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10 Steps for giving a

Tantric Yoni Massage

A Tantric Yoni Massage (pronounced Yo-nee) is a very sacred practice. Translated from Sanskrit it means the
massage of the sacred temple. Why sacred? Because the tantrics looked upon the vagina as a holy symbol, the
entrance to the Universe.

You can also look at it as a holistic vaginal massage. It helps to release sexual traumas, frigidity and increases
sexual pleasure. Orgasmic potential gives a woman in control of it the opportunity to connect with her inner
essence, her feminine being! It works on the physical, emotional and mental levels and can transform a womens
view of herself, as well as her sexual being.
In order to help you give a successful and healing Yoni Massage, a few things need to be made clear in
advance. Its not just about giving a massage but also concerns the intentions of the giver and receiver and the
attitude they bring to it. Because Yoni Massage works on deeper levels, affecting more than just the body, a clear
idea of your intentions will bring great results.
Both partners who are involved with the Yoni Massage need to cultivate love and openness to invite whatever
manifests itself. Ideally you are both in a state of detachment so that you are grateful for whatever arises. Try to
look upon each other as divine beings - this makes the practice even more sacred. Offer the fruits of this practice
to the Universe and ask it for healing support.

1. Attitude of the Giver

Presence is one of the most important attitudes the giver needs to cultivate. When you are present, the woman
will most likely open up more easily. She will feel worshipped and will be able to express whatever needs to be
expressed without any reservations. When you give a Yoni Massage its also important to be caring and
empathic, and ask occasionally how she is feeling. Communication during a Yoni Massage is essential in order to
understand whats working for her and whats not. Watch her body language and signs. Is she expressing tension
in her eyes, face and neck or does she open up and enjoy what you are doing? Whatever you do, do it with a
selfless attitude. You are worshipping the divine feminine and ideally you want nothing in return. Your presence
will help you to know how far you can push her, what her limits are and how much she can take. Yoni Massages
can be very healing but also very painful in the beginning, not just physically but especially emotionally. There
might be old traumas surfacing so hold her in your arms.

2. Attitude of the Receiver

The most important attitudes when receiving a Yoni
Massage are trust and surrender. When you trust your
partner you will open up more easily and let go of fear
and tension when you can let go of your tension,
magic happens. Surrender is a very feminine aspect,
and often misunderstood. It doesnt mean being
passive and powerless, but rather the opposite, being
active and powerful but with trust, love and softness.
Have the courage to let go of old patterns and tension.
Its time to transform yourself, baby, and to get out what
needs to get out. Be clear about your intention but try
to stay detached from it at the same time. New feelings
and sensations will appear, so let your partner know
whats going on, so that he knows whats good for you.
Self-awareness will help you to transform every trauma
which arises. The light of awareness brings healing into
the dark corners of your being.

3. Preparation
Create a romantic and sensual environment. Work with colors, lots of cushions,
aroma oils and music to stimulate the senses. Imagine you are in an ancient
Indian temple where golden, red silk brocade covers the space, an intoxicating
feeling of love and pleasure and the soft smell of lotus and sandalwood is in the
air. Prepare oils for the body. No essential oils near the intimate areas. Always
use pure, organic oils, preferably virgin coconut, almond, sesame or olive oil.
Some people might suffer irritation from oils in the vaginal area. In such a case
rely on natural lubrication. Remember to bring enough towels and sheets; in
some orgasmic states women lose literally liters of liquid during a G-spot orgasm
(also called squirting). To comfort the woman bring plenty of towels, to avoid
embarrassment and shame. Ask the receiver to wear a sarong when starting
the massage.

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4. Invitation Ritual
Starting the Yoni Massage with a meditation is
one of the tantric essentials. Inviting healing
energies, and detaching yourself from the fruits of
the action, helps you to be selfless and, at the
same time, open for whatever comes. It
decreases expectations and simply frees ones
mind from fear. Sit facing each other, legs
crossed, and hold hands. You can use heart
centering music and image your hearts melting
into one another. Once you feel you are calming
down you can consciously offer the fruit of the
Yoni Massage to the Universe.

5. Breath
Breath is life energy. Continue holding hands and look into each other eyes, thank the other one for their time,
presence and openness, and start breathing together, in and out. This will connect both partners strongly at the
level of the heart, and is a great preparation for the next steps. There are many tantric breathing techniques one
can perform also during the Yoni Massage to release tension. You can look into it more once you are a bit more
advanced. One of the basic principles is becoming aware of the breath and looking at it as food, which is
nourishing, healing and sustaining us. Breath is an energy which helps to transform orgasm into higher state of
consciousness and release tension.

6. Awakening of the Senses

Once you feel attuned with your
partners heart you can finally start. The
receiver lies down on a soft mattress
covered with the sarong she was
wearing before, closes her eyes and
surrenders to the situation. As the giver,
know that your arms are the extension
of your heart; stay connected with your
heart and breath and try to check now
and then to keep in touch with the
receivers heart and breath. Start
slowly, awakening the senses through
the sarong. After some time you can
slide the sarong over her body down to
her feet. That gives a magical,
heavenly sensation and is a smooth
slide into nudity. The skin is our biggest

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sensory organ and wants to be touched, massaged, caressed etc Use feathers, fur, silk, your fingertips, your
handballs and your nails to produce different sensations. Play with intensity, sometimes softer but also sometimes
stronger. You can also use aroma therapy to stimulate the olfactory organs. Whatever you think fits into the
situation. Even some raw chocolate bliss balls might be a nice stimulator for the beginning.

7. Abundance of Oil and Massage

Once the senses are awakened you can start with some more tension
releasing massage. In this case you can incorporate Shiatsu, Thai
massage, etc. whatever you know works best for relaxation. If you dont
know any massage styles simply be intuitive and work around the neck,
legs and feet, arms and back. Oil is essential here and you dont want to
skimp on it. A breast massage after you have worked through most of the
body areas will open up more pleasure and relaxation. You can work with
your thumb around the breast moving towards the nipples, massaging
any knots out. You can make a never-ending movement around both breasts with one hand. Or you can
squeeze the breast towards the nipple with both hands. Just be creative and watch out for the receivers

8. Yoni Massage
Heart-Yoni Connection

The breast massage is a great knock-knock on the temple gate, because the vagina is strongly connected with
the breasts. Once you feel the receiver is ready, work your
way down the belly around the hips and inner thighs. Many
women are very stiff around the pubic bone. So try to soften
her up until its literally a jelly belly. Before you touch her
vagina, ask if you are allowed to. Then make a cap-form with
your left hand and let it close the entrance of the vagina. You
can push slightly to increase the pressure. Place your right
hand on the receivers heart. Imagine you are bringing the
Heart and the Yoni together. Always remember that your arms
and hands are the extension of your heart; let them act in the
name of your heart.

Massaging the outer doors

Apply tons of oil or lubricant. Begin massaging the outer lips of

the vulva (Labia majora). Pressing them with thumb and fingers
together, this technique is called vaginal shiatsu. You can play
piano on each side of the outer lips moving them towards the
outside. Make circular movements, taping movements, or rain
with the tips of your fingers. Then you can move towards the
inside of the vagina. Massaging the inner lips (Labia minora)
with two fingers. The clitoris always wants lots of attention - its
the spot through which most women orgasm. With thousands
of nerves it is a highly sensitive center. You can play with it like
a little penis jelking it up and down and tingling the tip of the


Different type of orgasms

Attention: The clitoral orgasm is one of the most superficial and short orgasms a women can experience. There is
way more potential in a womans orgasmic power then we think.
Most women totally ignore other pleasure zones, like for example the G-spot. A magical spongy area at the inner
vaginal entrance on top. It can produce deeper and longer-lasting orgasms with more depth and multiple
potential. Another very powerful pleasure zone is the cervix. Its truly a divine bliss spot. At the entrance of the
uterus, very deep inside the vagina.


Slide into the temple

Once you feel that the receiver is pleasured and wet ask if you are allowed to enter her holy temple. Use the
middle finger and enter very slowly, asking her to firstly squeeze her vaginal muscles and then relax them. During
the relaxation phase the finger slides in naturally. Repeat the process a few times until the finger is fully inside. Stay
there without moving for a few minutes. Simplicity is sometimes truly magical. Feel into her from your heart.

Exploring the walls

Then you can slide your finger clockwise from the entrance towards the inside, exploring the walls of her vagina
temple. Be intuitive and try to find certain spots which seem tense or even reveal physical knots. Massage them
all out. There are many numb spots in a womens vagina where she simply cannot feel the area. Its a sign of
emotional tension too. Help her to create awareness and discover together whats behind this numbness. This
vaginal releasing massage can take at least 20 30 minutes and might be a very emotional journey for the
receiver. Every time there is pain, use the breath to release. Breathe together and make sure the jelly belly around
her pubic pone is there.


Once all emotional tensions are massaged out and

worked through, lets start with some juicy stuff. Take
the index finger and the middle finger, insert them
into the vagina with your palm upwards and
perform an alluring movement with your fingers. Try
to feel the spongy area at the entrance upper wall
of the vagina. You can persuade it to become
bigger and eventually you can make an up and
downward movement with your hand, using your
whole arm. Press with your free hand on the pubic
bone to induce the jelly belly around the pubic
bone. The G-spot gets strongly pressed upon. This up
and down sensation might eventually produce the
ejaculation of liquids. Some women also need a certain arousal deeper inside around the cervix to squirt. And
dont worry, its not urine. Squirting is an amazing blessing, - the tantrics believed it is the physical manifestation of
sexual energy. Even today the question of where the liquid comes from is still under discussion; some researchers
claim there is a female prostrate known as the Skenes gland. However squirting brings an amazing pleasure to
the massaged person. Some women experience orgasms, others feel an amazing energy rush.

9. Pleasure Climax
Sometimes the squirting will be the end of the Yoni Massage because its quite a peak and it is common for some
women to experience a slight burning sensation inside their vagina after squirting. But if the receiver is still aroused
and wants more, you can take it even further, by stimulating the cervix - the entrance of the uterus. When the
cervix gets massaged strongly you can awaken the most powerful mind-blowing multiple orgasms. Massage with
your index or ring finger around the A-spot (the spot just before the entrance of the uterus/ anterior fornix and
posterior fornix). You can massage around it, press on it and slightly tingle it. Sometime its not easy to reach the
cervix with the fingers, because some women have very deep yonis. In such a case simply use a non-vibrating
dildo for stimulation. You can play with the cervix and jump in between G-spot and cervix. When massaging the
deeper spots you might want to come back to the clitoris as well to transform the easily-aroused energy into
deeper energies. The cervix can be very painful, so when arousing the clitoris at the same time the receivers
brain might transform the pain into pleasure. There is lots to discover and no limits to how far both of you can go.



Once you have finished the massage, do the capping method again. Left hand capping the vagina, right hand
sits on the heart. Bring all energies mentally upwards, to make sure there is no stagnation. Let the receiver rest for
some time, while you sit next to her and meditate on your heart center. Stillness is what you need after such an
emotional orgasmic storm. Enjoy the peace and tranquility.

About the Author

My name is Mariah Freya. I am a 26 year old woman on the path to discovery of the deeper meaning and
essence of my true femininity. On this path I seek to find healing answers to all those questions concerning
femininity, relationships and juicy sex.

Source of Pictures
FIG 1: Ph Thinh Co, Flickr.
FIG 2: Julien Haler, Flickr.
FIG 3 Gray, Wikimedia Commons.
FIG 4 Gray, Wikimedia Commons.

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