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Deductive and Inductive


Inductive Argument
Collection of the premises that reveals only a

probable conclusion.
If all the premises are true, still there is
probability that conclusion may be false.
John is a
financier. Individuals with this profession are
very serious people. So John is a very serious

Deductive Argument
Line of reasoning which is comprised of the

true premises provide a guarantee of the truth

of the conclusion.
Premises produce an inescapable conclusion.
The East
regions of Azerbaijan are bounded by the
Caspian Sea. Baku is located in the East of
Azerbaijan. Therefore Baku is on the coast of
the Caspian Sea.

My father has curly hair. My brother has curly

hair, too. Therefore everyone I am related with

has curly hair.
All human beings are mortal. John is human.
So John is mortal.
Azerbaijan is on the north of the equator.
Guba is city in Azerbaijan. Thus Guba is on the
north of the equator.
Last February, it snowed in Baku. It snowed in
Baku in two Februaries ago. Therefore it will
snow in Baku in this February.
If cheating is the violation of The Honor Code,
then John and Jack should be expelled from
ADA University. Cheating is the violation of
The Honor Code. So John and Jack should be

Argument mapping

Reason 1
Co premise
Co premise

Reason 2


Co premise
Co premise


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