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Surabaya, September 23rd 2014

HRD Manager of
PT. Pertamina (Persero)
Recommendation Letter for Applicants of Bimbingan Profesi Sarjana (BPS-S1) 2014 Batch II
I am writing this recommendation letter to strongly recommend my student, Ludfi Pratiwi
Bowo for your program. She is a fresh graduated student of Marine Mechanical Engineering
Department, Faculty of Marine Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya.
As the Professor of Marine Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety Laboratory
Department of Marine Mechanical Engineering, I know her well through her activities both
academic and non-academic during her membership in my laboratory. I am pleased to have
the opportunity to do so in this letter.
In Department of Marine Mechanical Engineering, she had learnt about mechanical
engineering for general and especially for marine mechanical engineering. During her
academic activities, she had learnt about Engineering Statistic, LNG Technology, Reliability
and Maintenance Management, Pipeline Engineering, Research Operation, Marine
Enterprise and many more. Based on curriculum on Department of Marine Mechanical
Engineering, I dont hesitate about our fresh graduate student to compete in this application.
I know well about her final project, her final project is about supplier selection and distribution
scheduling of CNG using mathematical modelling. Her final project is a new knowledge for
her to be learnt, and she was doing it for an excellent result. She is a passionate woman and
curious about learning something new. She has a very satisfactory GPA for bachelor degree,
3.47 in the scale of 4.00.
During her activities in academic, she is good in organization. She had been a Head of
Student Resources Development Department at Student Executive of Faculty of Marine
Technology. She is good managing her time between college and organization. The way to
get that, she made herself to struggle on it.
Again, I deeply hope that you could qualify her to engage with this program. I recommend
Ludfi Pratiwi Bowo to you with highest regard. She proved to me that she possesses the
quality necessary to be successful in your program.


Prof. Ketut Buda Artana, S.T., M.Sc.

Professor of Reliability, Department of Marine Mechanical Engineering

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