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USES OF REIKI Reiki is effective for the following. A.) Self healing with Level_1 1) Wash your hands and sit erect facing the Sun/ North. Never cross the legs/hands while doing Reiki. 2+) Imagine that you are in an egg of white light and take 3 deep breaths and relax. 3 )Hold your hands 2” apart and call on the masters for assistance ( eg; “ I call upon the God/Goddesses and all there is ; Dr-Usui, Dr.Hayashi and Mrs. Takata and all the universal masters responsible for our evolution and upliftment to come and assist me”) 4) when the energy starts flowing,keep the hands at various body positions for minimum 3 mts or till the flow stops. 5) After completing the treatment, cut the energy flow and wash the hands. B ) Self healing with Level 2 1) Wash your hands and sit erect facing the Sun/ North. Never cross the legs/hands while doing Reiki. 2} Imagine that you are in an egg of white light and take 3 deep breaths and relax 3 ) Draw symbol 3 infront of you and activate it 3 times. Then draw symbols 1 on left parm and activate it 3 times Draw symbol 1 on right parm and activate it 3 times. Similarly draw and activate symbol 2 and | again on both hands. 4)Hold your hands 2” apart and call on the masters for assistance ( eg: “I call upon the ‘God/Goddesses and all there is ; Dr.Usui, Dr.Hayashi and Mrs, Takata and all the universal masters responsible for our evolution and upliftment to come and assist me”) 5) when the energy starts flowing,keep the hands at various body positions for minimum 3 mts or till the flow stops. 6 ) After completing the treatment, cut the energy flow and wash the hands. C_) Healing others by touching-single 1 Follow steps in B 1,2,3,4 and do Reiki on yourself for a few moments. 2) Self protection; Draw the power symbol down from the top of your head with the spiral near your root chakra so as to clear ,protect and empower you. You can also drawa smaller power symbol on each chakra starting with root chakra and going up. 3 )Make the powder symbot in the middle of the room and visualize it on the four walls starting from east .norh, west,south,cciling and floor and also burn an incensed stick to clear the room of negative energies and fill the room with light. 4) Spend a few minutes talking with your client to gain rapport and to establish the intent of the session. Explain the process and the hand posions and answer the questions if any the client may have. 5) To improve the effectiveness of the Reiki treatment,consider using the Reiki Masters tape during the healing. 6) Make sure that both the client and yourself are comfortable during the healing If you sit in an uncomfortable positions,it will slow down the flow of Reiki Especially ensure that your parms and arms are relaxed. 7) Before starting the healing .ask the client to remove belt,watch ,ring leather material etc and to close his/her eyes and mentally thank Reiki and prepare to accept the healing energies that would be coming, You can also ask the client to focus on and accept any pleasant feeling that could develop and to let go any fecling of distress. Also donot talk while giving Reiki as this will reduce the effectiveness of the healing. 8 While giving Reiki,keep your fingers together as this will concentrate the energy and create a stronger flow. If other thoughts come in your mind gently brush them aside and bring your attention back to Reiki 9) Call on the Masters for assistance (eg ; “ I call upon the God/Goddesses and all there is ; Dr.Usui, Dr.Hayashi and Mrs, Takata and all the universal masters responsible for our evolution and upliftment to come and assist me with this healing of —-——{person’s name and details) and | thank highestself of this person for allowing me to do this”) 10.) Draw the power symbol on each of your palms and draw all 3 symbols over the client's heart, or over the crown chakra imaging them going through the crown and into the heart . 11) Scan and treat the areas in the aura that need it .If you feel lot of energy flowing then stay there . This will create unity in the person’s energyfield allowing Reiki to flow through srongly during the session. 12) Begin the standard healing .Remember to draw or visualize the power symbol over areas that need special attention as well as inside the body within the organs or areas that need healing. 13) End the healing by sealing the client's energy field. To dothis,draw the power symbol on the cilient’s solar plexes,covering it briefly with your hand and saying to yourself “I completely seal this Reiki healing with devine love and wisdom”. Brushing down the aura from the head to the feet also helps to complete the healing. 14) Offer client a glass of water for washing away toxins. 15) After the client has left,wash your hands and sit quiety doing Reiki on yourself. Visualise the power symbol on all the walls and in the center of the room to clear and protect the room. D ) Group healing by touching Procedure is same as single healing by touching.Group treatments are a woundereful way to share the Reiki energy among friends. Group treatments are usually shorter than formal ono-on-one treatments as the fullbody is covered by several people. The experience of having 10 ~12 hands on your body is quite enjoyable. The energy is also amplified as a result of so many channels tending to you at once. In this method, the person at the head of the table is the “leader”. Each time the person at the head changes hand position, each of the others also change position.All changes in hand positions are co-ordinated with the person at the head of the table.A sort of “ musical chairs” takes place cach time the person on the head. is completed. The person on the head then takes a tum around and the others all move to the next position in a counterclockwise movement.Each person then has the opportunity to experience working on the different areas of the body aswell as experiencing an assortment of different body types. When changing the positions,donot move both hands together.Always keep one hand on the present position while moving the other to the next, Once the second hand is on the next position, bring the first hand along to joint it. E ) Distant healing single You can send Reiki to people across the room across town or even in other parts of the country or the world with powerful results. 1) Wash your hands and sit erect facing the Sun/ North. Never cross the legs/hands while doing Reiki. 2) Imagine that you are in an egg of white light and take 3 deep breaths and relax 3) Draw symbol 3 infront of you and activate it 3 times. Then draw symbols 1 on left parm and activate it 3 timés Draw symbol | on right parm and activate it 3 times. Similarly draw and activate symbol 2 and 1 again on both hands . 4)Hold your hands 2” apart and call on the masters for assistance ( eg; “I call upon the God/Goddesses and all there is ; Dr.Usui, Dr. Hayashi and Mrs, Takata and all the universal masters responsible for our evolution and upliftment to come and assist me”) and do Reiki on yourself for a few moments. 5 ) Self protection; Draw the power symbol down from the top of your head with the spiral near your root chakra so as to clear ,protect and empower you. You can also draw a smaller power symbol on cach chakra starting with root chakra and going up. 6 )Make the powder symbol in the middle of the room and visualize it on the four walls starting from east ,norh,west,south,ceiling and floor and also burn an incensed stick to clear the room of negative energies and fill the room with light. 7) Hold your palms 2” apart and visulise the person 8) Draw'symbols 1,2,3,1 on him and activate it 3 times with your right hand holding your left hand without moving. 9) Hold both your hands 2” apart and visualize you connect him with your 3” eye to his 3™ eye from your heart chakra to his heart chakra. 10) Mentally chant the 1,2,3,1 mantras in your mind once and do the healing for 20 mts holding your hands like that. 11) End the healing by sealing the client’s energy field.To dothis,draw the power symbol on the person and saying to yourself “I completely seal this Reiki healing with devine love and wisdom”. 42) sit quiety doing Reiki on yourself Visualise the power symbol on all the walls and in the center of the room to clear and protect the room. Alternative method We can do distant healing with photo/paper also A} With photo In the above procedure instead of steps 7 ~11 , Draw symbols 1,2,3,1 on the back of the photo with a pen and activate it Draw 1,2,3,1 on the photo with your hands and again activate it. Hold it in between your palm and do the healing or place the photo infront of you and beam the energy on it. B ) with paper In the above procedure instead of steps 7~11 , Write the name ,address and details of the healee on a paper Draw 1,2,3,1 om the back with a pen and activate it Draw 1,2,3,1 ‘infront of the paper with hands and again activate it 3 times .Hold it in your palms and do the healing. F) Group distant healing In the above procedure instead of steps 7~11 , just sit in a circle and place the name or picture of the person in the middle. Have everyone draw the distant symbol and say its. name 3 times then beam Reiki to the picture or name in the centre. G) Treatment at aura level A complete treatment can be given with the hands 1 ~4 “ from the body. In this case Reiki first treats the aura before entering the physical body. [!Iness exists first in the aura before manifesting in the physical body. Treating through the aura will help prevent iliness before it develops. Many people find this method to be more effective . while others prefer physical contact. You can use one or the other ot you can mix the two. This method can be adopted in case of contagious diseases.

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