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The Legacy of Silent Spring:

Rachel Carson and the Rise of the

Modern Environmental Movement

Mia Keller
Senior Division
Individual Website

Ive always been interested in environmental science- there is

something about being able to understand the world we live in that has
always intrigued me. In my Environmental Systems and Societies class,
I remember my teacher telling us about Rachel Carson, a brave, strong
woman and environmentalist who defied societys preset limitations by
writing her book Silent Spring- even while under harsh scrutiny from
chemical companies and political leaders alike. After doing internet
research, I discovered her leadership in banning DDT and her courage
standing up to the organizations that discredited her. As a young writer
and aspiring environmentalist, I immediately wanted to learn more.
Before my class I had never heard of her, and her inspiring fight made
me want to continue my research.
I first conducted my research at the library. Though Carson was
unknown to me, there were dozens of published resources available. I
then turned to the internet, where I used articles, online exhibitions
and interview transcripts to supplement my research. Finally, I used
the original text of Silent Spring itself. This was a key primary source- it
helped me see the problem through Rachel Carsons own eyes. One
source led to another, and eventually I had a large collection of
primary and secondary sources to use in my project, including
photographs, quotations, articles, videos and songs. I also conducted
interviews, creating balanced research by gathering perspectives from
environmentalists, civilians and employees of the chemical industry.

I selected my category because of what I believe history to be- it

is multimedia, not just a quote or a book. History is visual and alive,
and I needed a platform in which to convey this. By doing a website, I
could have it all. After making this decision, I used Weebly to combine
everything I found. I inserted photographs, videos, music, and the
quotes I had compiled into one place. I also included links between
pages and photo galleries to make the website as interactive as
possible. In order to make certain pieces of text stand out, I bolded
them and changed the color to match my theme- a dark green to
represent the forests and other ecosystems that Rachel Carson worked
so hard to protect.
My project relates to this years theme, Leadership and Legacy,
for a few key reasons. First, Rachel Carsons book Silent Spring
pioneered the concept that environmental problems could be caused
by synthetic pesticides such as DDT, making her a leader in her field
and in the growing environmental movement. Though chemical
companies tried to ban the book, she persevered, leading President
John F. Kennedy to investigate the chemical, which eventually led to a
nationwide ban. Her work and incredible leadership inspired a
grassroots environmental movement that eventually created the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, the Clean Air Act and other reforms,
allowing her legacy to live on. Her courage and persistence truly make

her a dauntless hero, a leader and a woman whose amazing story

deserves to be heard.

Word Count: 496

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