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Population Pyramids

2. A) You can tell from the Zambia population pyramid that it is a developing
country since it has a very high percentage of children, especially children between
the ages of 0-4, which is about 1.25 million on the graph. As the ages go up, there
are less and less people, making a kind of cone shape. This shows that there is a
higher rate of death as age increases due to factors such as poor health care. With
the Japan population pyramid, the numbers of people are very different. There is a
much lower number of children, especially children between the ages of 0-4. As you
go higher in the age groups, the numbers seem to increase toward the middle of the
graph where the more middle aged groups of people are. This shows that Japan is a
more developed country, with things such as better health care. This also explains
why there arent as many children. Since more people are living longer, there is less
of a need for high numbers of children since its more likely that most if not all the
children will survive. The age groups of 45-59 seem to be in less numbers than they
should, which can indicate that during those generations there was either a war or
some epidemic that lowered the numbers of people during that time period. The
graph also shows a much higher number of females than males in the population.
This can indicate that the men are the only ones working or going to war or put in
more dangerous situations than the females, making them die more frequently than
the females. It can also indicate more of a preference for females in that country
than males.
2. C)

China is becoming a more developed country because as you get toward the
more middle aged people, they seem to be in larger numbers and they seem
to be living longer than they used to. They are also having less children and
have a much smaller ratio of children compared to adults, most likely
because of their one child policy.

In the year 2050, there is a much larger population of older people and a lot
more people are living to a much older age compared to the year 2015. The
amount of children people are having has started to level out and is much
smaller in size than the older generations. This can become a problem for the
older generations due to the one child policy since their children will have to
help take care of them as they get older and since they most likely only have
one child, it can be much more difficult for the children to take care of them
so the older generations may not be able to retire as early as they otherwise
would have if they had more children or they wont have as good of support
and care from their only child as they otherwise would if they would have had
more children.

India now seems to be a developing country because there is a high number

of children with a lower number of older people, but it looks like its starting
to change into a more developed country since it seems like people are still
living longer even though theres such a high number of children.

India in 2050 is definitely showing signs of being or close to being considered

a developed country because many of the people are living longer and even
though the amount of children being born is still very high, it seems to be
starting to slowly decrease in number. This may indicate that the population
in India is reaching a point where it needs to level out and stop growing to
such high population numbers.

The United States right now is clearly a developed country with more people
living longer and not an extremely high birth rate compared to countries like
India. The populations for the ages seem to be leveling out more and
becoming more equal in size most likely because of things like better health
care and family planning

The population in 2050 is living to even older ages and there are a high
number of people between the ages of 20-65. The amount of children born is
starting to decrease which may indicate the population starting to level out
and stop increasing in size, just like India seemed to be slowly beginning to
do in order to support the population.

The population now is more of a developed country since more people are
living longer and the amount of children being born is decreasing since
theres less of a need for a large amount of children in a family. It is a lot like
America in the level of development, but it has a lot less births than the U.S.

The population is still living for longer periods of time and the population for
each age group is becoming more level to each other. There seems to be
more women than men, possibly because the men are put into more
dangerous situations, making them die more frequently or possibly more men
work and more women stay at home so that the men dont live as long and
have more medical problems from stress and other factors caused by their

South Africa is clearly a developing country since there is a high number of

children being born and a very low number of people surviving past the age
of 40. This can be caused by poor living conditions, less access to good
health care, more diseases that are killing people in that area such as Ebola,
and less family planning than more developed countries like the U.S. and

In the year 2050, South Africa is moving toward more of a developed country like
the U.S. and Germany because more people are starting to live longer and the birth
rates are, although still high compared to most developed countries, are slowly
starting to decrease. There is also a much higher population of males than females
in the population around 74 years and younger. This could be because the country
may value males more than females and possibly also because more females have
either died in possibly child birth or possibly the females havent had as much
access to education and have had to stay at home and take care of their own
families and homes which could possibly have made more of them die.
3. There is an extremely high amount of births in India compared to most other
countries. Even though India is starting to gear toward a more developed country, it
hasnt seemed to slow down the amount of births taking place in the country. This
can be due to the fact that the status of child bearing women isnt very high in India
and that they must keep having children as long as their husbands and her
husbands family says, regardless of her own say in the matter. The fact that the

husband and his family tend to force the women to have a large amount of children
is because they are thinking of their futures as they get to retirement age and that
their sons will have to help take care of them during retirement age, and the more
sons they have, the better off they will be, while the daughters they have dont
matter as much since they wont be a part of their family really anymore once they
are married. The daughters will be the responsibility of their husbands and the
husbands family. Also if a family lives more in poverty, they will want that many
more children because since they are poor, their children will be more likely to die
since they cant afford health care and as the parents get older they want to be able
to have security with their sons hopefully doing better than they did and thus being
able to take care of them in old age. What needs to be done for the future of India in
order for the population to be able to be supported with all these people is they
need to have better access to health care, have better job security with more pay so
that they wont have to depend so much on their children as well as have more
family planning. This will hopefully help decrease the amount of children born in
each family and will decrease the number to closer to around 2 children instead of
closer to 5 children in each family.
Part 4:
1. 7,226,408,500
2. China: 1,364,072,000
India: 1,296,245,000
United States: 317,731,000
Indonesia: 251,452,000
Brazil: 202,769,000
Pakistan: 193,979,000
Nigeria: 177,542,000
Bangladesh: 158,513,000
Russia: 143,747,000
Japan: 127,060,000
3. Infant Mortality Rate, Adolescent Fertility Rate, Birth Rate, Death Rate, Net
Migration Rate, Rate of Natural Increase, Total Fertility Rate. Labor Force
Participation Rate, Literacy Rate, Primary School Completion Rate.
4. Lesotho has the highest CDR which is at 21. Qatar and the United Arab
Emirates has the lowest CDR at 1.
5. Hong Kong, SAR has the lowest infant mortality rate at 1.6 deaths per 1,000
live births. Central African Republic has the highest infant mortality rate at
116 deaths per 1,000 live births.
6. Taiwan, Andorra, and Hong Kong, SAR share the lowest TFR at 1.1 children.
Niger has the highest TFR at 7.6 children.
7. Niger has the youngest population with 50% of the population being under
15. The oldest population is Japan with 26% of its population being at least 65
and older.

8. People in Hong Kong, SAR, and San Marino are expected to live the longest at
an average of 84 years for both sexes. People in Lesotho have the lowest life
expectancy, expected to live to about 44 years old on average for both sexes.
9. In Africa, the country of Gabon has the highest amount of people living in
urban areas at 86% of the population. In Asia, the countries of Israel and
Japan have the highest amount of people living in urban areas at 91% of the
population. In Latin America, Uruguay has the highest amount of people living
in urban areas at 94% of the population. In Oceania, Australia has the highest
amount of people living in urban areas at 89% of the population.
10.Qatar is the wealthiest at $123,860 GNI PPP Per Capita (US $). Macao, SAR is
the second wealthiest at $112,180 GNI PPP Per Capita (US $).
11.The region of Africa is growing the fastest at 2.5%. The region of Europe is
growing the least at 0%.
12.Niger is growing the fastest at 3.9%. Serbia and Bulgaria is growing lowest
and is actually not growing at all. The rate of natural increase for those two
countries are at -.5%.
13.2050 Population, Population Projections.
2030 Projections
India: 1,509,976,000
China: 1,400,091,000
United States: 354,419,000
Indonesia: 306,689,000
Nigeria: 261,671,000
Pakistan: 254,729,000
Brazil: 223,127,000
Bangladesh: 185,064,000
Russia: 143,521,000
Mexico: 137,481,000
2050 Projections
India: 1,656,919,000
China: 1,311,782,000
Nigeria: 396,509,000
United States: 395,284,000
Indonesia: 365,323,000
Pakistan: 348,007,000
Brazil: 226,348,000
Bangladesh: 201,948,000
Congo, Dem. Rep. of: 193,644,000
Ethiopia: 165,075,000
Congo and Ethiopia is projected to be added to the top 10 and Russia and
Mexico is projected to drop out of the top 10 by 2050. A major shift from now
to 2050 is that Nigeria goes from 7th on the list to 3rd on the list and that in
the top 10 for now, Japan and Russia are taken down and replaced by
Ethiopia and Congo.
15.Asia: 4,350,937,593
Africa: 1,136,446,104

Americas: 971,504,023
Europe: 740,680,870
Oceania: 38,614,796

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