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Julio Cervantes

Tiger Pride
Spring 2015
Evaluation Team
Tiger Pride Reflection Week 1

Richard Bergstrom

Session Date:

February 12,2015

Grade Level:

4th grade

Number of students:



Co-operative learning




2 hula-hoops
10 flat cones
2 pointed cones
2 tennis balls
4 handballs
2 nerf footballs
1 penny/student

Systematic Observation 1: Teacher Movement

While observing Mr. Bergstrom in his teacher movement of 1
minute intervals, I noticed that during the beginning of every lesson he
typically stand well centered. At this point, for the most part, the

students seem to be able to see and hear him. Although he can be well
centered, there are times where the students are not able to hear him
or see him ass well, and because of this the students will lose focus.
When Mr. Bergstrom moved on to his core of the lesson, I noticed that
his movement increased significantly, one was because he had to keep
managing the students to behave or do the skill and the other was
because he kept giving positive feedback to his students and to
observe them doing the activity well. Overall, It was a good way to
start off the week and I know that next time Mr. Bergstrom teaches his
movement will increase.
Systematic Observation 2: Sofit
During Mr. Bergstroms lesson I had to be aware of the amount of
physical activity the students were getting. This observation consisted
of 6 students with 10-second intervals for about 29 minutes. If the
student was physically active for more than 5 seconds than I would
mark off a yes, and if they didnt then I would mark off a no. From
what I observed during MR. Bergstroms lesson, I noticed that the
students who were more active at that time were the girls. Most of the
boys were fooling around trying to be cool. After a while Mr.
Bergstrom was able to get most of the students to be physically active,
but the negative was that it wasnt for as long as he wanted. Out of
about 29 minutes the students only received a little over 8 and a half
minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA). In the future

I know that Mr. Bergstrom will have his students be more active
because the first week is always tough.

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