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Ancient goddess referenced in texts dating back to the Old


She was a member of the Enneadof Heliopolis

as the daughter ofGebandNutand the sister

ofOsiris, IsisandHorusand the sister and
wife ofSet.

To the Ancient Egyptians she was Nebthwt

(Nebhhwt or Nebthet) meaning "the Mistress

of the House"

Nephthys was usually depicted as a woman

with the hieroglyphs of her name (a basket on

top of the glyph representing the plan of an
estate) on her head.

She could be depicted as a mourning woman,

and her hair was compared to the strips of

cloth used in mummification. She also
occasionally appears as a hawk, a kite or a
winged goddess in her role as a protector of
the death and mummification.

Nephthys is regarded as the mother of the

funerary-deityAnubis(Inpu) in some
myths.Alternatively Anubis appears as the
son ofBastet orIsis.
Nephthys also was considered to be the nurse
of the reigningPharaohhimself.

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