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Once Upon A

There were four
sisters who are
very close to one
another. They are
Hestia, Demeter,

Hera and

One day, while Hestia is washing the dishes and

the three girls are cleaning the house, an old
woman knocked on their door with a basket full
of Love Apple and whos very thirsty.
Hera let the old woman to enter their house.
Before the old woman leave, she offered the
Love Apples for the four sisters and the old
woman said that when they eat the Love Apples
they will live in a beautiful palace with night
shinning armor and the old woman just

Demeter, Hera and Aphrodite

want to eat the Love Apple but
Hestia stopped them. But Hera
did not listen to Hestia. She ate
the Love Apple and she suddenly

Hestia throw the Love Apples far away.

Aphrodite remembered that their
Mother, Gaea before she died she said
that If someone will offer you a Love
Apple, do not eat it because if you eat
it you will go to underground never

come back but this four stones will

help you to come back in the real
Aphrodite found the stones in a small box
and the three ladies swallowed it. They
already have powers. Fire for Hestia, Air
for Demeter and Water for Aphrodite. By
using their powers they went to
underground to get Hera.

They saw Hera tide on top of the a

fire wherein the Old Woman who is
the queen of underground is sitting
in her thrown watching Hera. When
the old woman saw the three
ladies, she grabbed her sword to
trapped them but the three ladies
used their powers to beat the Old
The Old Womans evil guards went out

They saw Hera tide on top of the a

fire wherein the Old Woman who is
the queen of underground is sitting
in her thrown watching Hera. When
the old woman saw the three
ladies, she grabbed her sword to

trapped them but the three ladies

used their powers to beat the Old
The Old Womans evil guards went out
to beat the three ladies, the ladies are
losing their powers already but
Demeter throw the last stone to Hera
and shouted Swallow it. Hera
swallowed the stone and turned into a
Greek Lady and she is now the Lady of
The Sky.

Hera helped her three sisters

and they combined their powers
to beat the Old Woman and her
Evil Guards. The four sisters,

won and they burned the bodies

of the Immortals.

They went back to REAL

WORLD and they placed the

four stones on top of their

Mothers grave.

They Live
Ever After.

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