally leads to some rather odd expressions, but not unintelligible; e. g., Pater noster: Father of-us; Deus meus? God of-mine; that is to say, adjectives commonly follow the noun in Latin, Again the verb may stand before the subject; e. g., Fiat lux : Be-made light. In English we say, Hallowed be Thy name; Blessed art thou, etc. Consequently the reader must be prepared for many such unusual arrangements of words. Where more than as is often the case, these words are joined by hyphens Fiat lux : Let-there-be light. Where extra words have been inserted to make the translation clearer these have been enclosed in parentheses. So it is believed that a careful study of these translations will be of considerable value even to those who know some Latin, but wish to obtain greater fluency. “I will pray in a tongue”, says St. Paul, “but I will also pray with the understanding”. Surely our singing will give greater glory to God and greater edification to our neighbor and to ourselves if we do it with understanding as well as with artistic propriety. God grant that this little book may contribute something to such a “ reasonable service” on the part of those who participate in the Church’s liturgy as members of choirs and singing congregations. Dec. 18, 1952, Introduction concerning Chant Technique 1) GREGORIAN NOTATION WITH THE RYTHMIC SIGNS OF SOLESMES ‘The notes and ips of notes (meums) used is in Gregorian chant appear on a four-line stafl, Two clef signs are in use to indicate lative pitch of the notes : & ‘The Do-clef shows on what line the note Do is placed. The Fa-clef 4 shows on what line the note Fa is placed. These clefs may appear on any line depending on the the melody to be sung, s0 that the notes of the piece may be placed on the staff lines and spaces, thus avoiding, as far as possible, use of leger lines above or below the staff. The GUIDE Sj is a sign placed at the end of each line of Gregorian music to indicate in advance the first note of the following line. It is also employed in the course of a line when the extension of the melody demands a change in the place of the clef, to show the relative pitch of the first note after the change. Three kinds of BAR-LINES are used: The DOUBLE BAR which indicates the end of a piece or a change of choir. The FULL BAR which indicates the end of a phrase and a full pause in the singing. The HALF BAR —{— indicates divisions known as clauses or members, hence the half bar is also called the member bar. I guts the two middle lines of the staff. The QUARTER BAR indicates divisions known as sections or incises. It cuts only the top line of the staff. The part played by each of these signs has to do with wi INTRODUCTION CONCERNING CHANT TECHNIQUE the punctuation of the musical phrase in respect tothe greater rhythm of the piece. If BREATH must be taken at either the half bar or the quarter bar, it must be taken off the value of the note before. The same holds true of the COMMA or VIRGULA. —— The only place for a stop or full pause in the singing is at the full bar or the double bar. The only accidental permitted in the chant is the FLAT’, which may only be used on the note si (ti), The flat is effective only a) as long as the word lasts, 6) until the next bar line of any Kind, c) until revoked by the natural sign. When only a single note is to be sung on a syllable of a word, the PUNCTUM «is used. Its value or duration may be modified in two ways: a) by the addition of a dot «, which doubles its length; b) by the horizontal episema *, which prolongs the note without necessarily doubling it. The individual note in Gregorian chant can never be divided or shortened by a fraction of itself as in modern music. In other words, the time-value of all notes are exactly the same unless | ened by the addition of a dot or accompanied by the horizontal episema as mentioned above. The VIRGA 4 and the diamond or RHOMBUS + are never used alone. They ere always parts of a neum, ¢. g. B, When more than a single note is to be sung on a syllable of a word, the derived NEUM is used. The derived neum is, therefore, a group of notes sung over the same syllable. Sometimes more than a single neum is required to indicate all the notes to be sung on the same syllable. a) Neums of two notes : i PODATUS or PES — second note higher than the first. The lower note is sung first. fe CLIVIS — second note lower than the first. DISTROPHA — second note on the same pitch as the first note. a BIVIRGA — doubles the note but with an expression of force firmness, whereas the distropha designates lightness. b) Neums of three notes: 2 TORCULUS — second note higher than first and third, Ss PORRECTUS — second note lower than first and third, 4% CLIMACUS — each successive note lower than the preceding. It may have more than three notes: ‘Sy, INTRODUCTION CONCERNING CHANT TECHNIQUE vi) 7 SCANDICUS — each successive note higher than the x” preceding. It may have more than three notes: FF sf SALICUS — each successive note higher than the preceding, with a slight prolongation and the rhythmic THD on the second last note. .OPHA — all three notes on the same pitch. ¢) Neums of four notes : TORCULUS RESUPINUS — torculus with fourth note higher than the thir. PORRECTUS FLEXUS — porrectus with fourth note lower than the third. CLIMACUS RESUPINUS — climacus with fourth note higher than the third. SCANDICUS FLEXUS — scandicus with fourth note lower than the third. PES SUBBIPUNCTIS — podatus followed by descend- ing rhombus notes. HB H RS ) Special notes and neums : # The QUILISMA is found in ascenc passages. this ea; The note immediately preceding ged note must be distinctly prolonged and emphasized. "—. The PRESSUS is the meeting of a punctum and a group, and then the punctum is before the neum, or a group and a group on the same pitch. r ‘The ORISCUS is the meeting of a group and a punctum. on the same pitch and then the punctum is at the end of the neum. ij LIQUESCENT neums are those in which the last note is printed smaller than the note or notes which precede This small note has a duration equivalent to that of the other note. Its function is merely to facilitate the pronunciation of words at the juncture of vowels or certain consonants. 2) RHYTHM Rhythm is the organizing element or factor of music which keeps the melody moving, fowing from one point to another until a certain resting point is reached. “Rhythmic effect is produced or caused or three sounds (notes) to other groups of two or three sounds. Rhythm, therefore, is the welding or synthetic influence in music, viij INTRODUCTION CONCERNING CHANT TECHNIQUE In Gregorian chant the rhythm is free, that is, the fundamental groups are not all of equal size, but the groups Of twos and threes are intermingled freely. The ictus gives the rhythmic support to the melody and the clan to the movement. This means that the singer must be able to recognize which notes bear the rhythmic ictus in order to secure the order of movement essential to the very notion of musical rhythm, Practically speaking, the ictus is nothing else than the place where the fundamental groups of twos and threes begin, The following rules are therefore absolutely essential for the placing of the ictus in a chant melody. ‘The vertical episema [1] is used to indicate the place of the ictus, but since it is not always printed in the chant melodies, the following simple set of rules must be applied. The three main rules are listed here in the order of their importance and in the order in which they must be used, The count of “ one” or ictus belongs to: 1. Notes with the vertical episema marked in the musical text. 2. All notes that are sustained at least two pulses over the same syllable, such as the distropha, bivirga, tristropha, pressus, dotted notes; and the note before the quilisma, 3. Any note which begins a group (simple neum). This third tule holds only when it does not conflict with either of the first two above. In syllabic chant, i. e. passages where there is only one note to a syllable, there are two possibilities. The ictus may be placed on the note over the last syllable of each word, or you may count back by twos from the next known ictus found by the use of the three rules given above. The accent of the dacty! ordinarily attracts the ictus. It is a common fault to assimilate the ictus to the accent of the words and give it their value. The rhythmical touching-point (ictus) may be relatively strong or weak depending upon its position in the text or melody. The ictus must never be confused with accent, Ictus has to do with the rhythm of the melody. Accent has to do with proper pronunciation of the text. Chant is beautifully and correctly sung when both these different things have been given their full measure of attention, but it is fatal to confuse them, While the ictus determines the beginnings of groups of two or three notes, the actual rhythm is not achieved until these groups of twos and threes are related to each other on the basis of the arsis and thesis, i, e. the “rise” and “fall” elements of the complete thythmic wave, The rhythmic wave is pictured by the chironomy. Chironomy is the art of conducting or directing the chant by gestures of the hand, It outlines or pictures the rhythm of the melody for the choir. Rhythm is a i realized by means of successive steps : words, sections, members, phrases; each of these units being formed by a relationship of rise and fall, elan and repos, tension and release, activity and a coming to rest. The ARSIS or “rise ‘oup” designates the elan part of the rhythmic wave. The THEsts “or fall. group” shows the relaxation phase of the thythmic wave. ‘The first and simplest rule of chironomy is that the arsis is used for rising melody and the thesis for descending INTRODUCTION CONCERNING CHANT TECHNIQUE ix melody and cadence. The arsis is frequently used for accents of words when they occur on the ictic note, or even off the ictic note when a thesis is not already in process. In the latter case an undulation is used to lift an accent which occurs after the ictus in a thetic group. Last syllables of words are generally thetic unless the melodic formation over the last syllable distinctly calls for an arsis, It is essential to note that the arsis or thesis begins in every case on the ictic note. Hence, at every ictus there must be the beginning of either an arsis or a thesis. This is to say that the arsis and thesis bind together the binary and ternary groups throughout the phrase, so that at every ictus you must decide on the use of an arsis or thesis. For example : cs hys-86-po, et mundé- boi Aspér- ges me, * Dé-mi- ne, 1, An arsis because the beginning of a word and rising melody. 2. Another arsis to pick up the accent of the word. 3. A thesis because it is the end of the word. 4. A thesis because of the cadence effect of the dotted note at end of incise. 5. Arsis because of acoent and rising melody and new incise. 6. Thesis because of descending melody and penultimate syllable of dactyl. 7. Thesis : descending melody and end of word. Note that this thesis includes the syllable “hys-” of the next word in order to arrive at the next ictic note which is on “so-”. 8, Arsis to pick up the accent of the word. 9. Thesis on the end of a word. 10, Arsis on “et” because it is beginning a new phrase, and the melody lies higher than the preceding. 11, The next group of two suggests a complete rhythmic wave of arsis and thesis. 12. Arsis on the accent of the word. 13, The end, of course, is thetic. In syllabic chants we often require the use of the UNDULATION, in order to pick up a primary (or even a secondary) accent which is in a thesis and not on the ictic note. This happens especially when you give the words their natural rhythm, i.e. put the ictus on the note over the last syllable. The classic example is the “ Dies irae”. Di- es {-rae, di- es. fl-la, Sél-vet saéclum In fa-vil-la x INTRODUCTION CONCERNING CHANT TECHNIQUE The undulations on i-rae, di-es, il-la and sol-vet are all necessary because these accents occur on the second or third pulse in a thesis. If these accents had occurred on the first pulse of a group of two or three then an arsis would have been used. Rhythmically all music is divided into ultimate groups of two or three pulses, And locating the ictus in chant is nothing else than locating the place where these fundamental rhythmic groups of twos and threes begin. Thus the simple beats are combined in binary and ternary groupings. Real rhythm begins when these binary and ternary groupings are brought into relation with each other on the basis of arsis and thesis. Now, just as the ictus renders distinct but does not separate the binary and the ternary groupings, so the half-bar el | and the incise bar | serve to indicate the larger groupings or, sections of a complete textual and melodic phrase. Thus, in the same way in which arsis and thesis couple up basic binary and ternary groups, the rhythm has various means of coupling up members and incises into an even higher unity or greater rhythm. Without a genuine aesthetic sense on the part of the director, and without the synthetic action of the chythm, a piece of chant loses its literary, tonal and melodic meaning. 3) THE MODES At the beginning of each chant melody will be found a number (from one to eight) which indicates the mode in which the piece is ending. A mode is a fixed arrangement of tones and semitones in a scale. Melodies of the chant use only the material of diatonic scale progressions. In Gregorian chant there are eight modes. A mode is characterized and identified by its tonic, dominant and range. The tonic is the note with which a mode ends or comes to rest: for that reason it is sometimes called the final or funda- mental of a mode, The dominant is the note which serves as a centre of attraction round which the melodies tend to revolve. The range of a mode is the compass or area of notes which it covers in its eight constituent tones. Following is a table of the eight modes. The hollow note in each scale indicates the tonic, and the arrow shows the dominant. The range, of course, is evident from the notes contained in the scale. by INTRODUCTION CONCERNING CHANT TECHNIQUE xj D Oo Tee Toye” Sa SSE D a i c = ‘ . __ Some melodies end with notes other than those regarded as tonics in the regular eight modes, Such melodies can generally be said to be written in a transposed mode. The distinction between the modes does not consist in their different height or depth of pitch, since any mode may be sung at any pitch depending on the nature of the choir or the occasion. What really constitutes the peculiarity of cach mode is the place of the whole tones and semitones in the scale, But even more conclusive than scale structure as such are the melodic formulas for fixing the character of a mode. The distinctive character of different modes is best learned by the repeated singing and comparison of characteristic intervals, introductory formulas, typical melodies and cadences, It is also well to note that melody may move within several modes by the SB process of modulation as in modern music, 4) BXPRESSION The singing of the chant must be characterized by the three virtues of sobriety, simplicity and restraint. This requires on the Pact of the singer a mind disciplined in the art of prayer at well as in the art of music. But this does by no means imply that the chant is to be sung heavily or slowly. There must never be a sensation of dragging in the rendition of the chant. It must be sung lightly and it must move. The rhythm, the melody and th the text all contribute to this lightness and movement which mak the chant by nature so capat le of lifting our minds and hearts to God in liturgical prayer. To sing the chant beautifully and in a manner worthy of its high otpose, more is necessary than a, mere understanding of damental theory of the chant. The proper use of Se ce is of equal importance. Any choir attempting to sing chant succesfully must lao give some very definite and diaeplin serenon to she folowing proper bretchings 2) tone production; a oles eins 8 development of a rhythmic senses 6) tending the melodies eith a uncpihs legato, sugcained tones? ‘Ae’ to dysatmica, there must “never: be tay. sudden or exaggerated changes in volume. Regarding the speed or tempo, a good norm is this: the notes should follow each other in the same pace as syllables of the text would follow each other in a sensible xij INTRODUCTION CONCERNING CHANT TECHNIQUE reading and p! of the words, Ar all endings the choir should Ordinarily to’ slow down and quiet down. That is to say, cadences should be softened and prepared for by a suitable ritardando. In general, rising melody calls for a crescendo, and descending melody for’a decrescendo. Organ accompaniment to chant melodies must be simple and soft. It must never call attention to itself by being “ flashy ” or loud. Actually the chant does not require any accompaniment, By its very nature chant is self-sufficient and artistically satisfying when sung a cappella, But if the organ is used it should serve merely as a background or support to the singing, giving the impression that the choir is at all timce perfectly sure of itself and not dependent on the organ for pitch, speed or dynamics. The foundation thus offered by the organ must be diatonic and not chromatic, otherwise it will give the wrong harmonic flavor and detract from’the modal intervals which are inherent in the tonality of Gregorian chant. ATIN PRONUNCIATION Being the handmaid of the Liturgy, the chant ought never to obscure but to bring out the sense of the words. There must be good diction. This requires attention to correct pronunciation, accentuation and phrasing of the Latin words in the text. The Latin language of the liturgy uses the five fundamental vowel sounds in their original purity. There is no mixture or fusion of vowel sounds as in the English language. Pronounce: A as in father, not as in add. E as in mellow, not as in obey. I as in radio, not as in miss. © as in for, not as in note. U as in boot, not as in but. AE and OE as simple E above. Otherwise two consecutive vowels are pronounced separately, e.g. EI, OU, AI, EO, II. ‘Latin consonants which cail for special attention are: C before ¢, ae, oe, i is pronounced like ch in church. C__ before a, o, u is pronounced like c in cat. G __ before a, 0, u is pronounced like g in get. G__ before e, i is pronounced like g in gentle. INTRODUCTION CONCERNING CHANT TECHNIQUE xij H_ is silent as in Thomas, except in mihi and mil where it has the sound of a somewhat softened K, J (Sometimes written as I) gets the sound of the English Y but forms only one sound with the following vowel. Y in Latin gets the sound of I. CH is always pronounced K (even before e and i). GN gets the sound of ny as in the English canyon PH is always pronounced F. TH is always pronounced T. SC before e and i gets the sound of SH. CC before e and i gets the sound of T plus CH. (e. g. ecce). TI before any vowel is TSI. XC before ¢ and i is pronounced like K plus SH (e.g. excelsis). Z_~ is pronounced with the DZ sound in the lish word stands. Regarding the Latin accent, it should be noted that it is not to be treated with the stress or emphasis given to, the accent of a word in English or German, On , the Latin accent is an uplifting impulse, Nor is the sglisble i ; the, accent to be prolo: beyond the length of any other syllable. Every syllable must be distinctly pronounced, evenly and smoothly, with none of the tend ide elision peculiar to English pronunciation. No Latin word has the accent on the last syllable nor further back than the third last eyllable, In other words, there are only spondees and dactyls in the Latin language. INDEX NoTEs ON THE TRANSLATION . INTRODUCTION CONCERNING CHANT THE ORDINARY CHANTS The Asperges . ‘The Vidi Aquam . . I.In Paschal Time. II. On Solemn Feasts. 1. TII. On Solemn Feasts. 2 . . IV. On Double Feasts. 1. VIII. On Double Feasts. 2 IX. On Feasts of Our Lady. 1 X. On Feasts of Our Lady.2. XI. On Sundays throughout the Year XII. On Semidouble Feast . XV. On Simple Feasts. : XVI. On Ferias throughout the Year | XVII. On Sundays in Advent and Lent . XVIII. On Feasts in Advent and Lent Ambrosian Gloria. Crdol . . ee Credo 2. ee CredoIV 2. we RESPONSES AT MASS. Tones for the Prayers Atthe Gospel... Solemn tone for Preface . Simple tone for Preface . At “Pater noster” . . On THe Day oF Buriat Requiem Mass. . - ee Absolution after Mass . . Psalm so. Miserere (Tone rf.) OF THE MASS INDEX SELECTED GREGORIAN CHANTS 1, Adoremus and Laudate Dominum.I. 9. . 2, Adoremus and LaudateDominum. Il... 3, Adoremus and Laudate Dominum. UI . . 4.Adorotedevote =... ww ee 5.AlmaRedemptoris . . . . -. 1s 6,AnimaChrisi . . 6 0-0. eee 7.AtendeDomine . . 1 1 1 ee g.AveMaria, . 2 1 ee ee 9.Avemaris stella, =. 6 ee ee 10.AveReging 6 ee ee WAveverum 6 ee eee 12,Chrisusvincit. 9. 6. ee ee 13.Confrmahoc ee eee 14, Cor Jesu. . . . . . . + . 15,DapacemDomine . . . s+ +e 16.EccenomenDomini. . - . +e 117, Ecce panis Angelorum . es ee 18. Ecce sacerdos . . . . . + . . 19.Hodie Christus... ee ee 20.Inviolata. . ee ee ee 21, Jesudulcis memoria. =. ee eee 22, Laetabundus . + + + . . . . 23, Languentibus in Purgatorio 9... we 24, Litany of the Saints . . + + . . . 25, Magnificat (Tone 8G.) . «+ + ee 26, Maria Mater grating. sw ee 27. O filii et filiae . . . . . . . . 28. Ogloriosa Virginm., . . . 1 1s 29.0 Panis dulcissime . 9. 6 ee ee 30. Oremus pro Pontifice . . . . . . 31, Osalutaris Hosta, I. 0. ee ee 32,OsalutarisHostia,. II. 0. eee 33. OsalutarisHostia. II. ee ee 34.Pangelingua . . . + 1 ee 35, Panis angelicus . . . . . . . . 36.ParceDomine. . « « + - ee 37. Pontifical Blessing . . . - - . - 38.Puer natusin Bethlehem . 2... we 39,PueriHebracorum.I. . . . 8 79 80 81 83 83 85 86 87 88 88 89 93 94 94 94 95 97 98 98 99 100 103 105 116 118 118 121 122 123 123 124 125 125 127 128 128 129 131 xj 40, Pueri Hebracorum, II 41. Regina caeli 42, Rorate caeli . 43, Rosa vernans 44, Sacerdos et Pontifex 45. Salve Mater. 46. Salve Regina. 47, Stabat Mater. 48, Sub tuum pracsidium 49, Tantum ergo. I. 50, Tantum ergo. II 51. Tantum ergo. III 52, Te decet laus 53. Te Deum (Simple Tone) 54, Te Joseph celebrent 55, Tota pulchra es . 56. Ubi caritas 57, Veni Creator Spiritus 58, Veni Sancte Spiritus 59, Vexilla Regis. 60, Victimae paschali lau: des 131 132 132 135 137 137 138 140 143 144 145, 145 146 147 151 152 155 137 158 160 162 The Ordinary Chants of the Mass The Asperges Outside Paschal Time Ant, = vir XIII. & A -spér-ges me, *Démi-ne, hyssé-po, et mundd- ‘Thow-wilt-sprinkle me, Q-Lord, _with-hyssop and \I-shall-be- * + bor: lavd- bis me, et super nfivem de- alba- cleansed: Thou-shalt-wash me, and more-than snow shall-I-be-made- i a ae — * 7 bor. Ps. 50.Mi- seré-re mé- i, Dé- us, * se-cindum m4gnam white Have-mercy on-me, ©-God, according-to (that) great ——————— te ee “SEE ree 7 mi-sericérdi-am ti- am,Gl6é- ri-a Patri, et Fi-li-o, mercy of-Thine. Glory _to-the-Father, and to-the-Son, = et Spi-ri-tu-i Sdncto: * Sic-ut é-rat in princ{pi- 0, et and to-the-Spirit Holy: Just- as _it-was in. the-beginning, and (is) Chants of the Church. — 1 2 THE VIDI AQUAM nunc, et semper, et _in saécu-la saecu-Idrum. A- men. now, and always shall be), and for ages of-ages. Ae men, Repeat the div Aspérges me. The Vidi Aquam In Paschal Time From Easter Sunday till Whitsun incisive xe Ant. V Idi Aquam * egre- di- éntem de tém-plo 1 saw water flowin {from the-temple, SS ee ites : oe a ld- te-re déx- tro, alle- Ii- ia: et émnes, ad from thy side’ on-the-tight, praise the-Lord and all to quos pervénit 4 qua sta, sél- vi f&- cti sunt, Winn there-came —the-water” there, saved werecthey, Lit to ae RS et di- cent, alle-lu-ia, al-le- Iu- ia. Ps. 277. Confi- and they-shail-say, pralse-the-Lord, — praise-the-Lerd, Give- Ga témini Démino quéni- am bénus : * qué-ni- am in saéculum thanks to-the-Lord because (Heis) good: because for-ever THE. VIDI AQUAM. 3 nt z = mi-se-ricér-di- a é-jus, Glé-ri- a Patri, et Fi-li- 0, (is) the-mercy. of-Him. Glory _to-the-Father, and to-the-Son, et Spi-rf-tu-i Sancto, * Sic-ut é-rat in princl-pi-o, et and to-the-Spirit Holy: Just- as it-was in the-beginning, and (is) =a * : ae 8 fs nunc, et semper, et in saécu-la saecu- Id-rum. Amen. now, and always shall be), and for ages of-ages. ‘A-men. Repeat Ant. Vidi dquam. Responses Y. Os-tén-de nd-bis, Dé-mi-ne, mi-se-ri-cér-di-am té-am. Show to-us, Lord, (that) mercy of-Thine, T. P. Al-le-li-ia. Praise-the-Lord. W. Et sa-lu-té-re td- um da né-bis. 7, P. Al-le-lt-ia. And the-salvation (that is) Thine, give unto-us. Praise-the-Lord, Y. Dé-mi-ne ex-du-di o-ra-ti-6-nem mé-am, O-Lord fen to-the-prayer — -make. ®. Et cl4-mor mé-us ad te vé- ni- at, And the-cry [make to Thee may-it-come. Orémus... Per Christum Déminum néstrum, Let-us pray. Through Christ —the-Lord of -us. Ry. Amen, Amen. 4 I. IN PASCHAL TIME I. In Paschal Time (Lux et arige) ne vn aah Geto —— ee j Yeri-e, e- Ié-i-son. if Chrf-ste, e Lord, have-mercy Christ, Aan x i e ee = = = 18 son. #7. Ky- ri- e, e- 1é- i-songy 7 He het e- 1é- i-son, havea Ww Me, ee Lé-ri-a in excélsis Dé 0. Et in tér-ra pax Glory in the-high-places (be) to-God. And on earth peace Go oe ee hom{nibus bénae vo-lunté- tis. Lauddmus te. Benedici- to-men —_of-good _ wil We-praise Thee, We-bless A hoe oe es a mus te, Adordmus te. Glo-ri-fi-cdmus te. Gré-ti-as Thee, Wevortip Thee, Wecghify Thee, Thanks a it +t 1 Agimus t{- bi propter magnam glé-ri- am ti- am. wegive to-Thee because-ot the-great glory (that is) Thine. I, IN PASCHAL TIME 5 Démine Dé- us, Rex caelé-stis, Dé- us Pé-ter omn{-pot- O-Lord God, King of-Heaven, God the-Father almighty. 6a oe ens, Démine Fi-li unigéni-te Jé-su Chri-ste. Dé-mine O-Lord the-Son only-begotten, Jesus Christ. O-Lord ba ei Dé- us, Agnus Dé- i, Fi- li- us Patris. Qui tdllis God, Lamb — of-God, Son _of-the-Father. Who takest-away Se peced-ta mandi, mi-serére nd-bis, Qui téllis peccé-ta the-sins of-the-world, have-mercy on-us. Who takest-away the-sins —— a fat x + a mindi, siiscipe_depreca-ti- énem néstram. Qui sédes of-the-world, receive (this) prayer of-ours. Who © sittest ote ae ad déx-teram P4-tris, mi-se-ré-re né-bis. Quéni- am tu at the-right-hand of-the-Father, have-mercy on-us. Since Thou SS ee s6-lus s4nctus. Tu sé-lus Dé-mi-nus. Tu sdé-lus Altissimus, alone (art) holy. Thou alone, the-Lord, Thou alone, the-most-High, phe Sates Ser Jé-su Chri-ste, Cum Sdncto Spf-ri-tu, in gldé-ri-a Jesus Christ. With the-Holy Spirit, in the-glory 6 L IN PASCHAL TIME ae ——_t #4 A- men, of-God A men v S Anctus, * Sdnctus, $4} —_____+__—__ Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord Sdba- oth. Plé-ni sunt caé- li et térra glé- ri-a the-heavens and the-earth —cf-the-glory of-hosts, Full are me God Sanctus Déminus Dé- us ti-a, Hosdnna in excél-sis. Bene-dictus qui vé-nit of-Thee, Hosanna in the-highest, Blessed (is He) that co mes Es e BR iy pe in né6-mi-ne Démi-ni. Ho- sdnna_ in excél- sis. in the-name of-the-Lord. Hosanna In the-highest. A -gnus Dé-i, “qui téllis peccd-ta miin-d Lah of-God, x who takest-away the- sins _of-the-world: 8 no t me Bey = ty t mi-se-ré- re ndé- bis, Agnus Dé- i, * qui toll have-mercy on-us. Lamb of-God, who takest-away Paha ge eee 4 peccd-ta min-di: mi-seré- re nd- bis, Agnus the- sins of-the-world : have-mercy on-us. Lamb UI. ON SOLEMN FEASTS. I 7 SS ae Dé-i,* qui tdllis peccé-ta mtn-di: déna né- bis /ot-God, who takest-away the-sins of-the-world: give us _— Ed pa cem. peace From Holy Saturday till Saturday in Albis inclusively. a + = = oO J -te, mfissa est, —allle-lt-ia, alle. Id-ia, Go, the-Mass is (finished), praise-the-Lord, _praise-the-Lord. Dé-o grati- as, alle-ld-ia, alle- Iu-ia, To-God (be) the-thanks, praise-the-Lord, praise-the-Lord. From Saturday in Albis to Trinity exclusively. vn ye Dre lee et . Go, the-Mass is (finished). Dé o gré- ti, as. To-God (be) the-thanks. II. On Solemn Feasts. 1 (Kyrie fons bonitatis) xe m + or K Yri-e, v* elé i-son, si, Chri- Lord, have-mercy. Christ, a 2 ste, elé ison, sf, Ky-ri- have-mercy. Lord, 8 Il. ON SOLEMN FEASTS, I i-son, ij, Ky-ti-e, * Lora, —————— ot ele is have-mercy. ae {SS 1 & G Lé-ri- a in excélsis Dé 0. Et in térra pax totem aE or a . ho- mf- ni- bus bdnae vo-lunta-tis, Lauddmus te. : : ae as it Benedf-cimus te. Ado-rdmus te, Glo-ri-fi-c4-mus te, Webless Thee. — We-worship Thee. Weeglority Thee a x =e Gr&-ti- as Agimus ti-bi propter_ magnam glé- ri- am Thanks wexive to-Thee — hecauseof — thegreat lov : oH s4—s = a a 7 * am td- am. Démine Dé- us, Rex cae-léstis, Dé- us Pa-ter (thatis) Thine, O-Lord God, + omnipot- ens, Dé- mine Fi- li uni-génite Jé-su almighty. O-Lord the Son only-begotten, “Jesus Il, ON SOLEMN FEASTS. I 9 Chri-ste. Démine Dé-us, Agnus Dé-i, Fi- li- us Christ. O-Lord God, Lamb — of-God, Son Se Pétris, Qui tél- lis peccd-ta mundi, mi-se- ré-re otthePather. Who takestavay "thesine obthenorld, haveerey t .4 a ar rerum a = —n} = t a né-bis, Qui tél- lis peccdta mandi, si on-us. Who takest-away the-sins of-the-world, rec scipe depre- ve (this) Pe ca-ti- é-nem néstram. Qui sédes ad déxte-ram Pé-tris prayer of-ours. Who sittest at the-right-hand of-the-Father, I mi-se-ré-re nd-bis, Quéni-am tu sd- lus sanctus. Tu hhave-merey —on-us. Since — Thou alone (art) holy. Thou hon ot te sé-lus Déminus. Tu sé-lus Al-t{ssimus, Jé- su Chri- alone, the-Lord. Thou alone, the-most-High, "Jesus Christ. ssi ——————— ae : fs ste. Cum Sancto Spf-ri-tu, in glé- ri-a Dé-i Pa- tris With the-Holy, Spirit, in the-glory —of-God_ the-Father, t Ee A- men. A men, Wo I. ON SOLEMN FEASTS. I 1 S An etus,* Sine cts, Sin Holy, Holy, Holy, = (oor i minus Dé- us Sdba-oth. Pléni sunt caéli et tér- ra Lord God ofthasts, Full are the-heavens and the-earth Ce a toe gié- ria té-a, Hosénna _in excél-sis,Bene- of-theglory of-Thee. Hosanna in theshighest. Blessed a= naan eee eeenneeRa EET oo en d{ctus qui vé- nit in né-mine Démini. Hosanna (is He) that comes in the-name of-the-Lord. Hosanna — a in excél-sis, in the-highest. : A -gnus Dé i, “qui tél lis peccdta min- Lamb of-God, who takest-away —the- sins —_of-the- : t aa eet mi-seré- re né- bis, Agnus Dé- i, * qui havemerey ons Lamb ot06, who & ft ey téllis peccd-ta min- di: miseré- re né- bis, takest-away the-sins of-the-world: —_have-mercy on-us. II. ON SOLEMN FEASTS. 2 n = — 1 oe i Agnus Dé i, * qui tdél- lis peccd-ta min-di: Lamb of-God, who takest-away the- sins of-the-world : t Soe déna né- bis pé- ce, five ous peace. * am th I~ Go, Dé- 0 ‘To-God (be) the-thanis. Or more usually : oy ir I = fn ETT - te, m{s- sa est. Go, the-Mass is (finished). Dé 'o gra tis as, To-God (be) the-thanks. bes iy v ie x eae Enedi-caémus Dé- mi-no, Let-us-bless the-Lord. TII. On Solemn Feasts. 2 (Kyrie Deus sempiterne) : FS Y- rine * elé-i-son, Ky-ri-e, Lord, have-merey. Lord, 8 II. ON SOLEMN FEASTS. 2 ‘ t + - ae Pope elé-i-son. Ky- tise, e-lé-i-son. tavemercy. Lord, ave-merey. 7 t = trea te 3 a, Chri- ste, e-lé-i-son. Christe, Christ, have-mercy. Christ, ‘ t a4 Seis fe ~ e-lé-i-son. Chrf- ste, elé- i-son, Ky-ri- have-mercy. Christ, have-mercy. Lord, ‘ ts NE, : = ee — set = gE ah ° e-lé-i-son. Ky-ri- e, have-mercy. Lord, ‘ t SS elé-i-son, Ky-ri- e, ‘| have-mercy. Lord, te E e-lé-i-son. have-mercy. 2 = van & —— + Mme {as G Léri- a in excelsis Dé 0, Et intérra pax Glory in the-high-places (be) to-God. And on earth peace Cae oo homf{ni-bus bé- nae vo-lunta-tis. Laudamus te. Benedi- to-men of good wil. Weeprale Thee. We-bless III, ON SOLEMN FEASTS. 2 13 ci-mus te. Adordmus te, Glo-ri-fi-cd-mus te, Gré-ti-as ‘Thee. We-worship Thee. We-glority ‘Thee. Thanks 4gimus t(bi propter m4gnam gléri- am td- am. Démi- weglve to-Thee because-ot the-great glory (that Is) Thine. O-Lord ee ne Dé-us, Rex caeléstis, Dé-us P4-ter omn{- pot-ens. Dé- God, King of-Heaven, God the-Father almighty. be =e == aH mine Fi-li uni-géni-te Jé-su Chri-ste, Démine Dé- us, ‘O-Lord the-Son only-begotten, Jesus Christ. O-Lord God, Agnus Dé- i, Fi-li- us Pétris, Qui téllis pec- cé-ta Lamb of-God, ‘Son of-the-Father. Who takest-away the-sins e—_;— ee cay FE mundi, mi-se-ré-re né-bis. Qui téllis pec-cd-ta mindi, of-the-world, have-mercy on-us. Who takest-away the-sins of-the-world, — a oo i . siscipe depre-ca-ti- énem néstram. Qui sé-des ad déxte- receive (this) prayer of-ours. Who sittest at the-right- 7 . & AG ae : ram Pé-tris, mi-se~ré-re né-bis. Quéni- am tu sé-lus s4n- hand of-the-Father, have-mercy on-us. Since Thou alone (art) II. ON SOLEMN FEASTS. 2 oe 14 & & =e t ctus. Tu sé-lus Déminus. Tu sé-lus Altfssimus, Jé- su holy. Thou alone, the-Lord. Thou alone, the-most-High, Jesus an 7 + = mr i — a t Chri- ste. Cum Séncto Spl-ri-tu, in glé-ri- a Dé i Christ. With the-Holy 8 In thesglory of-God tp Pa- tris. A- men, the-Father. © A- men. (x1) ae r oo as {or Ee [eo S An- ctus, * Sanctus, Sdn- ctus_ Déminus Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord Dé-us Sdba- oth. Pléni sunt caéli et térra glé- God of-hosts, Full are the-heavens and the-earth —of-the- =a oo ria ti-a. Ho- sdnna in excél-sis, Benedictus qui glory of-Thee, Hosanna. the-highest. Blessed ({s He) that i ee E vénit in némine Démini. Ho- s4nna_ in excél-sis. comes in the-name of-the-Lord. Hosanna in. the-highest. XI-XIL ¢. y AN gous DE i, "qu tS” Tis peccd ta Lamb of-God, who takestaway the sims IV, ON DOUBLE FEASTS, I 15 pete Ps, he ae min- di: mi- se-ré-re né-bis, Agnus Dé- i of-the-world : have-mercy on-us, Lamb of-God, who t+ Pa tél lis peccd- ta mian- di mi- se-rére_nd-bis, takest-away _the- sins have-mmercy —on-us. « 2 Agnus Dé- i, *qui tél- ° lis peccé- ta mdn- di ‘Lamb of-God, — who takest-away _the- sins of-the-world : t t ane = dé- na nébis pé-cem. give us peace. Ite missa est, or Benedicimus Démino, as in the preceding Mass. IV. On Double Feasts. 1 (Cunctipotens Genitor Deus) xe ad t ah : ee K va e, e- —Ié- ison, dif. Chri- have-mercy. Christ, a ante a ie +r a ste, e- Ié- i-son. ii7. Ky-ri- e, e have-mercy. Lord, Iv, ON DOUBLE FEASTS. I 1é-i-son, #7. Ky-ri- €, 1é- i-son. have-mercy, Lord, havesmerey ne w = = rt $9 te et Lé-ri-a in excélsis Dé- 0, Et in térra pax Glory in the-high-places (be) to-God. And on earth peace ff Sh 7 SSIS homi-ni-bus bénae vo-lunté-tis, Lauddmus te. Bene-di- tommen of gon il Weprase Tice Webless ‘ ee cimus te. Ador4-mus te. Glo-ri-ficd- mus te. Thee, We-warship Thee. We-glorify Thee [ ee SR SE et Be Grdti-as dgimus t{bi propter m4gnam glé-ri-am té- am. Thanks —we-give to-Thice because-of the-great glory _ (that is) Thine. ESSSSSSEEESES ET El < az Démi-ne Dé-us, Rex cae-léstis, Dé- us P4- ter omni- O-Lort — God, King of-Hieaven, Got the-Pather t £ re z aa ay — potens, Démine Fi-li uni-géni-te Jé& ‘su Chri- almighty. O-Lord the-Son —only-begotten, fess Christ _— ele ste. Démine Dé-us, Agnus Dé-i, Fi- li-us P4- tris. O-Lord God, Lamb of-God, Son of-the-Father. IV. ON DOUBLE FEASTS. 1 1 = =. Cao =] Qui téllis -peccé-ta mtndi, mi-se-ré-re _né-bis. Qui Who takest-away the-sins of-the-world, have-mercy on-us. Who = = & téllis peccd-ta mindi, siiscipe depre-ca-ti-énem né- takest-away the-sins of-the-world, receive (this) prayer gee = = = - a stram, Qui sé-des ad déxteram Patris, mi-se-ré-re of-ours, Who sittest at the-right-hand of-the-Father, have-mercy é ——— = .— E44 d né-bis.. Quéni- am tu sé-lus sanctus, Tu sé-lus Dé. on-us. Since Thou alone (art) holy. Thou alone, t ; 4 | meee minus. Tu sé-lus Alt{(ssimus, Jé- su Chri- ste, the-Lord. Thou alone, the-most-High, | Jesus Christ. f — = ire fe =r =I Cum Sancto Sp{- ri- tu, in gldé-ri- a Dé- i Pa- tris. With the-Holy Spirit, in. the-glory of-God the-Father. o ro —s = S An- ctus, * Sdnctus, SAn- ctus Déminus Dé-us Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God 18 IV. ON DOUBLE FEASTS. I a ve ft S4-ba-oth. Pléni sunt caé-li et térra glé- ri-a ta- a othosts, Full are the-heavens and the-arth ofthe-glery of Thee. ee a Ho-sdnna_ in ex-cél- sis. Benedictus qui vé-nit in ndé- Hysanna in the-highest. Blessed (is He) that comes in the- ae tra mine Dé- — mi-ni. Ho- sanna_ in ex-cél- name —of-the-Lard Hosanna in thes ——_ +45, » BS a Le al A -gnus Dé i, * qui téllis peccd-ta mindi Tamb ofGod,” who thos sine lethal a mi-seré. re né- bis. Agnus Dé-i,* qui tdllis peccd- havemercy onus. Lamb of Gul, whe takest-away the sas t q Soe ee ta mindi: mi-se-ré re né-bis, Agnus Dé i, * qui ofthe-world: have-metcy unas. Lamb ofGud, who eee ie oe téllis peccd-ta mundi: déna né- bis pa-cem. 1 & I =a oS ——— - te, missa est. Go, the-Mass is Dé-o gra- To-God (be) the-thanks VIII. ON DOUBLE FEASTS. 2 19 s+ + 1 = B _ Enedi-cé-mus Dé- mino. Let-us-bless the-Lord. VIII. On Double Feasts. 2 (De Angelis) reac v es Ky poeuea. Y-ri- ¢, * e — 1éi-son. #4. Christe, Lord, havemercy. Christ, =e Petites e- — Iéi-son, 47, Ky-ri- e, e have-mercy. Lord, ‘ — = lé-i-son. i, Kj-ti-e, * #8 Iéi-son. have-mercy. Lord, have-meroy. re YS = eC —— Léri-a in excélsis Dé-o, Et in térra pax -ho- Glory in the-high-places (be) to-God. And on earth peace Se a minibus bédnae vo-luntd-tis. Laud4-mus te. Bened{-cimus tomen —of-good will, We-praise Thee. We-bless =e te. Adord- mus te. Glo-ri- ficdmus te. Grd-ti-as 4gimus Thee. We-worship Thee. We-glority Thee. Thanks we-give 20 VIII, ON DOUBLE FEASTS. 2 Ee —— = i ti-bi propter mégnam gléri-am td- am. Démine Dé-us, to-Thee becauseof thegreat glory (thatis) Thine, O-Lord God, Pe i ht ae — rs] 4 Rex caeléstis, Dé-us Péter omnf-pot-ens, Démine Fi-li King of-Heaven, God the-Father almighty. O-Lord._ the Son . Z az eos 5 : = = unigéni-te, Jé-su Chri-ste. Démine Dé-us, Agnus Dé- i, only-begotten, "Jesus Christ. O-Lord God, Lamb» of-God, = oa te —— 7 Fili-us Pé-tris, Qui téllis peccdta muin-di, miseré- re Son of-the-Father. Who takest-away the sins of-the world, have-mercy a= et né-bis. Qui téllis peccdta mandi, stiscipe depreca-ti-6- on-us. Who takest-away the-sins of-the-world, receive (this) prayer == a or 7 = as —_ nem néstram, Qui sédes ad déxteram Patris, mi-seré-re Le, * te pet =. se 4 né-bis. Quéni- am tu sdlus s4nctus, Tu sé-lus Démi-nus. onus, Since Thou alone (art) holy. Thow alone, the-Lord & : ee eo Ss] Tu sé-lus Altissimus, Jé-su Chri-ste. Cum Sdncto Spf-ri-tu, Thou alone, themmostHtigh; Jens Christ. With the-Holy | Split, VIII. ON DOUBLE FEASTS. 2 21 ete in gléri-a Dé-i P4- tris, A- = men, in the-glory of-God the-Father, A-——men, (xa) xm. w = - S a ctus,* Sanctus, Sdn- ctus Dé- mi-nus Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord 5 Dé- us Sé- ba- oth. Pléni sunt caé-li et tér- God of-hosts. Full are the-heavens and the- tsa 5 — a | — he ae ra glé-ri- a ta- a. Hosanna in excél- sis. Bene- earth of-the-glory of-Thee. Hosanna in_the-highest. Blessed di- ctus qui vé- nit in némine Démi-ni, Ho-sdn- (isHe) that comes in the-name of-the-Lord. Hosanna t EE ae : SS = na in excél- sis. in the-highest. xe — " : a A -gnus Dé- i, “qui téllis peccdta mundi Lamb of-God, who takest-away.the- sins of-the-world : . 7 =— — Ee mi-seré-re né- bis, Agnus Dé i, * qui tdl-lis pec have-mercy on-us, Lamb —of-God, who takest-away the. 22 IX. ON FEASTS OF OUR LADY. I — = =—+ oe aed cata man-di: mi-seré-re ndé- bis, Agnus Dé i, * sins of-the-world: have-mercy on-us. Lamb of-God, —— ee eee qui téllis peccd-ta mundi: déna né-bis p4- cem. who takest-away the- sins of-the-world: give us peace, vo Egy tte I a it os = te, missa est. Go, the Mass is (finished). Dé 0 gré-ti- as, To-God (be) the-thanks. tet vy Ea tte a Sd B Enedicdmus Dé- mi-no. Let-us-bless the-Lord. IX. On Feasts of Our Lady. 1 (Cum jubilo) : me 1 = Pea ee oe Se Yori *) el i-son, Ky-ri-e, | e-lé-i-son. Lora, havesmercy. Lord, have-merey. > Ky-ri- ¢, " elé-i-son, Chri-ste, e-Ié-i-son, Chri- Lord, have-mercy. Christ, have-mercy. Christ, IX, ON FEASTS OF OUR LADY. I t ie ae Beet fer ste, e-lé- i-son, Christe, —_e-Ié- i-son, have-mercy. Christ, have-mercy. hen ee ret e-lé-ison, Ky- rie, | elé-i-son, Ky-ri-e, have-mercy. Lord, have-mercy. Lord, : ie x in ft Se * oe e-lé-i- son. 0 Be oel ! = Lé- ri-a in excélsis Dé- 0, Et in tér-ra pax Glory _in the-high-places (be) to-God. And on earth peace boa SS SS hom{-ni-bus bénae vo-luntd-tis, Laud4-mus te. Bene- tommen of-good will We-praise Thee. We-bless SEES a & x *y 7 + i d{-cimus te. Ado- r4-mus te. Glo-ri- ficd- mus te. Thee. We-worship Thee. Weglority Thee. .* me ff a ——+ + ay E os Meme: Gré-ti- as 4gimus ti-bi propter m4gnam glé-ri- am ti- am. ‘Thanks —_we-give to-Thee because-of the-great glory (that is) Thine. Démine Dé- us, Rex cae- léstis, Dé- us P4-ter omni-pot- O-Lord God, King of-Heaven, God the-Father almighty. 24 IX. ON FEASTS OF OUR LADY. I i _s = et bt a oat ens. Démine Fi-li unigé-ni-te, Jésu Chri- ste. Dé-mine OsLord theSon only-begotten, Jesus Chest. O-Lord 1 r= wagctt a = 4 Dé-us, Agnus Dé i, Fi-li-us Patri, Qui téllis pec- Go, Lamb — of-God, Son of-the- her. Who takest-away cd-ta mundi, mi-seré-re ndbis, Qui téllis peccd-ta man- the Wethe-world, havemercy —on-us. Whntakest-away the-sins — of-the Boa ete I di, ss- cipe depreca-ti- 6-nem néstram. Qui sédes ad world, receive ¢this) prayer ofours, Who sittest at 4 ce =e ttn pete = déxte-ram PAtris, mi-se-ré-re ndbis. Quéni-am tu sdlus the-right-hand of-the-Father, have-merey onus, Since Thou alone (art) Roe Pp Pe ty sanctus. Tu sé-lus Déminus. Tu sé-lus Alt{ssimus, Jésu holy. Thou alone, the-Lord. Thou alone, the-most-High, Jesus : toe pee A ete en fr Chri-ste. Cum Sdncto Spf-ri-tu, in glé-ri- a Dé-i Pa- tris. Christ. With the-Holy Spirit, in the-glory of-God the-ather. IX. ON FEASTS OF OUR LADY. I 25 8 S An- ctus,*Sdnctus, Sdn- ctus Déminus “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord Dé- us Sé- ba- oth, Plé-ni sunt ca¢li et tér- ra God Ot-hosts. Full are the-heavens and the-earth glé-ri- a ta- a. Hosanna in excél- sis. Be- nedictus of-the-glory of-Thee, Hosanna in the-highest. Blessed (is He) qui vé- nit in né- mi-ne Dé- mi-ni, Ho- sdn- that comes in thename ——_of-the-Lord. Hosanna - a eer. na in excél- sis. in the-highest. (2) um. &. ; Ses A _-gnus Dé i, *qui tél lis peccd4-ta_ min- Lamb of-God, who _takest-away —the- sins _of-thes Pe di: mi-se- ré-re né-bis, Agnus Dé i, *qui tél lis world: —have-mercy on. Lamb of-God, who takest-away ee Ss peced-ta min Agnus Dé- the-sins of-the-world: have-mercy ‘on-us. Lamb of-God, X. ON FEASTS OF OUR LADY. 2 peccdta mun- di: ddé-na né-bis the: sins of-theworld: give us _ e m{ssa est. the-Mass is (finished). Dé 0 — gré-ti- as. To-Gou (be) the-thanks. & 1 Say B at aS at he = Enedi-cémus Dé- mino. Let-usbles —— the-Lord X. On Feasts of Our Lady. 2 (Alme Pater) xe t fi = 3 1 OPA ies) Y- ri e%e- Mison, Ky-ri-e, e 1é-i-son. Lond, have-merey Lord, have-mercy. . & <> fh a 2 = Ky- ris e, | 1é i-son. Christe, e- I¢-i-son. Chri- Lord, have-merey. Christ, have-mercy. Christ, X. ON FEASTS OF OUR LADY. 2 27 ste, e-' 1é-i-son.Christe, e- Ié-i-son.Ky-ri-e, e+ 1é- have-mercy, Christ, have-mercy. Lord, have- es 4 “i ; te Aye = i L ison, Ky- ri- ¢, ¢- | Ié i-son. Ky-ri-e, . mercy. » Lord, have-mercy. Lord, laa + Rhee oy e-' Ié- ison, have-mercy. vu EE are = rf Lé-ri- a in excélsis Dé- 0. Et in térra pax Glory in the-high-places (be) to-God. And on earth peace t + > — = . , a = — hominibus bénae volunté-tis. Lauddmus te, Benedf- to-men of-good will. We-praise Thee. We-bless ae ao fl cimus te. Ado-ramus te. Glo-ri-ficdmus te, Grd-ti- as Thee. We-worship Thee. We-glority Thee. Thanks dgimus t(-bi propter magnam glé-ri- am td- am, we-give to-Thee because-of the-great glory (that is) Thine. Démi-ne Dé- us, Rex caeléstis, Dé- us P4-ter omni- O-Lord God, King of-Heaven, God the-Father almighty. 28 X. ON FEASTS OF OUR LADY. 2 ‘ € i ti oar a ee potens, Démine Fi-li unigéni-te, J¢su Chri-ste, Dé- O-Loisl—the-Son oly-begatten, “Jesus Christ t : - - er x sey ee a — mi-ne Dé-us, Agnus Dé- i, Fi-li-us Patris. Qui todllis O-Lord God, Lah ofsGiod, Sunt of-the-Father, Who takestaway ‘ t te *—fr ee —_ ~~ a s a peccéta mundi, mise-ré-re né-bis. Qui téllis peccdta thesins of-theavorld, have-merey ——ontus. Who takest-away the-sins be eS aa ST po mindi, siis-ci-pe deprecati-énem néstram. Qui sédes of-the-world, receive (this) prayer of-ours. Who - sittest hoe . tm) ee + ad déxte-ram Pétris, mi-seré-re né-bis. Quéni- am tu at the-right-hand of-the-Father, have-mercy — on-us. Since Thou bet ech a rortg s6-lus sdnctus. Tu sé-lus Déminus, Tu sdlus Altfssimus, alone (art) holy. Thou alone, the-Lord. Thou alone, the-most-High, Ee. ——— | Jésu Chri-ste. Cum Sdncto Spf-ri-tu, in glé- ri- a ‘Jesus Christ. With the-Holy Spirit, in the-glory Déi Pé-tris, A- men. uf-Gud the-Father, A= men, X. ON FEASTS OF OUR LADY. 2 29 Re z = S Anctus, * Sanctus, Sanctus Déminus Dé- us Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Sdba- oth. Pléni sunt caéli et térra glé-ri-a ta- a. of-hosts. Full are the-heavens and the-earth of-the-glory of-Thee ee St =e — = 7 Hosdnna in excél-sis, Benedictus qui vé-nit in né- Hosanna in the-highest. Blessed (is He) that comes in the: eae! re mine Démi-ni. Hosdnna in excél-sis. mame of-the-Lord. Hosanna —_in__the-highest. xn. v ee A -gnus Dé i, * qui téllis peccd-ta mindi : Lamb of-God, _ who takest-away_ the- sins of-the-world : Ro eR mi-se-rére ndé-bis, Agnus Déi,* qui téllis peccd-ta have-mercy —on-us. Lamb of-God, who takest-away the- sins a ; mindi: mi-seré- re nébis. Agnus Dé-i,* qui téllis of-the-world: —have-mercy on-us. Lamb of-God, who takest-away a fa peced-ta mindi: déna nébis pd-cem. the- sins of-the-world: give us peace. Ite missa est, or Benedicdmus Démino, as in the preceding Mass. 30 XI, ON SUNDAYS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR XI. On Sundays throughout the Year (Orbis factor) (x) xIv-xvI. ce. ——— aie 1 tts yt K 1 oe ae Y-rie, * e Id ison. sy. Christe, Lov havemerey. Christ a = IS e son. #7. Ky-ri- e, 1é- i-son, #7. Ky- have-mercy. Lord, have-mercy Lord, (— ri-¢, fe i-son, have-mercy. : a : = G L6-ri- a in excélsis Dé-o. Et in térra pax Glory in the-high-places (be) to-God, And on earth peace eo oe hom{ni-bus bénae vo-lunté-tis, Lauddmus te. Bene-di- to-men —_of-good will. We-praise Thee, We-bless 5 ee cimus te, Ado-rdmus te. Glo-ri- ficdmus te. Gré-ti- as ‘Thee. We-worship Thee. We-glorify | Thee, Thanks XI, ON SUNDAYS THROUGHOUT! THE YEAR 31 dgimus t(-bi propter magnam glé-ri- am td- am. we-give to-Thee because-of _the-great glory (that is) Thine. Jo Démine Dé- us, Rex caeléstis, Dé-us Pater omn{-potens, O-Lord God, King of-Heaven, God the-Father almighty. haa ee 3A Démi-ne Fi-li —_ unigéni-te, Jé-su Chrf-ste. Démi-ne O-Lord the-Son —only-begotten, Jesus Christ. O-Lora —+ = —— a, i a Dé-us, Agnus Dé- i, Fi-li- us Pé-tris, Qui téllis pec- God, Lamb _of-God, Son of-the-Father, Who takest-away the- ioe cé-ta mindi, mi-se-ré-re né-bis, Qui tdllis peccé-ta sins of-the-world, have-mercy onus. Who takest-away_the-sins Se mindi, sascipe depreca-ti- énem néstram. Qui sé-des of-the-world, receive (this) prayer of-ours. Who sittest See ad déx-teram Pé-tris, mi-se-ré-re né-bis, Quéni- am ‘at the-right-hand of-the-Father, have-mercy onus. Since 1 ee tu. sé-lus sanctus. Tu sdlus Déminus. Tu sé-lus Altis- Thou alone (art) holy. Thou alone, the-Lord. Thou alone, the-most- 32 XI. ON SUNDAYS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR Seep ee 7 —* simus, Jé-su Chri-ste, Cum Sdncto Spf-ri-tu, in glé-ri-a High, — Jesus Christ, With the-Holy Spirit, in__the-glory Bae Dé- i Pa- tris. A-men, of-God — the-Father, AL men, xe 0 = + S Anctus, * SAn-ctus, Sanctus Dé-minus Dé- us Holy, Holy, Holy, Lora God te aes Sa-ba- oth, Plé-ni sunt caé-li et tér- ra glé-ri- a ta- a. Hosanna in ex- célsis, Benedictus qui vénit ane , : Ne (reread in né-mine Démini, Ho-s4nna in ex- célsis. oq r etd A -gnus Dé-i,* qui tdllis peccd- ta. mundi Lamb of-God, who takest-away —the- sins _of-the-world : es ae ; Sa ae mi-se-ré-re n6bis, Agnus Dé-i,* qui tél-lis peccd-ta havemerry —cnats. Lamb of-God, who. takestaway thee sins XIL. ON SEMIDOUBLE FEASTS 33. eee : mi-se-ré-re ndbis, Agnus Dé-i,* qui téllis chave-mercy * on-us, Lamb of-God, who takest-away Saas pec-cé- ta mundi: déna ndbis pdcem. the- sins of-the-world: give us peace, : —s oe I - te, mis- sa est. Go, the-Mass is (finished). Déo gr thas, To-God (be) the-thanks. : +1 tz = e, ms B Enedi-c4émus Dé6- mino, Let-us-bless the-Lord. XII. On Semidouble Feasts (Pater cuncta) 7 vur * A, a cP 4 a ee K Yri-e, e-lé- i-son. ii. Lord, have-mercy. Christ, it 4—t = KE a = ; : oe ‘son, ii7. Ky-ti-e, e-lé& ison. i. Ky-ti-e, . mercy. Lord, havemerey. Lard elé-i-son, : chave-mercy. ‘Chants of the Church. — 2 XII, ON SEMIDOUBLE FEASTS Saas z——ty, —H Cad ‘tit in excélsis Dé- 0. Et in térra pax in the-high-places (be) to-God. And on earth peace & : a so ao! hom{-nibus bénae vo-lunta-tis. Lauddmus te. Benedi-ci- tomen ot ood Weise ‘Thee. Wedbes ¢ aoe Ee + mus te. Adordmus te. Glo-ri-ficdmus te. Grd-ti- as Agi- ‘Thee. We-worship Thee. We-glorify Thee, Thanks. we- fo ee = ae mus t(-bi propter m4gnam glé-ri- am td- am, Démine give to-Thee because-of the- great glory (that is) Thine. O-Lord ——s tat i * a et Dé-us, Rex caeléstis, Dé-us P4-ter omn{pot-ens, Démine God, King of-Heaven, God the-Father almighty. O-Lord = te — Fi-li unigéni-te Jésu Christe. Démine Dé-us, Agnus the-Son only-begotten, Jesus Christ. O-Lord God, Lamb. [es . — x _— = Dé-i, Fi-li- us Pé-tris. Qui tdéllis peccd-ta mundi, otGod, Son of.the-Father. Who takest-away thesins of-the-world t ho a a a 7 mi-serére né-bis. Qui téllis peccd-ta mtindi, — siscipe have-mercy on-ts. Who takest-away the-sins of-the-world, receive (this) XII. ON SEMIDOUBLE FEASTS 35 =e depreca-ti- nem néstram. Qui sédes ad déxte-ram Pa- prayer of-ours. Who sittest at the-right-hand of-the- Gee ce ae tris, mi-seré-re né-bis. Quéni- am tu sé-lus sdnctus. Father, have-mercy on-us. Since Thou alone (art) holy. . t > i ee a ee 1 Tu sdé-lus Déminus. Tu sé-lus Altfssimus, Jésu Christe, ‘Thou alone, the-Lord. Thou alone, the-most-High, Jesus Christ. & & = =< ato a J Cum Sdncto Spf- ri- tu, in glé-ri- a Dé i Patris, With. the-Holy Spirit, in the-glory of-God the-Father. & A- — men. A men. ae = XUL ¢. S An-ctus, * Sdnctus, San- —ctus Déminus Dé- us Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God — Heel tener Sdba-oth, Pléni sunt ca¢li et térra gléri- a td- a. of-hosts, Full _are the-heavens and the-earth of-the-glory of-Thee. _ +2 + - ———— Hosanna in excél- sis, Benedictus qui vé-nit in Hosanna in _the-highest. Blessed (is He), that comes in 36 XII. ON SEMIDOUBLE FEASTS 7 némine Démi-ni, Hosanna in excél- sis. the-name of-the-Lord. Hosanna in _the-highest. xc. SESE aRASSRASEA ee u a Se ee AX “gous Dé i,° qui t6l-lis peced- ta mindi: Lamb of-God, who takest-away —the- sins _of-the-world : Soe —— 7 mi-se- ré-re né-bis. Agnus Dé- i,* qui téllis peccd-ta havesmerey onus, Lamb ofGod, who takest-away. the: sins z + = mandi: mi-se-ré-re ndé-bis. Agnus Dé- i, * qui tdl- lis of-the-world : have-mercy on-ts. Lamb — of-God, who takest-away, Afr & f— je my = peccd- ta mundi: déna né-bis p&-cem. the- sins of-the-world : give us peace. vin en eh — I -te, mis-sa__ est. Go, the-Mass is (finished), Dé-o gré- ti- as, To-God (be) the-thanks, XV. ON SIMPLE FEASTS 3T XV. On Simple Feasts (Dominator Deus) XV-XIIL ¢. w hoa Ee 5 ee 7 Yri-¢,*e- Ié-ison. Kfri-e, ¢- Ié-i-son. Kyri-e, Lord, have-mercy. Lord, have-mercy. Lord, e- Ié-i-son. Christe, e- 1é-i-son. Chri- ste, e- Ié- i- have-mercy. Christ, have-mercy. Christ, —have-mercy. i oe COM ey son.Christe, e- Ii-son. Kyrie, e- Ié-i-son. Christ, have-mercy. Lord, have-mercy. =a ee ee € 5, =e fs = Ky-ri-e, e- Ié-i-son. Ky-ri- ¢,*e- — I¢-i-son. Lord, have-mercy. Lord, have-mercy, | » Eyes ed aS : = t 1—; G Léri-a in excélsis Dé-o, Et in térra pax ho- Glory _in the-high-places (be) to-God. And on earth peace fe ee Spe mi{-nibus bénae vo-luntd+tis, Laudémus te. Bened{-cimus tomen —of-good will. We-pralse ‘Thee. We-bless. t —. at a a oe = = = = 7 [a taet — st te Adordmus te. Glo-ri-ficdmus te. Gré-ti-as 4gimus Thee. We-worship Thee. We-glorify Thee. Thanks —we-give 38 XV. ON SIMPLE FEASTS +t 4 —— Poe propter mdgnam glé-ri-am tt-am. Démine Dé-us, to-Thee because-of the-great glory (thatis)Thine, O-Lord God, . i z 7 * a 7: eee 1 fee all a! SUSRRSSLII IB —— Rex caeléstis, Dé-us Pater omnfpot-ens. Démine Fi-li King of-Heaven, | God the-Father almighty. O-Lord the-Son os a tts = unigéni-te, Jésu Christe. Démine Dé-us, Agnus Dé-i, only-begotten, Jesus Christ. O-Lord God, Lamb of-God, | a Fi-li-us Patris. Qui téllis pecc4-ta mundi, mi-seré-re Son of-the-Father. Who takest-away the-sins of-the-world, have-mercy 7 z pot + nébis, Qui tdllis peccd-ta mundi, sdscipe depre-ca- onus. Who takest-away the-sins of-the-world, receive (this) prayer ‘ Stet ————— = ti-dnem néstram. Qui sédes ad déxteram Pétris, mi- otours. Who sittest at the-right-hand of-he-Father, Sats ———— a = a e seré-re nébis, Quéni- am tu sé-lus sdnctus, Tu sé-lus havemercy on-us, Since Thow alone (ar) holy. Thou alone, 7 — i x cette a = Déminus. Tu sé-lus Alt(ssimus, Jésu Chri-ste. Cum San- the-Lord. Thou alone, the-most-High, Jesus Christ. With the. XV. ON SIMPLE FEASTS. 39 Tie cto Spf-ri-tu, in glé-ri-a Dé-i Pé& tris. A- men. Holy Spirit, in. the-glory of-God the-Father, A- men. a Sat | 2 Se S Anctus, * Sanctus, Sanctus Déminus Dé- us Sé- Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God a 5 eee ba-oth. Pléni sunt caé-li et tér-ra glé-ri- a ti-a. ot-hosts. Pull are the-heavens and the-earth of-the-glory of-Thee. mo r o = Ho- sanna in excél-sis. Bene-dictus qui vé-nit in Hosanna in theshighest. Blessed (is He) that comes in Pa ee némine Démini, Ho- s4nna in excél-sis, the-name of-the-Lord. Hosanna in the-highest. (xm) xv. ee = i -gnus Dé- i, * qui téllis peced-ta mundi: Lamb of-God, who takest-away the- sins of-the-world : ‘ t + = 7 mise-rére né- bis, Agnus Dé-i, *qui tdl- lis peccd-ta hhave-mercy on-us. Lamb of-God, who takest-away the- sins t a = ae mindi: mi-se-ré- re né- bis. | Agnus Dé- i, of-the-world: — have-mercy on-us, Lamb —_of-God, 40 ON FERIAS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR pe ae qui téllis peccd-ta mandi: déna nd-bis p4- cem. who takest-away the- sins of-theeworld : give us peace. w = =>. I -te, mfssa est. Go, _the-Mass Is (finished. Dé-o grd-ti- as. ‘To-God (be) _the-thanks, XVI. On Ferias throughout the Year xE-xt, © m bam qt ot te = K Yri-e, * elé-i-son. #47. Christe, elé- i-son. s#7. Ky- Lord, have-merey. Christ, have-mercy, Lord, qe =a —— Nee ri-e, elé- i-son, 47, Kyri- e, * elé- i-son, have-rierey. Lord, have-mercy. Anctus, * Sanctus, Sanctus Déminus Dé- us S4- Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God = =H 7 x ba-oth, Pléni sunt cadli et térra gléri-a ti-a, of-hosts, Full are the-heavens and the-earth of-the-glory of-Thee. eae ee ee ee Hosanna in excél-sis, Benedictus qui vé-nit in né- Hosanna in the-highest, Blessed (is He) that comes in . XVII. ON SUNDAYS IN ADVENT AND LENT 41 tne = fr mi-ne Démi-ni. Hosdnna in excél-sis. 7 thename of-the-Lord. Hosanna In the-highest. 2x1. e. he 1 A -gnus Dé i, * qui téllis peccd-ta mén-di : Lamb of-God, who takest-away the- sins of-the-world : : ase mi-se-ré-re _né-bis. Agnus Dé-i,* qui tédllis peccd-ta have-mercy —on-us. Lamb of-God, who takest-away. the- sins ao mandi: mi-se-rére né-bis, Agnus Dé- i, . qui tdllis oftheovorl: havermercy onus, Lamb of God, who takestaway a peccd-ta man-di the- sins of-the-work eS B Enedi-cdmus Démino. R. Dé-o gré-ti-as. Let-us-bless _the-Lord To-God (be) the-thanks. ed déna né-bis pd-cem. give us peace. XVII. On Sundays in Advent and Lent (e) xv-xvin, i . 1 §& = Yri-eg * e& — Ié-i-son. 7. Chrf- ste, Lord, have-mercy. Christ, 42 XVII. ON SUNDAYS IN ADVENT AND LENT So Ss i e lé- ison.ti.Kysti-e, eI i-son.g.Ky-ri-e, have-merey. Lord, have-mercy. Lord, have-mercy. Or, where customary + xv. € eee vu # K Yri- e,*%e- 1é- i-son. ##7. Christe, e Lora, have-nerey. christ, t areAetety, —H oa > ora a > Ié i-son, ij. Ky-riee, 9 I itsom, , Ky have-merey Lord, have-mercy. Lord, e lé- i-son, have-mercy. v & S Anctus, * Sdnctus, San-ctus Déminus Dé- us eee Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Sa- ba- oth. Plé-ni sunt ca#- li et tér-ra glé-ri- a of-hosts. Full are the-heavens and the-earth —of-the-glory XVII. ON SUNDAYS IN ADVENT AND LENT 43 aS] té- a, Ho- sdnna in excél- sis. Bene-d{ctus qui vé- of-Thee. Hosanna In the-highest. Blessed (is He) that comes fe Job AS nit in némine Démini. Ho- s4nna in excél-sis. in the-name of-the-Lord. Hosanna in the-highest. v _ A -gnus Dé- i, * qui tél-lis peccd-ta_mindi: Lamb of-God, who takest-away the- sins “of-the-world , : . ie <= _ wea trae — : mi-seré-re né- bis. Zenus Dé i,* qui tél-lis peced-ta have-mercy. on-us. Lamb of-God, who takest-away the-sins a = = a 1a — miindi : . mi-se-ré-re né- bis. Agnus Dé- i, * qui tél-lis of-the-world : have-mercy —on-us. Lamb of-God, who takest-away 5 : oa = 1—+— 4+ peccd-ta miindi: déna nébis pé-cem. the- sins of-the-world: give us peace, * t ¢ 1 Se B Enedi-c4-mus Dé- mino, Let-us-bless. ‘the-Lord. t + R.Dé& 0 gra ti-as. To-God (be) the-thanks, 44 XVIII, ON FEASTS IN ADVENT AND LENT « at = eee B Enedicdmus Dé- mino. Letus-bless ——the-Lord & Eth, a ee B. Dé 0 grd- ti-as. To-God (be) _the-thanks. XVIII. On Feasts in Advent and Lent On Vigils, Ember Days and Rogation Days (Deus Genitor alme ) a Y- ris e,* elé- i-son. #47. Christe, e-Ié-i-son. #7, Lord, have-merey. Christ, have-merey. aq a Siete ‘a Ky- rive, e-lé-i-son. % Ky-ri-e,* e- Ié-i-son. Lord, have-mercy. Lord, havesmercy. xm. e. ee b--e ae « S Anctus, * Sanctus, Sanctus Déminus Dé-us Sa- Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God = 7 7 = EEE AE ede ASE ba-oth. Pléni sunt caéli et térra glé-ri- a ti-a. of-hosts. Full are the-heavens and the-earth of-the-glory of-Thee. ae ’ : aoe ' Hosanna in excélsis, Benedictus qui vénit in némine Hosanna in the-highest. Blessed (lsHe) that comes in the-name AMBROSIAN GLORIA 45” & Démi-ni. Hosdnna in excélsis, of-the-Lord. Hosanna —_ in the-highest. — A sgnus. Dé- i, * qui téllis. peccd-ta mandi : Lamb of-God, who takest-away the- sins of-the-worl (a oe ee mi-serére né-bis, Agnus Dé-i, *-qui tdllis peccd-ta have-mercy — on-us, Lamb> of-od, who takest-away the- sins : See a = Bo oe I mandi: mi-se-ré-re né-bis. Agnus Dé- i, * qui téllis of-the-world: have-mercy — on-us. Limb of-God, who takest-away (a = * peced-ta mtndi: déna nébis pé-cem. the- sins of-the-world : give us peace. —— = 7 {—— B Enedicdmus Démino, Rj. Dé-o gré-ti-as. Let-us-bless. the-Lord. To-God (be) the-thanks. Gloria (Ambrosian) t eel Lé-ri-a in excélsis Dé-o. Et in térra pax ho- Glory _in the-high-places (be) to-God. And on earth peace 46 AMBROSIAN GLORIA Le a +—t—-*#§ — mi-nibus bénae vo-lunté- tis. to-men — of-good Lauddmus te. will, We-pralse Thee. Bened{-cimus Weebless. — 1 = 1 x ora Adoramus te. Glo-ri-ficdmus te. Gi We-worship Thee. Weeglority Thee. ré-ti-as Agimus Thanks — we-give * — = a tf-bi to-Thee propter magnam glé-ri- am because-ot the-great glory td- am. Dé- (that Is) Thine. ——e = —_ ” — — — te mine Dé- us, Rex caeléstis, Dé- us Pater omnf-pot-ens. O-Lord & God, King of-Heaven, God _the-Father almighty. Cee ee = Pea Démine Fi-li_ unigéni-te, Jésu Christe, O-Lord the-Son only-begotten, Jesus Christ. Démine O-Lord weed eee Dé-us, Agnus Dé i, Fi-li- us God, PA-tris. Lamb of-God, Son _of-the-Father. Qui Who takest-away téllis pec ttn = oss cA-ta mundi, the-sins of-the-world, hos 2 mi-se-ré-re nd-bis, have-mercy —on-us, peccéta mundi, the-sins of-the-world, stscipe depre receive (this) Qui téllis Who takest-away ca-ti- nem né- prayer CREDO I 47 im Patris, mi-seré-re nd- of-ours, Who sittest at the-right-hand of-the-Father, have-mercy on- stram. Qui sédes ad déxte- ee nee et = — bis. Quéni- am tu sé-lus sénctus, Tu sé-lus Déminus, ‘us. Since ‘Thou alone (art) holy. Thou alone, the-Lord. eee pd Tu sé-lus Altissimus, Jésu Christe. Cum Sancto ‘Thou alone, the-most-High, Jesus Christ. With the-Holy Cet = Spf-ritu, in glé-ri-a Dé-i Patris. ** Amen. Spirit, in the-Glory of-God the-Father. A-men. Credo I me Ww — —— C Rate in imum Dé- um, Patrem omnipo-téntem, I-believe in one God, the-Father almighty, onmrart =e = 7 ; factérem caéli et térrae, vi-si-bf-li-um émni- um, maker of-Heaven and earth, of-visible-things, all (of them), _— oe q er oie a oo OEE Eee et invi-si-b{-li- um. Et in num Déminum = Jé-sum Chri- and of-invisible-things. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, CREDO I stum, Fi- um Dé-i unigéni-tum. Et ex Patre ndtum the-Son of-God, —only-begotten, And of the-Father born a ioe a? t t ante émni-a saécu-la, Dé-um de Dé- 0, lamen de before all ages. God of God, ight of ts = 7 1 — a ee limine, Dé-um vérum de Dé-o vé-ro, Géni-tum, non light, God (the) true of God (the) true. Begotten, not ee] [oe et te factum, consubstanti- 4-lem Patri: per quem émni-a made, — of-the-same-substance (as the) Father: through whom all-things a « x = —* — = = facta sunt. Qui propter nos hémines, et propter néstram made have-been, Who for us men, and for our z a) a se = * eed sa-li-tem descéndit de ca¢-lis, Et incarndtus est de salvation came-down from the-heavens. And incarnate was by Spi-ri-tu Sancto Et hémo And — man ca :sub Pénti-o under Pontlus ex Maxrf-a Virgi-ne: the-Spirit Holy of = Mary the-Virgin: oe x = 4 at + factus est. Cruci-ffxus ét-i- am pro ndbi: did-He become, He-was-crucified also. for us: - ; CREDO 1 49 SS Pi-ld-to passus, et sepultus est. Et resurréxit térti- a Pilate —-He-suffered, and buried was. And He-arose —the-third *- ———_—_____ +t di-e, © secindum Scriptéras, Et ascéndit in ca¢lum: day, according-to the-Scriptures. And ascended into heaven: Se eee sédet ad déxteram Pétris, Et {-terum ventdrus est He-sits at the-right-hand of-the-Father. And again to-come sche cum gié-ri-a, judicl-re vivos et mértu- os : ca-jus ré- with glory, to-Judge the-living and the-dead: of-Whose king gninon ¢rit ff-nis. Etin Spf-ri-tum Sanctum, Dé- dom never will-there-be an-end. And in the-Splrit (that is) Holy, the- Se ee minum, et vivi-ficdntem:qui ex Patre Fi-li-éque pro- Lord, and Giver-of-life: who from the-Father and-the-Son does- = cé-dit. Qui cum Pétre et Fi-li-o s{mul adord-tur, et proceed. Who with the-Father and the-Son together Is-adored and Se a nee Oe a conglo-ri-fi-c4tur: qui locitus est per Prophé-tas. Et glorified : who spoken has through the-Prophets. And (in) CREDO IIL finam sdnctam cathé-li-cam et _aposté-li-cam Ecclé- one, holy, catholic and apostolic. Church t . = z = me qo ee si- am. Conf{-te- or dnum baptisma in remissi- énem Lprotess one baptism for the-remilssion t ia Coc =e 7 —* Ee : ¥ [a by pecca-té-rum. Et exspécto resurrecti-énem mortu-d-rum. otsins. And Took-for —thecresurrection of the-dead Et vi-tam venté-ri saécu-li, A- = men, And the-life of-the-coming age. AD men. v & i C tae b teen Deo Rédo in inum Dé um, Pétrem omnipo-téntem * believe in one Ged, the-Father alt ighty, EEE . — = oN Er : i facté-rem caéli et térrae, vi-si-b{-li- um émni- um, maker of-Heaven and earth, of-vsibie-things, all (ot them), et invi-si-bf- li- um. Et in dnum Déminum Jé- sum and of-Invisible-things, And in one Lord Jesus CREDO II . 51 Christum, Fi-li-um Dé-i unigéni-tum. Et ex Pdtre n4- Christ, the-Son of-God, _only-begotten. And of — the-Father + = — ———<_————— =——t tum ante émni-a saé-cu-la. Dé-um de Dé-o, — lamen born before all ages. God of God, light . 1 * 4 : | i lumine, Dé-um vé-rum de Dé-o vé-+ro. Géni-tum, non Might, God (the) true of Ood (the) true, Begotten, not SS Baan consubstanti-é-lem Patri: per quem émni- a made, of-the-same-substance (as the) Pather ; through whom all-things ee — et — = | facta sunt. Qui propter nos hémines, et propter néstram made have-been. Who for us men, and tor our steect se ; et ee sa-li-tem descéndit de cadlis. Et incarndtus est de salvation came-down from the-heavens. And incamate was by i = a as Spl-ri-tu Sdncto. ex Ma-rf-a Virgine: Et hémo factus theSpirit Holy ot Mary the-Virgin: And man did-He Se hg ey est. Cru-ci-ff- xus ét-i-am pro nébis : sub Pénti-o Pi-l4- become, He-was-crucified also. for «sus: under Pontius Pilate bz CREDO mm eS Se 1 to pdssus, et sepil-tus est. Et resurréxit térti- a di-e, He-suffered, and buried was. And He-arose —the-third day, = —] es sectindum Scripti-ras. Et ascéndit in caé- lum:sédet ad according-to the-Scriptures. And ascended into heaven: —He-sits at t os — . — : we oo déxte-ram Pé-tris. Et {-terum ventirus est cum gl6- the-right-hand of-the-Father. And again to-come is-he with ot SO eo ee a a a —-——— ris a, judi-cdre vivos et mértu-os: ctjus régni non glory, to-fudge the-living and thedead: _of-Whose kingdom never a8 . 7 <= qt = 4 Grit ff-nis, Et in Spl-ri-tum Sanctum, Déminum, willthere-be an-end, And in the-Splrit (that is) Holy, the-Lord, Sa z a = i $a et vi-vi-ficantem : qui ex PAtre Fi-li- dque pro-cédit. and Giver-of-life: who from the-Father and-the-Son_does-proceed, & et get [ aaa Soe | ASS Sahara Qui cum Pétre et Fi-lito simul adord-tur, et conglo- Who with the-Pather and the-Son together s-adored and _glork- feet a — — a7 4 ri- ficd-tur : qui loctitus est per Prophé-tas. Et nam fled : who spoken has through the-Prophets. And (in) one, ’ CREDO IV 53 Hee yp tet s4nctam cathd-li-cam et apostd-li-cam Ecclé-si- am. Con- holy, catholic and apostolic Church. pees ee ree ees fi-te-or num baptfsma in remissi- énem pecca-té-rum. I profess one baptism — for _the-remission of-sins. 1. at =| . Et exspécto re-surrecti- dnem mortu- drum. Et vi- tam And = I-look-for the-resurrection of-the-dead. And the-life —T ee ae ra - venté-ri saécu-li, = A- men. of-the-soming age. Ae men, Iv ao 1 = - C Rédo in dnum Dé-um, Pétrem omni-potén-tem, Lbelieve in one God, the-Father almighty, SS [a See ESTERS facté-rem cadli et tér-rae, vi-sibl-li-um émni-um, et maker of-Heaven and earth, of-visible-things, all (of them), and SSS — - invi-si-b{-li-um. Et in dnum Déminum Jé-sum Chri- of-invisible-things, © And in one Lord Jesus Christ, b4 CREDO IV a stum, Fi-li-um Dé-i unigéni-tum. Et ex Pdétre ndtum the-Son of-God, only-begotten. And of the-Father born 4 a - * 7 tt ante émni-a saécu-la. Dé-um de Dé-o, limen de before, all ages. God of God, light of ‘ sora a limine, Dé- um vé-rum de Dé-o vé-ro. Géni-tum, non light, God (the) true of God (the) true. Begotten, not =a ———y ———— aa F fActum, consubstanti- d-lem Pétri: per quem émni-a made, _ of-the-same-substance (as the) Father: through whom all-things et * iam ata? : at 2 —, * a facta sunt. Qui propter nos hémines, et propter nédstram made have-been, Who for us-—smen, and for our t as 4 - a Ee = sa-li-tem descéndit de caé- lis. salvation came-down from the-heavens. And incarnate was by Et incarnd-tus est de Spfri-tu Séncto ex Ma-ri-a Virgine: Et hémo factus the-Spirit Holy of Mary —the-Virgin: And man did-He - * a : z a a est. Cruci-fi- xus ét-i-am pro né- bis : sub Pénti-o Pi- become. He-was-crucified also for uss under Pontius CREDO IV 55 —— ld. to pdssus, et sepiltus est, Et resurrénit térti- a Pilate -He-suffered, and buried was. And He-arose —_the-third Ge > mH di-e, sectindum Scriptd- ras. Et ascéndit in ca¢lum : day, —according-to theScriptures. And ascended into heaven: f 7 . a = = sédet ad déxteram Patris. Et {-terum ventdrus est cum He-sits at the-right-hand of-the-Father. And again _—_to-come__is-he with ri Se gld-ri- a, judicd- re. vivos et mértu-os : ci-jus. régni non glory, to-judge the-living and the-dead: of-Whose kingdom never ~~ = E at 7 i — = érit ff-nis, Et in Spf-ri-tum Sdnctum, Déminum, et will-there-be an-end. And in the-Spirit (that is) Holy, the-Lord, and t 1 ot - - - Se vi-vi- ficdntem : qui ex Patre Fi-li- dque procé-dit. itarecec--> eircom tarot tas bec voe pice Qui cum Patre et Fi-li-o simul ado-rdtur, et conglo- 10 -with the-Father and the-Son together is-adored” and glorl- Se ri-ficd-tur : qui locdtus est per Prophé-tas. Et dnam fled: who spoken has through the-Prophets. And (in) one, 56 RESPONSES AT MASS gl a ee + — sdnctam cathd-li-cam et aposté-li-cam Ecclé-si- am. Con- holy, catholle and apostle Church : t - + 1 iat Ie i * : ho t+ $—Aay- fi-te-or tinum baptisma _in remissi- 6nem peccaté- rum. I profess one baptism for the-remisslon otis, * ¢ at *- + Le a = 4 Et exspécto resurrecti- 6nem mortu-6- rum. Et vi-tam And L-look-for the-resurrection of-the-dead And the-tite ee A. met ventt-ri saécu-li, of n. the-coriing age. A men. RESPONSES AT MASS Tones for the Prayers oe a D Ominus vobfscum. Ry. Et cum spf-ri-tu ti-o, ‘The-Lord (be) with-you. And with the-spirit of-thee. SS es Orémus,., per émni-a saécula saecu-lérum, Ry. Amen, Letuspray. through all the-ages —ofages. Amen RESPONSES AT. MASS BT At the Gospel fF oe a —— ¥. Sequénti-a sdncti Evangé-li- i secundum Matthaé-um. Matthew ‘The-continuation of-the-holy Gospel according-to [or Li-cam], (Lukey sr By. Gié-ri-a, t(-bi Démi-ne. Glory (be) to-thee O-Lord. Solemn tone for the Preface e— = P ER émni-a saécu-la saecu-l6-rum. Ry. Amen. Through all ‘the-ages of-ages. Amen, 7 sae] y. Déminus vob{scum. Ry, Et cum spi-ri-tu td- o, ¥. Sursum The-Lord (be) with-you. And with — the-spirit of-thee, (Lift) up = Li z cérda.- Ry. Habémus ad Déminum. ¥. Gra-ti- as (your) hearts, We-have (them-lifted-up) to the-Lord, Thanks fore poo — ‘ag4mus Démino Dé-o néstro. R. Dignum et justum est. let-us-give to-the-Lord the-God of-us. Fitting and just Its. Simple tone for the Preface ER émni-a saécu-la saccu-lé-rum, BR. Amen. Through all—theages—_f-ages. Amen, 58 z E RESPONSES AT MASS —— a or Y. Déminus vobiscum. R. Et cum spf-ri-tu ti-o. 7. Sursum Ee * ‘The-Lord (be) with-you, ‘And with the-spirit of-thee (Litt) up. ce — ioe = cérda. Ry. Habémus ad Déminum. V. Gra-ti- as (your) hearts. Whe-have (them-lifted-tip) to the-Lord. ‘Thanks Gao = — 5 ——s oe ag4mus Démino Dé-o néstro. Ry. Dignum et juistum est. lebus-give to-the-Lord the-God of-us Fitting and just its At the “Pater noster” t = = ¥ 7 so fire 1_E q 7 P Ek omni. a sadcu-ta saeculé-rum. R. Amen. Y. Et Through all theeages—_of-ages. ‘Amen. And (do) ¢ = = 7 ee ne nos indiicas in tenta-ti- 6nem. Ry. Sed libe-ra nos a mé-lo. not us lead Into temptation. But deliver us from evil. a * o et Y. Pax + Démini sit ¢ semper vo-bis- + cum. Ry. Et The-peace of-the-Lord be always with-you. And oe as cum ap{-ri-tu ti-o. with the-spirit of-thee. ON THE DAY OF BURIAL eee a wv : S Ubve-nf-te * Sancti Dé i, occtr- ri-te Assist-Him (ye) Saints of-God, run-to-meet-him, = jy, Ange- li Démi- ni: * Susci-pi- éntes 4nimam é- Angels of-the-Lord : Receiving (the) soul of jus: + Offeréntes é am in conspé-ctu Al- — tlssi- Offering it in (the) sight of-the-Most- mi. VY. Suscl-pi- at te Christus, qui vo-cavit te : High. May-He-receive thee, (even) Christ, who called thee: et in sinum Abrahae Ange-li dedi- cant te. and into (the) bosom of-Abraham (may) Angels, conduct thee. EE * Susci-pi-éntes 4nimam é- jus: + Offeréntes é am Receiving (the) soul —of-him: Offering it i joe in conspé-ctu Al- tlssi- mi Y. Réqui-em in (the) sight of-the-Most-High. Rest 60 REQUIEM MASS aetérnam déna ¢é- “eternal grant to-hisn et lux perpé-tu-a and light — perpetual aoe 7A W- ce-at é& i, ¢ Offeréntesé am _ in conspé- shine upon-hin Ottering it in (the) sight pei ctu Al- t{ssi- mi of-the-Most-High, Requiem Mass Inte, — vt : a r Equi-em* aetér- nam dé-na é- is, Démi- Rest eternal grant tocthem = O-Lord: ep ore Hi n and light perpetual shine upon-then et lux perpé-tu- a li-ce- at é& is, Ps. Te To-Thee décet hymnus Dé-us in Sf-on, et thbi reddétur vétum is-due (a) hymn — O-God in Sion: and to-Thee shall-be-paid (a) vow — : in Jeré-sa-lem : * exdudi oratti-dnem mé-am, ad te in Jerusalem : hear (this) prayer of-mine to Thee REQUIEM MASS 7 61 ‘ =p - émnis céro véni- et. Réqui-em, all flesh shall-come. Rest. Repeat Réquiem, as far as the Psalm. K Y-ri-e,.* e- 1é-i-son, #7. Christe, ¢- Ié-i- Lord, have-mercy. Christ, have-mercy ¢ 7 = *— ty 2 ENE yes son. ij. Ky-ri-e, e- Ié-i-son. 9, Ky-ri- e, Lord, have-mercy. Lord, a ee eI i-son. have-mercy. Grad, ¢————______, 1 Roe eee Equi- em * aetér- nam dé- na é- is, Rest eternal grant to-them Dé- mi- ne: et lux perpé- O-Lord : and light perpetual tu-a li- coat & is, shine upon-them. ee ee ee Y. In memé-ri- a aetér- In memory everlasting 62 REQUIEM MASS na & rit ja shall-be (the) just- stus: ab audi-ti- éne ma- la man: at (the) rumor (that is) evil * non timé- bit. never shall-he-fear, Goat ae “Bad ve, * Démine, dnimas émni- um Absolve, O-Lord, (the) ‘souls of-all pepe Hig — ine =e a i fidé-li- um defuncté- rum ab émni_— vin-cu- (the) faithful departed: from every bond t : : ype ee Fe a lo de-li- cté- rum, Y. Et gra-ti-a ti-a {l-lis of-sin, And with-grace of-Thine (giving) then succurrén- te, mere-dntur e-videre — ju- assistance, may-they-deserve to-escape (the) ¥ - [A fs di-ci-um ulti- 6- nis. WV. Et licis aetér- judgment —_of-vengeance. And of-light everlast- REOUIEM MASS 63 nae be-a-ti-td- di- ne * pérfru- i. ing (they blessedness to-enjoy. Seq. 1 D I-es frae, di-es {lla, Sdlvet saéclum in (The) day of-wrath, (the) day renowned, Shall-destroy (the) earth in saat 1-7 oe] favilla: Teste David cum Sibjlla, Quéntus trémor What — trembling ashes : (So) testified David with (the) Sibyl. est futdrus, Quando ji-dex est ventirus, (there) is going-to-be, When (the) Judge 1s about-to-come, All-things cin eta ss =y_ EE stricte discussirus! Taba mi-rum spr-gens sénum strictly to-examine! (The) trumpet wondrously spreading (its) sound is, == va aT ta? Per sepiilcra regi-énum, Céget émnes’ ante thrénum. before (the) throne, Through (the) tombs of-earth, Shall-gather all Mors stupé-bit et natd-ra, Cum resirget cre-a-ti-ra, Death will-be-stunned and nature (too), When arises (all) creation, 64 REQUIEM MASS ae Ee a == Judi-c4n- ti responst-ra. Lf-ber scriptus pro-te. To-the- Judge to-make-answer. (The) book written (by Him) will-be- rT rétur, In quo té-tum continé-tur, Unde mindus brought-forth, In which everything is-contained, —— By-which, (the) world t 7 + * Ne 7 vv 7 + judi-cétur, Jfidex ergo cum sedé&bit, Quidquid lé-tet Issto-be judged. (The) Judge therefore when Hels-seated, Whatever is-hidden = = = Ne te + apparébit: Nil. indltum remanébit, Quid sum mf- shatlmate-cter + Nothing. unpuslshedshattranain, What aka, poor ——— : ra ser tunc dictirus? Quem patré-num rogattrus? Cum vix wretch, then be-pleading? Whom (as) patron shall-l-seek? = When hardly t ¢ . * > a — a ae! justus sit secirus, Rex treméndae ma-jestd-tis, Qui (the) just. shall-be — secure. King of-tremendous majesty, Who ‘ t gre Soe r = Ee x salvandos sdlvas gra-tis, Salva me, fons pi- e-tétis. the-saved dost-save freely, Save-Thow me, fount of pity. REQUIEM MASS 6b Recordé-re, Jé- su pf-e, Quod sum cdusa té-ae vi-ae: Remember, O-Jesus loving, That I-am the-cause of-Thy life-on-earth : t — i Ne me pér-das lla di-e, Quaérens me, se- df- sti Lot-not me —_be-lost (on) that day. Seeking me, Thou-didst-sit OOOO ZT lassus: Redemisti cricem pdssus : ‘Tantus 14- bor all-weary : Thou-didst-redeem (me), (the) Cross enduring : Such-great labor eee er . ¥ . non. sit cdssus. Juste jddex ul-ti- énis, Dé-num fac (should) not be in-vain. O-just Judge of-vengeance, (A) gift make-Thou rt * ‘ 7 remissi-énis, Ante. di-em ra-ti-énis. Ingem{sco, ot-orglveness, _Before(the) day _of-réckoning. _—-Lam-groaning, 7 TF? ‘ tamquam ré-us: Cilpa ribet viltus mé-us: Suppli- as (one) guilty : With-shame blushes (the) face of-me: To. a Se re ere cdnt) parce Dé-us. Qui Ma-ri- am absolvisti, Et- pliant be-merciful O-God. (Thou) who Mary didst-absolve, And Chants of the Church. — 8 66 REQUIEM MASS eae ee a Tr latré-nem exaudisti, Mf-hi quoque spem dedisti, Préces (the) thief didst-hear, To-me —also.——hope_didst-give. Prayers mé-ae non sunt dignae: Sed tu bé-nus fac be- of. fe by-nowmeans are worthy: — But do-Thou in-goodness deal_mer ——— — + = SNe > ae z vtr* nigne, Ne perénni crémer {gne. Inter éves 16- cum clfully: Lest torever I-should-burn in-fire, Among (Thy) sheep (a) place _ praésta, Et ab haddis me sequéstra, Std-tu-ens in provide, And from (the) goats (set) me. apart, Placing (me) on — : = | parte déxtra, Confu-td-tis ma- ledictis, Fldmmis (the) side at-the-right, Having-confounded (the) accursed, To-flames = — =o “a dcribus addictis: Vé-ca me cum bened(ctis. Oro all-piercing condemned : Do-Thou-call me with (the) blessed. pray r 1 : sapplex et accli-nis, Cor contrf-tum qua-si cf-nis : ‘suppliantly and bending-low, (My) heart contrite as ashes REQUIEM MASS 67 iz —— as oy tat he + Gére ctram mé-i ffnis, Lacrimé-sa di-es lla, Take care — of-my (last) end. Pull-of-tears (that) day (so) dread, = ts, LT Qua resirget ex favilla Judi-céndus hé-mo ré-us : When there-shall-arise from ashes To-the-judgment man (the) guilty SS eS Hic ergo pér-ce Dé-us. Pie Jésu Démine, déna Him therefore spare 0-God. Tender Jesus (Our) Lord, grant sie ao &is réqui-em. A- men. to-them (Thy) rest. Amen. Offert.. = = n D Omine Jésu Christe, *Rex glé- _ri-ac, O-Lord Jesus Christ, King of-glory, SS es Nbe-ra dnimas émni-um fidé- li- um de-functé- ram deliver (the) souls of-all (the) faithful departed de poénis infér-ni, et de profindo l4- cu: I-bera trom (the) pains: of-Hell, and from (the) deep abyss: deliver: — éas de dre le-d- nis, ne absdérbe-at ¢-as them trom/(the) jaws of-the-lion, _ lest they-be-swallowed-up 68 REQUIEM MASS tar-tarus, ne cddant in obsci- rum: sed signi-fer In-the-pit, lest they-fall into darkness: but (let Thy) standard-bearer, ‘ sénctus Mi-cha-el repraeséntet € asin. I+ cem, Saint Michael, bring them Into Sight aes — | a i sanctam :* Quam olim Abrahae promi- sisti, et alltholy; Which fold to-Abraham Thou-didst-promise, and mi-ni é jus. V. Hésti-as et pré- toteseed oti. Saertices and prayers fi ces ti-bi, Démi- ne, ldudis offérimus: tu sisci-pe to-Thee, O-Lord, —of-praise —_we-ofter : (Jo) thou accept (them) pro animdbus fl-lis, qué-rum hédi-e memé-ri- am fa- for (the) souls (of) those, for-whom today commemoration we- pp cimus: fac ¢- as, Démine, de mér-te transf- re ad are-making : grant(that) they, O-Lord, from death —miay-pass_ to rt vi- tam. * Quam o-lim, lite. Which of-old. REQUIEM’ MASS 69 Anctus, * Sénctus, Sanctus Déminus Dé-us Sé- Holy, Holy, Holy Lord * God of SS ——————— = — Soe et ba-oth. Pléni sunt cali et térra. gid-ri-a ti-a.. , hosts. Full are (the) heavens and (the) earth (with) glory of-Thine, : 7 Hosénna in excélsis. Benedictus qui vénit in ndémine Hosanna in (the) highest. Blessed (is) He-who comes in (the) name BS Le Démi-ni, Hosdnna in excdlsis, of-the-Lod. Hosanna —_in (the) highest. A -gnus Dé- i, * qui téllis peccd-ta mindi ; Lamb of-God, who takest-away (the) sins — of-the-world Sea =e ; ——_—__ déna é-is réqui-em. Agnus Dé-i,* qui tdllis peccata grant them rest. Lamb of-God, who takest-away (the) sins = Se mandi: déna ¢-is réqui-em, Agnus Dé-i, *qui téllis of-the-world : grant them rest. Lamb of-God, who takest-away _———— a peccé-ta mandi: déna ¢-is réqui-em ** sempi-témam, (the) sins of-the-world, grant them rest. everlasting. 10 ABSOLUTION AFTER MASS Conn. —— > vin phe oe 4 UX aetérna * lice-at é-is, Démine: *Cum san- Light «verlasting shine _upon-them, O-Lord: With Saints Sate aa cae ctis td-is in aetérnum, qui-a pi-us es. V. Réqui-em aetér- cf-Thine for (al) eternity, because loving art-Thou, Rest eternal nam déna é-is, Démine, et lux perpé-tu-a_ltice- at grant to-them 0 Lord, and tight perpetual shine Se ete = é-is.* Cum sénetis td-is in aetérnum, qui-a pi-us es. upon-then, With Saints of-Thine for (ll) eternity, because loving art-Thow, a ro a—# R Equi-éscant in pd-ce, Ry, Amen, May-they-rest in peace, Amen. ABSOLUTION AFTER MASS Resp. = Ibe- ra me, Dé- mine, *de mérte aetér- na, Delwce me os an tet even in d{-e fila tremén- da: * Quando caé-li mo- in (that) day of-doom (and) terror ‘When (the) heavens ABSOLUTION AFTER MASS et — eee véndi sunt et tér-ra s+ Dum vé- ne- ris shaken shall-be and (likewise) earth : While ‘Thou-comest judi-cé- re saé- culum per {- gnem. Y. Trémens ‘tosjudge (the) world by fire Trembling factus sum égo, et t{- me-o, dum disctssi-o véne-rit, am 1, and fearful, until (the) judgment . comes, +—___ atque venti-ra fra. Quando caé-li mo- véndi sunt and (Thy) sure anger. When (the) heavens shaken shall-be t + et tér-ra. W. Df-es fl-la, df-es f-rae, ca-lami-ta-tis et and (the) earth, Day of-doom, day of-anger, of-calamity and : os Ea = = = — a mi-sé-ri- ac, d{-es m4gna —et_ amra val-de. + Dum of-misery, day momentous and bitter exceedingly. While vé ne-ris judi-cd- re saé- cu-lum_ per ‘Thou-comest to-Judge (the) world by Cee eee ere eer eee {- gnem. 7. Réqui-em aetémam déna ¢-is, Démi-ne : fire. Rest eternal grant to-them O-Lord: 72 ABSOLUTION AFTER MASS t 2 aS eee et lux perpé-tu-a li-ce-at & is. and light "perpetual shine upon-them. Lfbera me up 10 ¥. Trémens. ‘en the Response is finshed, the Cantor sings cvith the First Ch * t a Ky-ri- e, e-lé- i- son, Christe, e-lé- i-son. 1 Christ, teve-merey haveswercy Ky-ti-e, e- Ié-i-son, Lord, avesmerey = Pater néster (in athe of, { ee Y.Et ne nos indiicas in tenta-ti- nem. Aug (loynot as dead inte temptation .. Sed If-be-ra nos a mé-lo, Hat deliver us from evil V.A pér-ta {n-fe-ri. From Ghe) tte of-el R.. E-ru-e, Dé-mi-ne, 4-ni-mam é-jus (-as e-6-rum), Feseue OLord (the) seu! of-hlin (Is atthe) V. Re-qui-é-sca(n)t in pé-ce. R, A-men, Mav-he(theyprest in peace Amen Y. Dé-mi-ne, ex-4u-di o-ra-ti-6-nem mé-am, O-Lord hear (this) prayer of-mine. And (this) cry — of-mine to Thee let-it-come. V.Dé-mi-nus vo-bl-scum, FR. Et cum spf-ri-tu ti-o. (The) Lord (be) with-you. And with (the) spirit of-thee. When the corpse is carried out for burial, the Choir sings : I N pa-radi-sum * dedicant te Angeli: in ti-o Into paradise conducted-be thou (by) Angels: upon thy advéntu susci-pi-ant te | Marty-res, et.perdicant te arrival recelved-be thou (by the) Martyrs and may-they-lead thee = — At in ci-vi-tdtem sdnctam Je-risa-lem. Chérus Ange-Id- Inte (that) city (most) holy Jerusalem. (By the) choir _of-Angels rum te sus- cfpi- at, et cum Lazaro quondam pdu- (be) thou received, and with Lazarus. of-ld, (the) poor- et —— a pere aetérnam hdbe-as_réqui-em, man eternally mayest-thou-have rest. This Antiphon may be repeated on the way to the cemetery; the Gradual psalms or Palms from the Office of the Dead may also be sing, The Priest next sprinkles the body and the grave with holy water and incenses them. He then intones the following Antiphon : Bere Tam, m4 ABSOLUTION AFTER MASS Canticle of Zachary Luke 1, 68-79 1. Benedictus Déminus Dé-us Isra- el :* qui-a_vi-si-tavit, Blessed (be) the-Lord God ofesrael: for Hechas-visited (ae — et fécit redempti-énem plédis sii- ae. ana accunsplishec (the) redempti svfthe-pe ays oft i Ll the verses have the same intonation as the first. with the exception of the lust too verses Réquiem and Bt hux perpétua which, being so short, begin on the dominant. 2. Bt e-ré-xit cér-nu sa-li-tis nébis, * in dé-mo And He-has raised-up (a) horn of-salvation for-us: iat (the) house Da-vid Pieri sti-i. of David (that) servant of-His, 3. Sic-ut locitus est per 8 sanctérum, * qui a Evervas speak did-He by (the) mouth ufHis-Saints, who from saé-cu-lo sunt prophetérum é-jus : ancient-tintes have-been, prophets of-Tiis + 4, Salitem ex inim{cis néstris, * et de mdé-nu émnium qui Salvation from enemies of-ours? and from theshand ofall who odérunt nos : hate us 5. Ad faciéndam misericérdiam cum patribus néstris: * et In-order to-show mercy to(the) fathers of-us: and memoréri _testaménti si sdn-cti. to-remember (His) covenant, His sacred-one 6. Jusjurandum, quod ju-rd-vit ad Abraham pétrem néstrum, * (The) oath, — which He-swore to Abraham, father of-us, datdrum se né-bis : (this) gift He (would-give) to-us : 7.Ut si-ne timére, de mé-nu inimicérum nostrérum That without fear, from (the) hand —of-enemiies——of-ours li-be-ré-ti, * ser-vi-d-mus {li : (being) delivered, we-might-serve Him: ABSOLUTION AFTER MASS 15 8, In sanctitite et justitia coram {pso, * émnibus diébus.né-stris. In holiness and justice before Him: all (the) days(that are) ours. 9. Bt tu pt-er, prophéta Al-tis-si-mi vo-cd-be-ris : * prae-{- ‘And thou O-child, prophet of-the-Most-High shalt-thou-be-called, for) thou bis enim ante fa-cl-em Dé-mi-ni, pa-ré-re vi-as & jus: shalt-go indeed before (the) face of-the-Lord, to-prepare (the) ways for-Him. 10, Ad déndam sciéntiam sa-ld-tis plé-bi_é-jus, * in re-mis: To give’ knowledge of-salvation to-the-people of-Him, unto the-for- siénem peccatérum e6rum : Giveness of-the-sins_of-them ; 11. Per vis-ce-ra misericérdiae Déi, n6-stri Through (the) heart — of-mercy * of-God (who is) ou vi-si-té-vit nos, é-ri-ens ex dil-to: He-has-visited us, (the) Dayspring from on-high, 12, IHumindre his qui in ténebris et in dmbra mértis sé- To-enlighten those who in darkness and in (the) shadow of-death are- dent : * ad dirigéndos pédes néstros in vi-am pé-cis. sitting: to direct (the) feet of-us into (the) way of-peace. 13, Réquiem aetérnam * déna &i, Démine. Rest eternal grant to-him O-Lord. 14, Bt lux perpétua * Kiceat 6-i. And light perpetual shine _upon-him, * in quibus in which The Antiphon is repeated. E -gosum resurrécti-o et vi-ta: qui crédit in 1 am (the) resurrection and (the) life: he-that believes in SS ee me, ét-i-am si mértu-us fa-e-rit, vi-vet : et dmnis qui * me, even if dead ——were-he, shall-live: and everyone who * +— te vi-vit et crédit in me, | non mo-ri- é-tur in aetérnum. lives and believes in me, (shall) not die tor ever. 76 ABSOLUTION APTER MASS The Priest sing: The Choir sings : i Ky-ri-e, elé-i-son. Christe, elé-i-son, Ky-ri-e, elé-i-son. Tun, havesmercy. Chist,avesmterey. Lord, Rave-mercy. The Priest : aera Pater néster. He sprinkles the corpse with holy water, Father of-us. + ¥.Et ne nos in-di-cas in ten-ta-ti-6-nem. And (do) not us lead into temptation. Ry. Sed ll-be-ra nos a mé-lo, But deliver us from evil. Y.A porta in-fe-ri. From (the) gate of-Hell. R. E-ru-e, Dé-mi-ne, 4-ni-mam éjus Rescue, Lord, (the) soul of-him. YW. Re-qui-é-scat in pd-ce. Bj. A-men. May-he-rest in peace, Amen ¥. Dé-mi-ne, ex-du-di o-ra-ti-6-nem mé-am, Lond, prayer ofmine, BR. Et cld-mor mé-us ad te vé-ni-at. And (this) cry of-mine to ‘Thee let-it-come ¥. Dé-mi-nus vo-bf-scum. Ry. Et cum spi-ri-tu ti-o. (They Lord (be) with-you. And with (the) spirit of-thee Orémus... Let us-pray... V. Ré-qui-em ae-tér-nam dé-na ¢-i, Dé-mi-ne. Rest eternal grant to-him, O-Lord. R. Et lux per-pé-tu-a I-ce-at Gi. ‘And light perpetual shine _upon-him, PSALM 50, MISERERE 7 ‘The Cantors : The Priest : — — oor 2 I = ——— V. Requi- éscat in pd-ce. Ry. Amen. Y. Anima é-jus et May-he-rest in peace. Amen. (May the) soul of-him and eed animae émni- um fidé-li- um defuncté-rum, per mi-se- (the) souls. ofall (the) faithful departed through (the) mercy —————— a - cérdi-am Dé-i requi- éscant in pace. Ry. Amen. of-God rest in peace. Amen, Psalm 50. Miserere Ant. & ne 7 ore Xsultébunt Démino. Exultant —in-the-Lord. The Cantors* intone : 1.Mi-se-rére mié- iDE- us, * Have-mercy on-me 0-God, . The Clergy in 2 Choirs, = * —*—_* + * #9 continue : + secindum magnam mi-se-ri-cérdi- am th- am. according-to the-great merey (that is) Thine, 2, Et se-cin-dum multitidinem miseratiénum tudrum, * déle ‘And according-to (the) multitude _of-tender-mercies of-Thine, blot-out iniquitdtem méam. (this) iniquity of-mine. 3. Amplius Iéva me ab iniquitéte méa : * et a peccito More-tully wash me from (this) iniquity of-mine: and from (this) sin méo minda me, of-mine cleanse me. TTA PSALM 50. MISERERE 4. Quéniam iniquitétem méam égo cognésco * et peccétum Because (this) iniquity of-mine | acknowledge : and (this) sin méum contra me est __sémper. otanine before: me Itis-present always. 5. Tibi séli peccévi, et mélum coram te féci: * ut To-Thee only have-Lsinned, and evil before Thee have-l-done: that justificéris __in serménibus et vincas cum | ju- Thou-mayest-be-justified in words _of-Thine, and mayest-win when Thou- dicaris, art-judged, 6. Ecce enim in iniquitétibus coneéptus sum : * et in peccitis Behold indeed in iniquities conceived was-l: and in sins concépit me mater méa. she-conceived me, (that) mother of-mine. 7. Bece enim verititem dilexisti * incérta et occulta Behold indeed truth Thouchast-loved : the-uncertain and hidden-things sapiéntiae tise manifestdsti mihi. of-wisdom of-Thine Thou-hast-shown me. 8. Aspérges me hyssépo, et mundabor: lavabis Thou-shait-sprinkle me with hyssop, and I-shall-be-clean: Thou-shalt-wash_ me, et super nivem —_ dealbabor. me, and aSove snow shall-I-be-made-white. 9. Auditui méo dabis géudium et laetitiam : * et ‘To-the-hearing of-me Thou-wilt-give joy and _ gladness: and exsultébunt éssa humiliata. exultant (will be) the-bones (that are) broken, 10, Avérte faciem tiam a pecedtis méis : * et mnes iniqui Turn-away the-face of-Thee from sins of-mine: and all iniqui- tates méas déle. ties of-mine blot-out. 11. Cor miandum créa in me Déus: * et spiritum —réctum A-heart (that is) clean create in me O-God: and a-spirit (that is) upright innova in viscéribus méis. increase in the-heart of-me. 12, Ne projiciasme a facie tiia_: * et sp{ritum sanctum Do-not drive me from the-presence of-Thee : and the-spirit holy tium ne 4uferas a me. of-Thee do-not take-away from me. PSALM 50. MISERERE - 17B 13, Rédde mfhi laetitiam salutéris tui : * et spiritu Restore to-me joy in-salvation from-Thee : and with-a-spirit principal confirma me. (that is) noble strengthen me. 14, Docébo iniquos vias tuas:*et impii ad teconverténtur. I-will-teach the-unjust ways of-Thine : and the-godless to Thee shall-turn. 15, Libera me de sanguinibus Déus, Déus salitis méae : * et Deliver me from blood-guiltiness O-God, God of-salvation for-me: and exsultébit Ungua méa justitiam — téam. exalted (by) tongue of-mine (shall be) the-justice of-Thee. 16, Démine labia méa_ apéries: *et 08 =méum annun- O-Lord lips of-mine do-Thou-open : and the-mouth of-mine shall- tidbit Idudem tham. : declare the-praise of-Thee. 17. Quéniam si__volufsses sacrificium, dedissem dtique : * Because if Thou-hast-wished sacrifice, I-would-have-given (it) surely : holocéustis non delectdberis. with-burnt-offerings never art-Thou-delighted. 18, Sacrificium Déo __spiritus contribuldtus : * cor contritum A-sacrifice to-God (Is a) spirit contrite: a-heart contrite et humiliétum Déus non _ despicies. and broken O-God never wilt-Thou-despise. 19, Benigne fac Démine in béna voluntéte tia Sion : * ut Kindly deal O-Lord in good pleasure of-Thine with-Sion: that aedificéntur muri Jerdsalem. built-may-be the-walls of- Jerusalem. 20. Tunc acceptabis sacrificium justitiae, oblatiénes et holo- ‘Then thou-wilt-accept a-sacrifice of-justice, offerings. and _holo- cAusta: *tunc impénent super altéare tium vitulos. causts: then they-shall-place upon the-altar of-Thee young-calves. 21, Réquiem aetérdam * déna é Démine. Rest eternal grant him (or her) O-Lord. 22, Et lux perpétua * hiceat “€i. And (let) light perpetual shine-upon him (or her). An. & = = tiphon, ——4-* * 3 a + * + Exsultdébunt Démino éssa humi-li- 4-ta, Exultant _in-the-Lord (shall-be) the-bones (that are) broken, Selected Gregorian Chants 1. Adoremus and Laudate Dominum. I Se vo SE eee" A D-orémus in aetérnum sanctissimum Sacramén- Letusadore for ever: (the) most-holy Sacrament. Joe = tum, Ps, Laudé-te Déminum émnes géntes : * laudé-te Praise (the) Lord all (ye)nations : praise = . ——————— = u a a - 4 . éum émnes pépw-li, Quéni-am confirmdta est super nos Him all (ye) peoples. Because firmily-fixedisit over us, = mi-se-ricérdi- a é-jus:* et véri-tas Démi-ni manet in aetér- (that) merey of-His : and (the) truth of-the-Lord remains for ever, ee ee — * 3 num, Adorémus. Glé-ri- a Patri, et Fi-li-o, * et Spi-ri- Let-u-adore, Glory to-Father and to-Son: and to-Spirit = = = * — tu-i SAncto. Sicut érat in princfpi-o, et nunc, et sem- Holy: Just-as it-was in (the) beginning, and (is) now, and always, SELECTED GREGORIAN CHANTS 7 79 : i nae —— — C4 “et in saécu-la saecu-lérum. Amen. Adorémus. and unto (the) ages of-ages. Amen. Letsis-adore. 2. Adoremus and Laudate Dominum. II A D- orémus in aetérnum sanct{s- simum Sacra- Let-us-adore for © ever: (the) most-holy Sacra- & noe eo od méntum. Ps, Lauddéte Déminum émnes géntes: * laudate ment, Praise (the) Lord. all (ye) nations: praise == SS é-um émnes pépu-li, Quéni- am confirméta est super Him all (ye) peoples. Because firmly-fixed is-it over See ee nos mi-se-ricérdi- a éjus:* et vé-ri-tas Démini manet us, (that) mercy of-His: and (the) truth " of-the-Lord remains a pee a : in aetérnum, Ad-orémus, Glé-ri-a Pé-tri, et Fi- for ever. Let-us-adore. Glory to-Father and to-Son: | et Spi-ri-tu- i Sancto, Sicut érat in princfpi- 0, et and to-Spirit Holy: Just-as_it-was in (the) beginning, and su SELECTED GREGORIAN CHANTS So nunc, et semper,* et in saécula saecu-lé-rum, Amen. (is) now, and always,” and unto (the) ages’ sof-ages. Amen, — — : st Ad-o-rémus. Lat-us-adore, il 3. Adoremus and Laudate Dominum. ITI « Ea D-orémus in aetérnum sanct{fssimum Sacramén- Lerus-adore for ever: (the) most-holy Sacrament. t —— 2 * peed tum, Ps, Lauddte Déminum émnes géntes, * laudate Praise (the) Lord all (ye) nations : praise te ee] ‘e é-um émnes pépu-li, Quéni- am confirméta est super Hint al (ye) peoples.” Recause—firmly-fixed ist over fee eee el nos mi-sericérdi- a ¢-ju: et vé-ri-tas Démini méanet vis, (Mt) mnerey uf-His: and (the) truth of-the-Lord remains ho gy oo, oa in aetérnum. Adorémus. Glé-ri-a Patri, et Fi-li-o, * for evar Let-us-adore. Glory to-Father and to-Son: ee ee et Spi-ri-tu-i Sdncto. Sicut é-rat in princfpi-o, et nunc, and to-Spirit Holy: Just-as it-was in (the) beginning, and (is) now, : SELECTED GREGORIAN CHANTS 81 et semper,*et in saécula saeculérum. Amen. Adorémus. and always, and unto(the) ages of-ages. Amen, —_Let-s-adore. 4. Adoro te devote v ae CES A Déro te devé-te, ld-tens Dé- i-tas, Quae sub adore Thee devoutly, hidden Deity, ‘Who beneath . his figt-ris vere ld-ti-tas: Ti-bi se cor mé- um té- these forms truly art-hidden : To-Thee itself (the) heart of-me tum: subji-cit, Qui-a te contémplans tétum dé-fi-cit. wholly submits, Because (while) Thee beholding (it) wholly faints-away. 2. Visus, téctus, gustus in te fallitur, Sight, touch, taste in Thee are-decelved, Sed au-df-tu sélo tuto créditur : But (by) hearing only safely we-believe : Crédo quidquid di-sit Dé-i Filius : Lbelleve whatever was-said (by) God’s Son : Nil hoc vérbo veri-té-tis vérius. Nothing (than) this word of-truth (ean be) more-true. In crice Ia-té-bat sla Dé-i-tas, On the-cross was-hidden only (the) Divinity, At hic lé-tet ‘simul et huménitas : But here is-hidden at-once also (the) humanity : Ambo tamen crédens atque cénfitens, Both however belleving and confessing, Péto quod petfvit ldt-ro__paé-ni-tens. Task what he-asked, (that) thlet who-was-penitent, 2 82 SELECTED GREGORIAN CHANTS 4. Pligas, sicut Thémas, non inticor : rhyswounds, as ‘Thomas (Saw), ledosnot see: Déum tamen méum te confiteor : Goud, however, of-miine Thee do-l-contess : Facme tibi semper magis crédere, Make me in-Thee always more-firmly to-believe, In te spem habére, te diligere. In Thee (my) hope to-place, Thee to-love, 5. O memorifle mértis Démini, © memorial of-the-death of-the-Lord, Panis vivus, vitam praéstans hémini, Bread of-life life bestowing on-man, Praésta méae ménti de te vivere, Grant my heart on Thee to-live, Et te _flli semper dilce sapere. And do-Thou to-it ever sweetly taste. 6. Pie pellicine, Jésu Démine, Loving pelican, Jesus Lord, Me immundum minda tio sénguine, Me unclean cleanse-Thou in-Thy Blood, Cajus tina stilla sdlvum facere Ot-which (a) single drop to save ‘Tétum mindum quit ab émni scélere. (The) whole world {s-able from all (its) guilt. 7, Jésu, quem ve-ld-tum nunc aspicio, Jesus, Whom under-a-veil (I) now behold, Oro, flat fllud quod tam sitio: Lpray, be-done that which so-much I-thirst-for : Ut, te reveléta cérnens ficie, That, Thee unveiled perceiving face-to-face, Visu sim bedrus tae glériae, Amen, By-the-vision L-may-be blessed, (seeing) Thy glory. Amen, SELECTED GREGORIAN CHANTS 83 g- Alma Redemptoris v A Lma * Redempté-ris Mater, quae pérvi-a caéli Dear-Lady, (the) Redeemer's Mother, who (the) open heavenly ee pérta manes, Et stélla md-ris, succtrre cadénti ortal dost-remain, And(the) star of-theses, assist in-thetrfall (those) —————— sdrgere qui cirat pépulo: Tu quae genu-{sti, na- to-rise who care among-thy-people: Thou who didst-bear, (while) téra mi-rénte, ti-um sdnctum Geni-té-rem : Virgo pri- us . ature wondered, thy holy Maker: A-Virgin. before et _— ac postéri-us, Gabri-é-lis ab d-re stimens fllud Ave, and after, (trom) Gabriel, from (his) lips, receiving that Ave, a peccatd-rum mi-se-ré-re, on-sinners —_-have-pity. 6. Anima Christi var A -nima Christi, sancti fica me: Cérpus Christi, Soul of-Christ, sanctity — me: “Body of-Chrlat 84 SELECTED GREGORIAN CHANTS Ke =e —y re salva me. 2. Sanguis Christi, inébri-a me: qua 14- save me, Blood of-Christ,_inebriate me: — water of Cae hee . teris Christi, lava me. 3, PAssi- 0 Christi, conférta me : the-side of-Christ, wash me. Passion of-Christ, comfort me Patt EEE a a ee ae O béne Jésu, exdudi me. 4, Intra td-a vilne-ra abs- O good Jesus, hear sme. Within Thy — wounds £ t — x e8 cénde me: ne perm{ttas me separé-ri a te. 5. Ab hide me : (do) not permit me to-be-separated from Thee. From 7p Sn UR a bee oe a ara héste maligno de-fénde me: in héra mértis mé-ae vé- they the defend — me in (the) hour of-teath of-mine call a es a a . ca me. 6. Et jibe me venf-re ad te: ut cum Sdnctis me. And bid me come to Thee: that with — Saints 5 rrr tat = r a z D ti-is ldudem te in saécu-la saecu-lérum. A--men, of-Thine I-may-praise Thee unto ages of-ages. Amen, t i SELECTED GREGORIAN CHANTS 85 7. Attende Domine SE ee Sl A Tténde, Démine, et mi-se-rére, qui- a pecc4vimus Attend O-Lord, and have-mercy, because we-have-sinned The Chotr repeats : Atténde, (before) Thee. a SO she 1, Ad te, Rex stimme, émni-um Redémptor, écu-los To Thee O-King most-high, of-all-men (the) Redeemer, (these) eyes i = : Se néstros sublevamus _fiéntes : exdudi, Christe, suppli-cdn- of-ours _we-raise (while) weeping: hear, O-Christ, (Thy) suppliants? oA aaaAeie EaereseesdSeeUSESRNURENEAES = tum pré-ces, By, Atténde. prayers. Attend. 2. Dex-te-ra Patris, ldpis anguléris, Right-hand of-the-Father, stone of-the-comer, Via salitis, jdnua cacléstis, Way of-salvation, gate of-heaven, Ablue néstri _méculas delicti.. Ry. Atténde, Wash-away for-us (the) stains of-sin. Attend, 3, Rogdmus, Déus, tiam majestitem : We-beseech, O-God, Thy majesty : Auribus sécris gé-mi-tus exdu-di : (with Thine) ears divine our-groanings hear-Thou : Crimina néstra plécidus indulge. By. Atténde. To-sins of-ours graciously be-indulgent. | Attend. 86 SELECTED GREGORIAN CHANTS 4. Ti-bi fa-té-mur crimina admissa : To-Thee we-confess (the) sins (by us) committed : Contrito cérde péndimus oc-cél-ta : With-contrite heart we-uncover (our) hidden-faults ‘Tita, Redémptor, pletas ignéscat. By. Atténde. (Let) thy redeeming kindness pardon-us. Attend 5, Innocens ciptus, nec repiignans ductus, Ininnocence taken and-not resisting led-away, ‘Téstibus filsis pro impiis damndtus : Hy-witnesses false for wleked-men condemned Quos re-de-mf-sti, tu consérva, Christe. Fy. Atténde. (those) whom ‘Thou-hast-redeemed (io) Thou preserve, 0 Christ. Attend 8. Ave Maria —— 2 = — 1 ee A -ve Ma-rf- a,® gré-ti-a pléna, Déminus técum, Hail Mary, with-grace replete, (the) Lund (js) wit eee SESE eE ee of. : - Ee = 2 SS benedicta tu in mu-li- é-ribus, et benedictus frictus blessed (art) thow among women, and blessed (is-tie) fruit & 5 oe eo i t véntris ta-i, Jésus. Sdncta Ma-ri- a, Mater Dé-i, dra tthesvuni oFthee, Jesus, Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray pro nébis pecc for us sinners, now and in (they hour ui-thedeath of. strae. Amen. us. Amen. SELECTED GREGORIAN CHANTS 87 g. Ave maris stella 1 A -ve mé-ris stélla, Dé-i Ma-ter alma, Atque Hall ocean's star, God's Mother dear, Likewise - — semper Virgo, | Fé-lix caéli pérta. ever (a) Virgin, Blest heavenly gate, 2. +5, Sémens fllud Ave Virgo singuléris, Receiving that Ave Virgin all-excelling, Gabrilis dre, Inter émnes mftis, (trom) Gabriel's lips, Among all (most) meek, Finda nos in pice, Nos cilpis solitos, Settle us in peace, Us from-sin set-tree, Mitans Hévee némen. Mites fac et chstos. Reversing Eva's name, 3. Sélve vincla réis, Loose (thelr) chains (for the) guilty, Préfer men caécis : Bring-forth light for-the-blind : Mila néstra pélle, Woes of-ours dispel, Béna ciincta pésce. Good (in) all-things ask (for us). 4, Ménstra te ésse mitrem : “Show thyself to-be (a) mother : ‘Su-mat per ote May-He-receivethrough thee our) prayers, Qui pro ndbis nétus, Who for us (was) born ‘Té-lit ésse tus. (and) Delgned to-be Thy (Son). Meek make-thou and chaste. 6. Vitam .praésta pram, Lite (on us) bestow (that Is) pure, Iter péra = titum: (A) way prepare (that is) sate : Ut vidéntes Jésum, In-order-that seeing Jesus, Semper collaetémur. Always we-may-rejoice. 7. Sitlus Déo Pé-tri, Be pralse to-God (the) Father, Christo préces, | Simmo ‘To-Most-High Christ (be) praise, Spiriui » (And) to-the-Spirit Holy, ‘Tri-bus hénor dnus. Amen. To-the-Three (be) honor equally. Amen. 88 SELECTED GREGORIAN CHANTS 10. Ave Regina Sa A -ve Regina caelérum,* Ave Démina Ange-lérum. Hail Queen of-the-heavens Hail (our) Lady _of-the-Angels : Oe etd ri Sdlve radix, sdlve pérta, Ex qua mundo lux est drta : Hall root (of Jesse), Hail portal, From whom on-earth light Is risen. SS SS Gaude, Virgo glo-ri- ésa, Su-per émnes —_spe-ci- é-sa : Rejoice O-Virgin glorious, Above all (creatures) beautiful : boStess eee “7 Vé-le, 0 valde decé-ra, Et pro né-bis Christum exé- ra. Prevail. O(thou) most lovely, And for us (to) Christ pray-thou. V. Di-gné-re me lau-dé-re te, Vir-go sd-cra-ta, Worthy-make me — to-praise thee O-Virgin mos R.Da mf-hi vir-ta-tem con-tra hé-stes td-os. Give me strength against ‘the-enemies of-thee. 11, Ave verum » GSS Py ee + A - ve vérum * Cérpus nétum de Marf-a Virgi-ne : Hail true Body born of = Mary (the) Virgin > 4. cm Ve-re pdssum, immo-lé-tum in crice pro hémi-ne : Truly suffering, sacrificed on (the) Cross for = man. Gor * are : oH Ciijus I4tus perfo-ré-tum fidxit dqua et sdngui Whose — side (when) pierced flowed (with) water and blood: ho ears Esto nébis praegusté-tum mértis in exdmi-ne. O Be to-us a-toretaste (in) death’s agony. oO Jésu ddl-cis! O Jésu pl ef O J& ou fli Jesus sweet! © Jesus loving! «=O Jesus. son Ma-ri- ae. of-Mary! 12. Christus vincit Schola Choir repeats Hristus vincit, Christus régnat, Christus {mpe-rat. ‘Christ conquers! Christ reigns! Christ commands! Schola Choir : Ea — wt e E Xéudi, Christe. Exdudi, Christe. Hear, 0 Christ, Hear, 0 Christ. 90 SELECTED GREGORIAN CHANTS Schola ao —+—— fot at re E. Celé-si-ae sdnctae Dé-i, sé-lus perpé-tu-al Tosthe-Church how of-God salvation perpetut . Schola Choir = . — = 4 ¥ res ae ce Redémptor mindi, Tu filam ddjuva. Redventer of-the-world, Thou (give) her assistance, 2 Schola Choir t =" a it Sancta Ma-rf- a. Tu filam 4djuva. Holy” Mary, Dosthou (ve her assistance Sdncte Jé-seph. Tu filam ddjuva. Holy” Joseph. Do-thu (veer assistance & Schota Choir Soe ae Sancte Micha-él. Tu filam ddjuva. Holy Michael, Do-thou her assist. Repeat Christus vineit as above. Schola Choir Schola Choir oe R Ex régum. Rex néster. Spes néstra, Glé-ri- a King of-Kings! King — of-us! Hope — of-us! Glory, néstra. oust Schola Choir Xéudi, Christe. Exdudi, Christe. Hear, 0 Chi Hear, 0 Christ. SELECTED GREGORIAN CHANTS 91 Schola a P 1-0 Sémmo Pontl- f-ci et univers4-li Papae To-Pius Supreme Pontiff and universal Pope 4 vita et sdlus perpé-tu-a. (be) life! and health perpetual. gp Schola Choir i oa = = TE Salvator mindi, Tu {llum ddjuva, Saviour of-the-world. Do-thou him assist. Schola Choir _— == Saat ———————r Sdncte Pétre. Tu fllum ddjuva. Holy Peter. Do-thou him assist. Sancte Péule. Tu filum ddjuva. Holy = Paul, Do-thou him assist. Repeat Christus vincit as above. i Schola Choir Schola ao ee A Uxt-li- um néstrum. Forti-té-do néstra, . Arma Help of-ours! Strength of-ours! ‘Weapon Choir néstra invictfssima, Mirus ndster inexpugndbi-lis. of-ours, invincible! Rampart of-ours impregnable! Schola and Choir Lux, vi-a et vi-ta néstra. ‘Light, way, and life —of-us! 92 SELECTED GREGORIAN CHANTS Schola Choir SA E Xaudi, Christe. Exéudi, Christe. Hear, 0 Christ, Hear, O Christ. Sehola (archi-Jepiscopo et dmni cléro s{bi com- To N, (ou) (Arche) Bishop and tovall clergy to-him qe at = + i = misso pax et virtus, plé-rima mérces. entrusted, (be) peace and strenght, @) great reward. Sehola Choir — ot re Sancte W.... Tu fllum 4djuva, Holy N... Do-thou him assist. Sdncte V.... Tu fllum ddjuva, Holy Nu. Do-thou him assist. Repeat Christus vinelt as above. Schola ee a I Psi s6-li impé-ri- um, laus et jubi-ld-ti-o per Tottin stone (be) power, praise and jubilation, through es infi-n{-ta saécu-la saecu-lé-rum. Amen. Choi endless ages of-ages Amen: Schola Choir ¢ Ee = _— t — i z T > Empora —-béna véni- ant. Témpora béna (stay ties (that are) good comel (May) times (that are) good SELECTED GREGORIAN CHANTS 93 SS véni-ant redémptis s4nguine Christi! come! To-those-redeemed in-the-blood of-Christ : Schola Choir Schola and Choir (ae Fe-lf-ci-ter! Fe-lf-ci-ter! Fe-l{-ci-ter! May-all-go-well! May-all-go-well! May-all-go-well! _Sehola : Choir cy he — = a P AX Christi véni- at! Régnum Christi vé- (May) the-peace of-Christ come! (May) the-kingdom of-Christ Schola and Choir Lope ni-at! Dé-o gré-ti- as, A-men. come. To-God (be) thanks! Amen, 13. Confirma hoc Onfirma hoc Dé- us * quod operdétus es in Establish thls -God which accomplished hast-Thou amongst 6 né-bis, a témplo sancto té- 0, quod est in Jert-salem. ‘us, from (that) temple sanctuary of-Thine, which is in Jerusalem. a pe ee te 5 Y. Glé-ri- a Patri, et Fi-li-o, et Spi-ri-tu- i Sancto. Glory to-Father, and to-Son, and — to-Spirit Holy. oF SELECTED GREGORIAN CHANTS ®,. Sic-ut é-rat in princfpi-o, et nunc, et semper, et in JJust-as it-was In (the) beginning and (ls) now, and always, and unto a rs saécu-la saeculé-rum, Amen. ages of-ages. Amen, Repeat the Ant. Confirma hoc. a : C oe OR Jésu sacra-tis-simum, mi-se-ré-re_né-bis, Heart of-Jesus most-sacred, have-mercy onus, 15. Da pacem Domine un D A pacem, Démine, in di- é&-bus_néstris : ee qui- a non est 4-li- us qui pdgnet pro nobis, frase ni-si_ tu Dé-us néster. except Thee Q-Gud of us 16. Ecce nomen Domini ESSE veéE oo Se cea E Cce némen Démini Emménu-el, * quod annun- Behold (the) name of-the-Lord Emmanuel, which — dectar- SELECTED GREGORIAN CHANTS 95 ti-d-tum est per Gdbri-el, hédi-e appd-ru-it in Isra-el : ed has-been by Gabriel, today has-appeared in Israel: ——__. SES ee per Ma-ri-am Virginem est ndtus Rex. E-ial Virgo through Mary (the) Virgin is_—-born (the) King. Ela! (the) Virgin Dé- um génu- it, ut di-vina vé-lu- it cleménti- a. In (is) God’s parent, as Divinity has-willed — 4n-mercy. In SSS ae Béthlehem natus est, et in Jerd-sa-lem vi-sus est, et in Bethlehem born Is-He, and in Jerusalem seen. is-He, and in t “ * = + Ett, ih tet a a 6mnem térram hono-ri- ficd-tus est Rex Isra-e (the) whole earth honored Is(the) King of-lsrael, 17. Ecce panis Angelorum Es + wm & E Cce —pdnis Angelé-rum, Factus cfbus vi- até- Behold (the) Bread _—_of-Angels, (Is) become (the) food _of-way- - eee rum: Vé-re panis fi- li- drum, Non mitténdus cdnibus, farers : Truly (the) bread of-the-children (is) not to-be-thrown to-the-dogs. Chants of the Church. — 4 96 SELECTED GREGORIAN CHANTS — = In figt-ris praesignatur, Cum [-sa-ac immo-lé-tur, In figures He-ts-foretold, When Isaac is-offered, Agnus Paschae de-puté-tur, Détur manna pétribus. (The) Lamb of-Passover is-appointed, Given-is_ manna _to-the-fathers, at {rr Béne PAstor, pdnis vére, Jésu, néstri mi-se-rére: Tu Good Shepherd, bread indeed, Jesus, onus have-merey (Do) Thou Qo ee nos pasce, nos tu-ére, Tu nos béna fac vidére us feed, us protect, (Do) Thou us good-things make to-see | ——— sa a ne -— tre I ya r In térra vivénti-um, Tu qui cincta scis et vd-les, In(the) land of-the-living. Thou who all-things knowest and canst (do), eee Qui nos pAscis hic morté-les : Té-os i-bi commensé-les, Who us feedest here (as) mortals; Of-Thee there table-companions, SS Cohaerédes et sodd-les Fac sanctérum cf-vi- um. Joint-heirs and fellows make (us) of-the-holy citizens (of Heaven), Amen, po SELECTED GREGORIAN CHANTS 97 18. Ecce sacerdos E C-ce * sacérdos magnus, qui in ‘di- ébus Behold (a) Priest (most) high, who in (the) days. si is pldcu- it Dé 0: © Id-e-o jure- ju- of-him Pleased God: Therefore — swearing- rin- do fé-cit fum Démi-nus crésce-re an-oath He-made_ him, (i. e.) (the) Lord, to-increase 1S ea in plébem sé- am. 7.P,Alle- lé- ia VY. Bene- amiong the-people of-Him, Alleluia. (@) Bles- dict{- é-nem émni-um génti-um dédit {l- i, et sing (to) all nations has-He-made him, and apo So testaméntum si-um confirmdvit super —_cd-put ¢- (the) covenant —_with-Himself He-confirmed above (the) head * Id-e-o, Glé-ri- a Patri, et Fi-li- 0, Therefore. Glory to-Father, and to-Son, 98 SELECTED GREGORIAN CHANTS Le aaa et Spi-ri- tu- i S4n- cto. * Id-e-o. and to-Spint Holy. Therefore. 19. Hodie Christus 1 4 H Odi- e * Chri-stus nd-tus est: hédi- e Salvator Today Christ born is; today (the) Saviour —— : : ee appdru- it: hédi-e in térra c4nunt Angeli, laetantur has-appeared: today on earth — sing (the) Angels: rejoice Gee pt Sas Archange-li: hédi- e exstl-tant justi, di-céntes : (the) Archangels: today exultant-are (the) just, saying : = eee Glé-ri- a in excélsis Dé- 0, alle-li- ia. Glory in the-heights to-God, alleluia. 20. Inviolata a I Nvi- o-ld-ta, * Integra, et cdsta es Ma-rf-a: Inviolate, untouched, and chaste art-thou Mary! ey a, oot i Quae es effécta filgida caéli pérta. O Mater dlma ‘Who hast been-made (the) shining heavenly portal. © Mother (and) nurse uw re SELECTED GREGORIAN CHANTS 99 eas a —_ Christi ca-rissima : Siscipe pl-a Iudum praecéni- a. of-Christ most-dear : Receive (our) loving praises (and) hymns. : oa = Er + +t Te nunc fld-gi-tant devéta cérda et d-ra:Néstra ut pira To-thee now are-praying devoted hearts and lps. In-us may pure i — i See péctora sint et cérpora. Tu-a per pre-cd-ta dulcf-so- hearts be and (pure) bodies. (Do) Thou by prayers sweet-sounding & 7 7 ' & ao —* ad ae _ : na : Nébis concédas véni- am per saécu-la. O benigna! To-us grant pardon through (the) ages. © kind-Lady! “eS eee oa O Regi-na! O Ma-ri- al Quae sé-la invi-o-l4- ta O Queen! oO Mary! Who alone inviolate perman-s{- sti hast-remained. a1. Jesu dulcis memoria 1 ee ee J Esu, déleis mamé-ri-a, Dans vé-ra odrdis ghu- Of- Jesus sweet (is-the) remembrance, Giving true heart Joys: 100 SELECTED GREGORIAN CHANTS : : nS —_——————— “diva: Sed super mel et dmni-a, Ejus diilcis prae- But above honey and everything (is) His sweet pre- i sénti- a. sence. 2. | 4. Nil cénitur sudvius, | Nec lingua valet dicere. Nothing is-sung more-sweet, Nor tongue cant say Nil ‘audftur jucindius, Nec Iittera exprimere : Nothing is-heard more-pleasant, [or veriting express: Nil cogittur dilcius, Expértus pétest crédere, ‘Nothing is-thought more-dear, (Only) experience can-believe, Quam Jésus Déi Filius. Quid sit Jésum dilfgere. Than Jesus God's Son. What itis Jesus to-love 3. 5. Jésus spes paeniténtibus, Sis Jésu néstrum géudium, “Jesus, hope for-penitents, Be-Thou, Jesus, our joy, Quam pfus es peténtibus! | Qui es furirus praémium : How tender art-Thou to-seekers! | (Thou) Who art to-be (our) reward : Quam bénus _ te quaeréntibus! Sit néstrain te gléria, How — good (when) Thou art-asked-for! | May-there-be for-us in Thee (great) glory, Sed quid inveniéntibus! | Percuncta semper saécula.Amen. But what to-those-who-find (Thee)! | Through all (the) everlasting ages. Amen, V. Sit né-men Dé6-mi-ni be-ne-di-ctum, Al-le-lé-ia, Be (the) name of-the-Lord blessed. Alleluia. R. Ex hoc nunc, et u-sque in saé-cu-lum. Al-le-ld-ia. From this present and even to etemity. Alleluia, 22. Laetabundus - et my ! =a Aetabindus Exsiltet fidd-lis ché-rus, —Alle- Filled-with-gladness Leap-for-joy, faithful choir, Alle SELECTED GREGORIAN CHANTS . 101 W-ia : 2, Régem régum Intdctae profédit thdé-rus, Res lula: (The) King of-kings —_of-a-virgin_is-born (in the) manger, Cause —— 7 Sea es mi-r4nda. 3. Ange-lus cons{-li- i Natusest de Virgi- for-wonder. (The) Angel of-counsel Born is_ of (the) Virgin, SS rie, Sol de stélla: 4. Sol occd-sum nésci- ens, Stélla Sun trom star, Sun toset unable, star ee ae ee seinper ré-ti- ans, Semper cléra. 5, Sic-ut s-dus rédi- um ever glowing, Ever bright, Just-as (a) star (its) ray, ' t a =F — Pré-fert Virgo Fi-li- um, Pd-ri férma, 6, Neque (60) brings-forth (the) Virgin (her) Son," Ofequal beauty. Neither SS Ree > gidus rddi- 0, Neque Mé-ter Fili- o Fit corrdpta, (the) star by-its-beam, Nor (the) Mother by-her-Son, Becomes corrupted, eo Pa 7.Cédrus 4l-ta Lf-ba- ni Conformé-tur h¥ssopo Ville (The) cedar tall of-Libanus;—Is-made-like _hyssop (In this) vale Qe eee néstra, 8, Vérbum ens Altissi- mi, Corpo-ré-ri_ pdssum of-ours, Word — is-He of-Highest-God, To-be-made-man He-condes- 102 SELECTED GREGORIAN CHANTS ok fete + — = — My est, CArne simpta. 9. I-sa-{-as cé-ci-nit, Synagdéga sang-of-it, The-synagogue cended, (Our) flesh assumed. Isalas es — me ee 4 mémi- nit, Numquam tamen dé-si-nit Esse caéca. remembers, At-no-time however does-it-cease Tobe __ bind. 10.Si non sf-is vd-tibus, Crédat vel gentl- Ii If not (in) its-own prophets, Let-it-believe (that) even (in) the-pagan hee a bus Sibyl-If-nis vér-sibus Haec prae-dicta. 11. Infé-lix Sibylline verses These-things were-foretold. Unhappy-one 4 prépe-ra, Créde vel vé-tera: Cur damndbe-ris, Gens hasten, ‘Trust at-least the-anclents: Why wilt-thou-be-damned, Race ‘ = i? — cm * 4 * + m(-se-ra? 12. Quem décet Iitte-ra Natum consfde- (mostywretched? Who Is-taught in-Scripture, Him-now-bor consider : ¢ + + = at SoS ae ra: Ipsum génu- it Pu-érpera, Alle-Id-ia, The-very-One bom ——of-a-mother.——llelula. SELECTED GREGORIAN CHANTS 103 23. Languentibus in Purgatorio ———— LG Anguéntibus in Purgaté-ri- 0, Qui purgdntur The-suffering-souls in Purgatory, ‘Who are-being-purged ardére nimi-o, Et torquéntur grdvi suppli-ci- 0, in-heat excessive, And _are-tortured (by)severe punishment, eo oe Subvéni- at ti-a compdssi-o: O Ma-ri-al Assist(them)in-thy compassion: =O Mary! 2.Foas es pé-tens qui cil-pas —&-bhu-is, Fount art-thou open-wide who the-faults (of men) dost-wash-away. , Omnes jivas et néllum réspuis : All thou-helpest and none rejectes Ménum tiam exténde mértuis, Hand of-thine extend to-the-dead, Qui sub poénis linguent continuis: O Marla! Who in pain languish continually: Mary! 3.Adte —pfe suspfrant mértui, To Thee lovingly sigh the-dead, Cupiéntes de poénis érui, Desiring trom pain to-be-rescued, Et adésse tio conspéctui, And to-stand (in) thy sight, (And) eternal joys to-possess: © Mary! 194 SELECTED GREGORIAN CHANTS 4, Geméntibus Méter accélera, As-they-groan, Mother, hasten, Pietatis osténde viscera : In-mercy show-them thy-heart : Ilos = Jésu_— persia viilnera ‘Them (may) Jesus through His wounds ‘Ut sanére dignétur impetra: O Marfa! To heal be-pleased, ask-this: Mary! 5.Tu véra spes ad te claméntium Thou (art) true hope (when) on thee they-call?: Ad te clémat tirba sodélium, To Thee doth-cry the-throng of-sodalists, Pro frétribus ut plices Filium, For (their) brethren do-thou appease thy-Son, Et caeléste det éis praémium : O Maria! And in-heaven may-He-give them (their) reward : O Maryt 6.Fac lécrimae quas béna réspicis, Grant (that) the-tears which kindly thou-regardest, Quas fiindimus ad pédes Jiidicis, Which we-shed at (the) feet of-the- Judge, Mox exstinguent vim fidmmae vindicis, (May) soon extinguish the-force of-the-flame avenging, Ut jungéntur chéris angélicis : © Marfa! ‘That they-may-Join the-choirs of-angels : O Mary! 7. Et cum fiet stricta disctissio, And when takes-place (the) strict accounting, In treméndo Déi judicio, In (the) awful Divine judgment, Judicénti sipplica Filio, As-He-Iudges supplicate Thy-Son, Ut cum Sfnctis sit nébis pértio ‘That with (the) Saints may-be our portion: Mary! Amen. O Marfa! Amen.

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