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One ordinary morning, when daily mundane things usually start to unravel, I was

suddenly in a nostalgic state. I was in an abrupt pensive disposition as I straddled in my seat and
faced the served breakfast. I was fascinated how other people live their lives with different
mottos and rules to live by. Some some lived a bold and adventurous life. Some are debauched
while some are in a pious and conservative way of living. I took a pathetic notice to others whose
lives are in an incessant economic struggle. I live my life on a day-to-day basis, taking things as
they come and do what I feel is right. I would not change this kind of lifestyle even if it the
change means the world. I take things a step at a time, keeping friends close and enemies to get
closer to avoid a severed human realtions.
By keeping my friends close and my enemies closer, I have learned two things. There is
nothing better than being incredibly nice to someone that doesn't like you because it just makes
them even more mad. I'm not talking about being sarcastically nice, I'm talking about genuinely
nice. It's like it rubs them right in their face and upsets them even more. I also take the motto
another way. I see it like this-I'm going to keep my friends close just because they're my friends
but I'm going to keep my enemies closer because they're the ones that might plot something or
try to start trouble with me so I want to keep them real close.
I never take things for granted. I live by these three mottos along with many others
because it helps me get through the days when I am mad at someone, I am upset about
something, or I'm just ready to give up. The motto "take things day by day, one step at a time" is
a great motto that I adopted back when I used to plan things out way ahead of time and when I
would just wishfully think about things. I decided that by taking things day by day, a step at a
time, I would make decisions that are more realistic and I would not get my hope up for things
that never ended up happening. I used to plan things out way ahead of time, get all excited, and
when the time came, whatever was supposed to happen never happened.
It true that we all seek happiness, simple as that, we humans desperately strive to be
something, to prosper, to be revered and if nothing else to be noticed as illustrated in the
hierarchy of needs. To what point is this? The pursuit of happiness for me is that it is not about
the fame, the fortune, the money or the aggregate of riches we posses, for those things will
eventually disappear.
My life is centered around three things; three things that greatly govern my life, and the way
I go about living it: be who you are, not who everyone else wants you to be, work hard to
achieve your goals, and never take your friends for granted, for true friends will be with you for
life. It is better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not. In todays
society I see more and more people desperately trying to conform the standards of others. We are
simply too afraid to distinguish ourselves from the crowd; to be anything but normal. Through
one of the most challenging times in my life, I came to the realization that by being myself
everything else became so much easier. I was not living a hypocritical life , nor did I have to
keep up with the numerous falsehoods I had told about myself. I learned not to care about what

others think of me, for God is the judge and not man. I think that being who we are now is not by
accident but by choice o a divine purpose. Learning how to love ourselves is an important aspect
in life, but is also one of the hardesrt most challenging tasks. Learn to love yourself for the
The common saying: The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary is
something I have imbibed since childhood.

Now that I have chosen and became a health provider-a nurse, I have a social responsibility
to the public especially to my patients to provide safe, holistic, patient-centered care. Using
clinical judgment, I was able to meet the needs of the patient. As an advocate for quality
healthcare, I model positive healthy behaviors in our own lives in the belief that we will provide
better care to others if we care for ourselves first. Nurses have a commitment to sharpen their
knowledge and skills and seek self-enhancement through perpetual learning. By doing this, we
will not remain stagnant in our beliefs, but evolve professionally through evidence-based
practice and technological advances. My vision for myself as a nurse is that I will always
continue learning, not only from textbooks and journals but also from interactions with other
members of the healthcare team and by being involved in the experiences of the patients and
their families. I learn each day, and apply what Ive learned to improve my skills as a nurse.

How I value and care for friends is what I apply to my patients. With this, I reap a sense of
value of my chosen profession. It is congruent to my personal core values and beliefs as a
healthcare practitioner. These fragments of personal victories brought me to a point of realization
that should continue my work with confidence that I am a better nurse than the day before, and I
will be a better nurse tomorrow than I was today. qualities that make a good nurse cannot be
turned off at the end of shift, but are part of me as a person, and I carry them with me always I
will also take time to monitor and reflect on my own actions to verify I am staying on track with
what I believe are best nursing practices.
One guy told me that he thought that nursing practice is just a simple hobby. I was almost
outraged upon hearing that remark. The high degree of difficulty and extensive study of nursing
plus the sleepless and long arduous shifts upon practice is no hobby. So much more treated as a
pastime. My most important contribution to nursing right now is my positive outlook on life,
enthusiasm, and the ability to offer hope to patients and their families. The contribution I hope to
make to nursing in the future is being a leader and mentor, and be an inspiration to others to enter
into the nursing profession. This disproved his perception. The profession gave me insight and as
I face the future, I now have a roadmap in achieving my long-term goals in this career. The
pensive mood was then drastically supplanted by a strong sense to take action to move and shake
things and makes them suit my preference. I felt empowered like never before, having an energy

and enthusiasm so immeasurable. Then I hit the sumptuous breakfast and thought that day was
not humdrum anymore.

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