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Universidad de la Sabana

Mara Camila Gonzlez Gmez


The Dilemma of Aliesha State College:

Competence VS. Needs
1. Analyze the situation using the Contingency
Decision Making Framework
Management Science: the base of this model is basically a
logical way of solving problems and it takes into account
quantitative and qualitative data to choose an alternative. This
said, applying it to our case analysis, it is a tool for the college
to deal with reducing the costs and cutting of one of the
Carnegie Model: this model encourages the leaders to look
for optimal solutions instead of immediate one. The Aliesha
College applies it when they notice that the budget was too
high, so they focus on those problems and look for alternatives
as possible joint discussions and collective opinion in order to
cut off one of the candidates.
Incremental decision model: This model focuses on the
problem as a whole, due to the uncertainty they have about the
problem solution.
Garbage Can: when the organization is characterized by high
uncertainty regarding both problems and solutions, the garbage
can model will appear. Possible solutions will anticipate
problems as problems anticipate solutions. And applying it to
our case, the board could encourage widespread discussion of
problems and idea proposals to make a faster decision making.

2. Based on your analysis, which decision making

approach or any combination of them would you
use to solve the problem?
I consider there should be a combination between the Carnegie
and Incremental Model. The Incremental model suits for the
identification of the problem where possible political and social
processes are needed as well as seeking agreements building
coalitions in order to make the decision. On the other hand, the
Carnegie Model involves mostly the final decision made by the
leaders based on coalition between them. This model helps solving
the problem in small changes instead of solving it as a whole.
Here, trial and error could eventually solve it.

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